From OS-Tan Collections Wiki

Character Information
Common Names RSX-tan
Other Names RSX-11
Faction CIOST, formerly from the DEC Military
Lineage Bunker-Ramo, DEC
Height 170 cm (5'7")
Hair Color grey
Eye Color blue
First Appearance 2007
Technical Information
System Personified RSX
Developer(s) Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
Debut 1972
Latest release 1999

Technical details

RSX was a family of more than 10 real-time operating systems developed by DEC, created for use on the PDP-11 computer. RSX was noted for being wildly different than other DEC OSs. While it contributed largely to VMS, it's own heritage is vague; most accounts trace its roots to a Bunker-Ramo RW-300 process control system, circa the late 1950s.

Character details

RSX-tan is a representation of all the RSX releases; she is a mature woman, with medium-length grey hair (though she had black hair in her youth), often tied in a ponytail, and blue eyes. She wore a fancier variant of the DEC Military uniform when in service; a white long coat or split-front dress over a shorter dark red dress, and flat shoes. She reluctantly dressed in uniform, and much prefers to wear sandals and long sundresses.

She carries a backsword and is a skilled swordfighter. She also shows skill with alchemy, the control of air being a specialty.

Her attitude is serene yet stoic, nearly emotionless, but with a caring side; She served as a strict, yet devoted teacher to the younger generation of DEC-tans.

She was raised by the older generation of DEC-tans, with Batch 11-tan serving as her mother; yet her real ancestors are said to lie in a ancient, almost unknown group, dating back to the late 1950s. Her ancestor, which she doesn't know of, is RW-300-tan. Her lineage was kept a secret for the sake of DEC patriotism, some didn't like the thought of a star pupil being from a foreign bloodline. She was soon considered a DEC-tan in her own right, she and her daughters are officially part of the DEC lineage.

RSX-tan has two daughters: VMS-tan, with whom she is quite close, and Vaxeln-tan; whose relationship with her is somewhat distant, since by the time Vaxeln-tan was born, the DEC Empire was close to collapse.

See also: