/OSC/ Skypetable RPG - Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd Edition)

Started by Chocofreak13, January 29, 2012, 09:12:31 PM

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Very nice ^_^
Sounds like tomorrow is going to be fun


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.




I'd like to play, but I've sort of been in-and-out all day because house-cleaning and I may have to run out to do a couple of errands soon... -_-


Gary Lebowski, the sexiest gynecologist on earth, is ready to join the party. Hit it, Cockle!


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.




stop helping people. *pinches forehead*


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Quote from: NejinOniwa on June 09, 2012, 05:20:08 PM
Gary Lebowski, the sexiest gynecologist on earth, is ready to join the party.

Y-your character is a g-gynecologist?

It's probably better that I can't play, cause our characters probably would have ended up getting into a detailed discussion of ladyparts. Awwwwwkwaaaaard!


He got downgraded to a nurse. But he's still not as sexy as Cilvarge. :3


*pictures Right Said Fred playing in the background*

@bella: my awkward senses were tingling as soon as i saw that, so i requested the downgrade. he can do more good as a GP anyway.

transcript in the next post~
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(小 光): -game start-

(小 光): The group gathers around Astrid, who is lying in a small pool of blood on the pavement.
Medea approaches Astrid and tries to lift her head in order to see where the blood is coming from. "Don't suppose anyone has a first aid kit?" She asks.
(小 光): A male satyr trots up.
Cockle: Gary runs up to the group, shoving strangers to the side to allow him access to the injured woman. He kneels down on the concrete and presses his hand to her collarbone, feeling for any breaks. His hand comes up bloody, and he wipes it on his coat. Angry, panicked mumbling ensues, and he snatches his phone out of his pocket and runs outside to make a few messages, leaving bloody shoeprints on the doorstep.
(小 光): Astrid stirs slightly.
Gardenia runs over to Astrid's size; concerned over how rough that battle was. "Are you ok?" she asked
"I'm fairly certain she's definitely not, girl," Cilvarge snorts. "When things go CRACK in your head, that's not a good sign - you don't need to be a doctor to know that. The only question is, do we need to get her to the hospital FAST, or do we need to get her there INSTANTLY? Nurse?"
"A hospital would be best," Medea says. "But I'm not sure if she would be happy there. For all we know she could try to attack us again when she wakes up."
Running back in a flurry, Gary huffs "We need to get to the hospital on the West Side. My friends said they can be here in 10 minutes tops, but I'm not sure we can make it. Does anyone have a vehicle?" He shouts at the group. Winded, he comes to a stop next to Astrid and kneels down to cup his hand around the back of her head, stopping the blood spurting out. He pulls a wetwipe out of his front left pocket and dabs the blood off the wound, applying even pressure on the fractured bone. The blood runs warm down his hand, and he tries to keep her head still.
(小 光): Astrid rolls over on her side, moaning lightly.
Gardenia begins to wish she was old enough to drive
"She is not going to last ten minutes, and you know that. And whatever vehicle we use it would take more than that to get her into an operating room. Which leads us to..."
Cilvarge sighs heavily. "Why do I have to do this sort of thing for this ungrateful bitch anyway..." He grumbles.
Cilvarge draws his blades again, and draws a circle around the party, then jams them into the ground.
A low, rumbling bass tone thunders from somewhere underneath as Cilvarge stands right in the middle of the circle and clasps his hands.
He whispers: "Fire of lightning, lightning of night, pierce reality like an arrow in flight!"
*cast Flicker Flash*
(小 光): An aura begins to swirl around the party.
(小 光): The golden swirls of energy begin to rapidly envelop the characters, leaving them with a warm, calming glow.
(小 光): As the energy gets faster and faster, the aura shifts, with electricty forming.
He grasps the blades to make sure they come with too.
(小 光): The aura begins to go haywire, its caster losing control.
(小 光): With the blink of an eye, the cast is transported to the other side of the city, to a quiter region, with less bustling activity.

(小 光): An unlit sign on the shop in front of them reads "Cut  n' Colour Salon".
(小 光): Per + Alert
(小 光): (diff 7)
(小 光): Axu can tell this isn't Chester Square.
(小 光): Gardenia can tell she's close to home.
(小 光): Cilvarge can tell this is near the east side of town.
(小 光): Medea knows this is Morrows Square.
"Don't think Morrows Square is where we need to be," Medea says looking at the salon in front of them. "Unless this salon is a cleverly deguised hospital."
Gary's eyes slowly adjust to the new surroundings, and he slumps a bit onto his knee, scraping the ground with his heel. He turns to Cilvarge, eyes finding a flaming contempt of the bourgeoisie. "Damnit! You mystic fool! Toying with the forces of nature only ends in torment and despair!" His canines flash fiercely as he shouts, running out of breath till the last syllable. He slumps down, and touches his forehead to Astrid's, smearing a print of blood. "I will help you," He whispers in a low, resigned voice.
Gary shoves his hand into his pocket yet again, fumbling desperately for a remembered item. He pulls out a compress, holding it with shaking, bloody hands, and presses it to the back of Astrid's head. Pained shuddering is heard, and Gary sheds a lone tear for this lost soul imbued with such rage. He presses firmly, and the tear runs down his arm, down to his hand, to finally absorb into the stained compress. At first the cloth turns a corrupt black, but then lightens to luminesce, tendrils of magic winding up towards the fracture, embedding themselves, healing, refreshing. The trail of liquid left behind from the tear glows as well, while Gary shivers and shouts out as his power is drained. He slumps to the ground, unconscious next to Astrid.

(小 光): Astrid stirs.
(小 光): Her eyes open slowly, as she takes in her surroundings.
(小 光): She sits bolt upright.
(小 光): Darting away from the group, she scuffs on the ground as her boots slide. She gives a fierce scowl as the drips of blood dry on her face.
(小 光): Growling, Astrid gives off a fierce, piercing cry.
(小 光): A rumbing is heard, and a shining blur rockets into the ground at their feet.
(小 光): As Arthur with Excalibur, Astrid wrenches Sigurd from the ground.
(小 光): "I am Lady Astrid of House Mërdel! You WILL tell me what business you have with me!!"
"You're alive!" Gardenia said; thankful that Astrid survived
"I am Sir Cilvarge Nathtain of House Scathach, and you WILL tell us why in the moon's name you attacked us at the park. We have been told to seek your aid in taking the life of a known criminal. Had I expected you to attempt taking OURS, I would've simply slain the man on my own and gone  about my business as usual. Do the trolls not hold their oaths of Honor to bind them anymore, lost one?"

Cilvarge bares his blades in a relaxed stance, still yet ready for combat.

Medea settles on to the ground and pulls Gary's head into her lap so he doesn't have to rest entirely on the ground. "We were sent by Ed, who also gave us the broach," She says is a calmer voice. "We don't mean you any harm Lady Astrid. We shouldn't be fighting each other if we were meant to team up."
Gary stirs in his sleep, but is out cold on Medea's lap.
(小 光): "......Ed sent you..? But why would she have this....?"
(小 光): Astrid takes out the broach, once again glowing with an inner light.
(小 光): "If it were this important, then I can see she's serious. I don't know what's going on, but I'll help you."

"So, what do we need to do next?" Gardenia asked
"I still need to know why you break your oaths of Honor, troll." (Cilvarge said.)
(小 光): "I took no such oaths, Sidhe scum."
(小 光): "Now then," Astrid Continues, "does anyone have a place to crash?"
"The Sidhe Scum happens to own a freehold. Not that you'd be interested." (Cilvarge Said.)
"I also have one. It's not too far from here" (Gardenia Said.)
"Distance does not exactly matter with my powers... Not when we know where we're going." (Cilvarge Said.)
"I'm fine with any place," Medea says. "But the closer the better I think. If Gardenia's is closest then that may be best."
"If I may ask, just how private is your place, girl?" Cilvarge asks, turning to Gardenia.
"After all, we ARE conducting a murder plot."
"It's in the basement of the apartments I live in" Gardenia said. "Nobody goes down there"
(小 光): "If we want privacy, we might be best going back to Loose Ends." Astrid responds.
"And mingle among the throng of fae in that horrible place? No thank you! The apartments sound decent, but I'm not sure of security. Besides, in Mér Naït we could fill ourselves on glamour to prepare ourselves for...confrontations. I need counsel from my assistants anyway." (Cilvarge Said.)
"I guess my freehold is not the most secure location for this" Gardenia said. "Maybe Loose Ends?"
"I don't think Cilvarge will go back to Loose Ends of his own free will,," Medea says rubbing her temples a bit. "Also, going back there without completing out task might not go over so well."
Gary stirs, moans in pain, and buries his head into the nearest warm, soft thing, Medea's crotch region. Whoops.
Gary then rolls his head out of there, and looks up, his eyes glazed in a mix of exhaustion, meeting Medea's. "Hi. What's going on?"
(小 光): "Not to sound apathetic, but I don't really care where we go." Astrid says.
(小 光): "No matter where we go, we can gather information related to our goal, whatever that is. I'd just like to get going soon, as it's almost 3am."
"Sounds good. I'm feeling tired" (Gardenia Said.)
"Let's just go to Cilvarge's place"
"I am glad you are one to see reason, lass. No time like the instant!"
Cilvarge places his blades on the ground again, and closes his eyes, clasping his hands.
Gary lazes on Medea's lap, hovering in and out of that milky-warm state of consciousness that one gets when they wake up after 12 hours of sleep. The ground starts to rumble yet again, he sighs and buries his head deeper into Medea's crotch again, not fully realizing what he'd done. A muffled mumble of "Not again" could be heard.
(小 光): "So we're going to the Sparkle Fairy's place?" Astrid says, sarcasm in her voice.
"I could leave you here, if that's what you want. But I would much rather go home than somewhere I don't know two bits about." (Cilvarge Said.)
Medea pushes Gary back on to the ground. "If you keep doing that," She says standing up. "You will regret it." She turns to Cilvarge's. "Your place is fine with me."
"Are we all set, then? The glamour is calling." Cilvarge's eyebrows are twitching slightly.
Astrid heaves a sigh and sheaths her sword. Giving a grunt, she hoists the stupored satyr onto her back and begins walking north.

"Are you coming?" Astrid shouts from about halfway up the block.
Medea follows Astrid, keeping her distance from Gary.
Gary protests weakly, wiggling. He then latches on with a bearhug just under her chest, a firm grip. He holds his torso up with his chin digging into Astrid's shoulder, inevitably moving his face into her neck and hair. He dozes, but keeps a firm hold. "Where are we going?" He asks suddenly.
(小 光): "Subway." Astrid replies with a grunt.
"Lead the way, captain" (Gardenia Said.)
"So little trust in this one...sad, that those once honor held have lost so much," Cilvarge mumbles to himself while he picks his blades up and starts walking. "Speaking of where we're going, do you people have any idea of where our destination actually IS? Last time I checked, it was hardly public knowledge..."
(小 光): Astrid forges on, ignoring the Sidhe's concerns.
[12:00:22 AM] Nejin Oniwa: "Fine, get lost, see if I care."

(小 光): The scenery changes slightly as they pass into the Central District.
Medea keeps mostly in pace woth Gardenia, seeming to perfer her company the most. "You mentioned earlier you live in an apartment building?" the sluagh asks Gardenia. "Are there any abandoned apartments there?"
"There aren't any abandoned apartments, but the basement is unused; save for my freehold" (Gardenia Said.)
Gary gradually releases his deathgrip on Astrid, sliding down off her back onto the ground, getting a few scrapes from her armor along the way. He is a bit wobbly on his feet, but manages to stay up. He trots forward, hooves clicking madly to keep up with the group.
"Walking," Cilvarge grumbles. "Walking! Honestly. We could flash, we could fly, we could run with the winds. I could jump across every rooftop in this city if I wanted! But no, we have to WALK. You have no sense of style, troll! None at all."
"If we have to fight later, doesn't it make sense to save out energy?" Medea says to him then turns back to Gardenia. "What's your freehold like?"
"It's a room in the basement of the apartments I live in. There's a nice, old couch in there; really nice for taking a nap. Also, I have a workbench" (Gardenia Said.)
"That's very..." Cilvarge struggles to find a word for it. "Common."
Gary clops along, listening in silence. His face lights up in sudden realization. "Oh! I have a place for you to go, my business! It's nice and warm and fluffy there." He laughs, then walks a bit faster, to catch up with Medea, walking astride with her. "Sorry about before." He smiles. Gary then trips suddenly forward, his hoof caught in a pothole. He stumbles awkwardly but catches himself, but falls behind the group to avoid any other embarassing actions.

(小 光): Astrid halts in front of the Oakdale Subway Station.
(小 光): She begins down the steps.
(小 光): per + alert (diff 5)
(小 光): Axu can make out a sign for the subway on the side of the stairs. He is slightly bleary-eyed from the night's ordeal.
(小 光): Cilvarge and Gardenia can see a subway sign, too. It states the service times and other general info.
(小 光): Medea can see that the sign says that subway service stops at midnight. A digital clock nearby shows the current time at 3:24 am.
(小 光): Astrid continues down the steps, to a granite landing with a service door and fire alarm.
"I believe it says the trains aren't running right now," Medea states. "this does create a problems."
(小 光): Astrid goes to the door. She pushes in the lock, then pulls the alarm.
(小 光): A panel opens on the side of it, revealing what looks like an intercom system.
(小 光): A voice heard over the speaker sounds like the gruff knocker from earlier in the night.
(小 光): "Where ya headed?"
(小 光): Astrid turns to Cilvarge.
(小 光): "Oi, Sparkles. What stop is your freehold."
"Chilter Hill. Now tell me again why we're taking the gnome express rather than simply flashing over there...oh, wait. You can't speak properly." (Cilvarge Said.)
"The moon have mercy on your mouth, poor troll."
(小 光): Astrid glares at him before turning back to the speaker.
(小 光): "Chilter Hill, please. Thanks Ernie."

(小 光): A hard screeching can be heard from the depths of the station. Astrid dashes down the next flight of stairs, leaving the group in the faint glow of streetlamps and moonlight.
Medea follows close behind Astrid.
"You are the most roundabout people in the world," Cilvarge yells at everybody as he saunters after them.
Gary stands motionless, his senses heightened by the sudden silence. He clops off down the stairs, springing towards Cilvarge and the rest of the group. He gets a bit winded from the sudden action.
"Are we going to see Ed again?" Gardenia said, following the others
"If we see her where we're going now, I will kill myself and her, in that order." Cilvarge grumbles.
(小 光): Astrid leads them down to the lower platform, where they arrive as a train screeches to a halt, light glaring, surrounded by an ethereal mist.
(小 光): The doors swoosh open.
(小 光): "Quick, get on before anybody sees!!"
Cilvarge gets on with a hop, a skip and a jump, making a very uninterested face.
Medea obeys without question. "Thank you showing up the trick with the intercom, Lady Astrid," Medea says to her.
Gary springs quickly through the group and onto the train, kneeling into a roll and hides under one of the seats. "Scawy.."
Gardenia quickly ran onto the train; taking her seat
(小 光): "The trains aren't supposed to run this late, but thanks to Ernie, anyone who's a member or affiliate of Ed's freehold can travel around after hours," Astrid says as the doors close and the train speeds away.
(小 光): -scene-
(小 光): -end game-
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I just rediscovered my love for role playing. Thanks everyone <3
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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people, if you get the chance, i'd like you to read chapter 8. it has useful info on how to do things with rolls. remember to consult me occasionally, though, especially for things like battling (i hope to find a way to streamline the process a bit). the beginning of chapter 7 would be useful too, as it has info on how to cast cantrips (the term used for "magic"), and the entirety of chapter 6, as it explains important things about dice pools, such as splitting your dice pool. (chapter 6 is only 9 pages, i think you can handle that.)

remember to check in once in awhile. ^^
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fuck shit damnit. I won't be able to make today's game due to family constraints and finals coming up :/ cant devote myself to it, sorry choco
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.