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Character Information
Common Names MS-DOS-tan
Other Names Microsoft DOS, Microsoft Disk Operating System
Creator XP-kakiaki
First Appearance Jul 2004
Technical Information
System Personified MS-DOS 1.0 - 8.0
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut 1981
Latest release v8.0 (Sep 14 2000)


A rarer character, MS-DOS is a cute but very shy little girl carrying around a keyboard and usually peeking around corners. The implication is that, like MS-DOS itself on non-NT versions of Windows, she is always lurking somewhere in the background, just out of sight.

She originally represented the DOS prompt and assumed to be a catch-all for all the DOS OSes but now more specifically represents MS-DOS.

OSC Notes

In the backstories created at OSC, MS-DOS-tan is the twin sister of PC-DOS-tan; younger sister of QDOS-tan and biological daughter of DR-DOS-tan.

In the 1980's, she happily grew up as part of the Microsoft-IBM Family and lived with PC-DOS-tan, Windows 1.0-tan, Windows 2.0-tan, their stepsister OS/2-tan, and Xenix-tan the family caretaker. MS-DOS-tan and PC-DOS-tan were especially close and had nearly identical personalities but the break-up of the Microsoft-IBM Family changed both of their personalities radically and during the 1990s, they were only able to confront each other as rivals.

MS-DOS-tan lives with the present day Windows Family faction but is a timid shadow of her former self not just from the Microsoft-IBM Family break-up in 1990 but also from her diminishing popularity. She and PC-DOS-tan have the habit of reuniting (in secrecy from the Windows-tans of the Windows Family, who do not know of PC-DOS-tan's existence) with each other every so often and when they do, both of their personalities change dramatically, to their cheerful former selves.

See also: