Life and Death

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To nerds, a blank slate; to OS-tan, a healthy vegetable.
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In the original OS-tan canon, there were no deceased OS-tans, and little mention of death. The closest thing to this are a few strips set in the OS Wars depicting 95-tan nearly killing Mac-tan, referencing Apple's near-demise between 1996-98.

The first known mention or proposal of deceased characters was in the OS-tan Annex Project, the foundation of the OS-tan expanded universe. Among the OS-tan expanded universe fandom, it's accepted that in most cases, for an OS-tan to be deceased, they must not only be discontinued by their system's developer, but also largely forgotten by its former userbase.

OS-tans do not age like normal humans; they age very slowly, but their lifeforce fades over time after being a discontinued system. They are kept alive afterwards by their system's remaining userbase, emulation and original hardware. Occasionally, there are a few OS-tan deaths for storyline purposes.

It is the proprietary OS-tans that are the most vulnerable to death, since Open Source OS-tans represent systems that can still be freely modified even after being discontinued by their original developer.

Factors that determine remaining life force, decline, and death

See OS-tan Code Pool Theory.

An OS-tan is in her prime when she is a current system; growing in influence, power and code-wielding abilities as more hardware is available under her control. She also draws power from her direct descendants (younger sisters or daughters, etc.) she shares a code pool with.

Over time after an OS-tan's system is discontinued, the hardware she once had control over will fail over time, and her power will diminish, with eventual decline in sanity or physical abilities depending on the scope of her fall from power. Eventually she will die as she has no hardware to draw her power from, and can't draw enough power from her descendants to stay alive.

Not all abilities are lost though, if an OS-tan has natural abilities independent of code-wielding (i.e: 95-tan's swordsmanship, OS/2-tan's prehensile hair). Those natural abilities won't be lost, but an OS-tan with them may lose the strength to carry them out if she has suffered physical and/or mental decline.

In most cases, an OS-tan is considered dead if there's not enough of a userbase using just original, unemulated hardware and software to keep the system alive.



OS-tans who personify OSes that no longer run on their original hardware, but are virtualized or emulated on modern computers, are usually considered alive. There are a few notable exceptions to this rule, however. (See storyline purpose deaths, below).

Storyline purpose deaths

Despite their real-life OS or computer still existing in some form or another (such as emulation or replication), sometimes an OS-tan is considered dead for storyline purposes. An example of this practice is Xenix-tan - initially, Xenix was considered a "dead" OS, so Xenix-tan was subsequently considered dead. It was later discovered that Xenix still existed, mostly in emulated form. Xenix-tan is still considered a deceased character, however, because her death played an important role in the backstory of the Unix family.


Necromancy, among OS-tans, is generally considered a cultural taboo. The reason for this is because it is generally perceived as a huge insult to descendants of the revived, as most forms of necromancy generally fails to restore most aspects of a -tan, and thus the "undead" -tan is often a very bleak shadow of her former self. However, notable exceptions exist from later days; in particular Colossus-tan, who is suspected to have been revived to power levels even beyond those she originally possessed - yet, at a great cost.

An important thing to remember when dealing with OS-tan necromancy, is that brushing with death sometimes changes an OS-tan's mind in quite horrifying ways; and while most who do lose their sanity do that as weak individuals on the very brink of their own destruction, a successful revival can often bring back their lives, without taking along their minds. With Colossus-tan, her innate coldbloodedness and killing instincts were amplified greatly, turning her from an efficient spy to a brutally effective assassin; in the case of WITCH, her curiosity, sense for problem-solving and teacherly strictness, turned her into a ruthless, sadistic inquisitor.