Rainbow 100

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DEC Rainbow 100
Character Information
Common Names DEC Rainbow 100
Other Names Rainbow
Human Name(s) Rain Decker
Faction Wanderer Class, formerly of the DEC Military
Lineage DEC, own branch (home computer division)
Rival(s) MS-DOS and PC-DOS (wanted to be their friend yet saw them as rivals at the same time)
Height 148 cm (4'10")
Hair Color pink
Eye Color blue
Weapon(s) DEC military sword
First Appearance Spring 2011
Technical Information
System Personified DEC Rainbow 100 hardware and software
Developer(s) Digital Equipment Corporation
Debut 1982
Latest release unknown, discontinued mid-80's.

Technical details

The Rainbow 100 series was DEC's attempt at the home computer market, but wasn't very successful.

Character details


Rainbow 100-tan is represented as a pre-teen girl with pink hair decorated with several ribbons; her hair ribbons are red, orange, yellow and green, her eyes are blue and she wears a frilly purple dress under her DEC military jacket; she wears her military jacket out of nostalgia towards the old DEC faction even though she never got past cadet rank, but she enjoyed being around most of her comrades despite her personal and tactical struggles. Recently, she has been able to reconcile with her identity crisis somewhat, and has a zen-like attitude towards life, she likes to write and draw; confident in both a graphical and text work.

History and background

She is the only home computer among the DECs, a faction otherwise entirely made of high-end minicomputers. That left her struggling with an identity crisis, being the odd one out. Being the only home computer in the faction didn't make her inherently inferior to her comrades, it was her poor track record in leading campaigns that prevented her from getting promoted. Many of her campaign failures stemmed from poor tactics and judgment brought about by her identity crisis.