Stratus VOS

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Revision as of 00:20, 10 April 2011 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

Stratus VOS
Character Information
Common Names Stratus VOS
Other Names VOS, Virtual Operating System
Faction Wanderer Class
Lineage independent, allegedly a descendant of Multics
Height 180 cm (5'11")
Hair Color dark red w/ pink highlights
Eye Color light blue
First Appearance Jan 2008
Technical Information
System Personified Stratus VOS
Developer(s) Stratus Technologies
Debut 1982
Latest release unknown (currently maintained)

Technical details

Stratus VOS is a high-security, fault-tolerant Multics-like OS developed by Stratus Technologies and used in their brand of servers for mission critical systems.

Character details

Stratus VOS-tan is represented as a tall and athletic woman with light blue eyes, short dark red hair with long side-bangs and pink highlights. She dresses in steampunk-style outfits, in dark colors, with a corset and lots of jewelry, and has a pair of wing tattoos on her back. She is a very skilled sorceress with excellent defensive capabilities. She calls her spells 'curses' and is especially skilled with cloning magics, which she uses to clone Unix programs.

While Stratus VOS does have several design elements from Multics, some are skeptical over whether VOS can be considered Multics-like, or an actual descendant. She was tutored by Multics in her youth and learned several of her magical techniques, but at some point had lost contact with her. She believes herself to be Multics' long-lost daughter entitled to be heiress to her fortunes and feels that she's the victim of a conspiracy- being cheated by people out to hide her true heirship.

She is resentful of Unix, possibly knowing hers and Multics' relation; also suspecting the conspirators against her of being pro-Unix supporters. The rivalry is one-sided however, and Unix doesn't see her as a threat, as VOS lives as a wanderer and on her own.

VOS-tan lives on her own estate and chooses to not be aligned with any faction for her own range of personal reasons. But she is willing and able to defend her land from any threats, though she has been lucky that no serious effort has been made to chase her out of it.

See also: