Started by Bella, November 29, 2007, 11:27:50 PM

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I've always thought the other way - since I've always used XP as my primary OS and haven't gotten any real thoughts about switching, I've always found the more off-path Linuces and stuff more attractive. Ah well, I guess that's because of me+XP=<3...

I love XP too, but I've always been very curious about what else is out there. This, and I know I'm never going to buy a Windows machine ever again, so I might as well see what I'm going to end up using :P

QuoteOn a related topic, I agree...DX10. -w-

*hands Nejin medal for perfect pun*

QuoteSnow? What snow!? Even here on the 60:th latitude there's not a SINGLE DAMN PIECE OF FROST, DAMNIT! FUKKING GLOBAL WARMING CRAPSHIT! KILL YOURSELVES!!!

*pant pant*
GUH. Hell, I even went skiing and besides the prepared snow on the slopes, it was +6 DEGREES CELSIUS AND NO SNOW WHATSOEVER. Also bad rides. Hell, I hate this crap...

That sucks. But this is, like, the first year anyone can remember when we've gotten snow like this. And it'll be really cold for a while, then really warm, but we always end up with more snow...

As for the skiing here, over the past couple of weeks the snow conditions have been terrible (because we had a warm streak). Very icy and rough...I haven't even gone out snowboarding during vacation. So I can sympathize : \

And this concludes the OSC Snow Report XD

QuoteOooh,... don't lump Mandriva in with those bastardly types. @___@
See their response to M$ patent-protection fraud:,1000000121,39287672,00.htm

Might help that they're based in France (and Canonical in South Africa), except for RedHat, all the other companies that caved in were,... sadly,......... let's just say they're "neighbors" to M$, and thus far more susceptible to be cowed by silly software patents, or at least the cost of litigation thereof. ^__________^;

Hmmm....I never thought of that...

It is true the US is a country of litigation -__-

QuoteUbuntu is as great as it is because it was started by a true philanthropist Mark Shuttleworth, who COULD'VE used his newfound millions to do any matter of selfish thing, but instead used it to promote FOSS software and greater user control over their computers, thus establish himself as a kind of anti-Bill Gates. In other words, this was a moral venture.

Sadly, Canonical is still a company, and can't pay the bills on shear morality alone (they could try, but would probably fail). Unless one can change the way business is conducted, I fear the day may come when they have to ditch the Desktop market in favor of the more lucrative Server market (RedHat's arena), or barring that will have to convert Ubuntu into a paid OS, and hence open a veritable can of worms (although the dual model seems to work for Mandriva).

Ah, Mark Shuttleworth, the anti-Gates, space-traveling crusader for morality!

But good point. I don't trust companies completely either...

QuoteAnother great irony is that companies (or at least most Western companies) tend to be models of "inefficient efficiency", and that has sadly bled through into the *Buntus in recent releases. Compared to the more stable 6.x's, the 7.x's were released with many bugs, and careless updates that could break a system beyond easy repair. In addition to that, they also use a lot of nonfree or at least questionably-free software -- many feel, for example, that programs that are written in Mono (a kind of open-source .NET with a shady history) are essentially trojan horses for M$ patent persecution. Aas in, "OOH LOOK!! They're using proprietary M$ code that we secretly injected into the open source community to litigate it later! Get 'em!!" (incidentally, Gobuntu addresses this by being all free software-based,... but then again it's really only Debian with a stranger name... ^___^

I'm glad to see that 8.04 will be another LTS, and hopefully they can stamp out or address some of these issues. I'd love it if I were wrong about them, but I'm sure you can understand if I'm always cautious about people pursuing some kind of Bottom Line. ^^; now I have a good reason not to update my VM Ubuntu (and I wasn't downloading updates just to cut down on the virtual HD space)

I didn't know this about the open-source .NET! I had never even heard of Mono...

QuoteHow long will you give it before he installs something else on that machine? ^____^;

Never. He mostly does gaming T___T


Quote from: "Bella"
QuoteHow long will you give it before he installs something else on that machine? ^____^;

Never. He mostly does gaming T___T

Yeah, why is it that all those companies dont make their games work on Linux-es-versions-es-es!? The only thing keeping me tied to Windblows is the gamez.... (BTW has anyone ever thought that using Windows is a bad way to get somewhere? I'd much rather use Doors :D)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Quote*hands Nejin medal for perfect pun*
Why thank you, milady. -w-

QuoteThat sucks. But this is, like, the first year anyone can remember when we've gotten snow like this. And it'll be really cold for a while, then really warm, but we always end up with more snow...

As for the skiing here, over the past couple of weeks the snow conditions have been terrible (because we had a warm streak). Very icy and rough...I haven't even gone out snowboarding during vacation. So I can sympathize : \

And this concludes the OSC Snow Report XD
Well frankly we've had it somewhat that way as well - cold streak for a long time, then snow, then the next day it all melts away, and so on. Just jumping back and forth.

It'll be other business though, when I go up for my REAL skiing trip in March, up to Kittelfjäll on the seventy-somethingeth latitude. Now THAT's gonna end in a blast!


QuoteAnd this concludes the OSC Snow Report XD

Wow,... I've been gone for two days, and already we're setting up Snow Reports left and right!  >v<

QuoteAh, Mark Shuttleworth, the anti-Gates, space-traveling crusader for morality!

But good point. I don't trust companies completely either... now I have a good reason not to update my VM Ubuntu (and I wasn't downloading updates just to cut down on the virtual HD space)

I didn't know this about the open-source .NET! I had never even heard of Mono...

Probably worth giving it a read, since there's a list of famous apps that run on it:

And likewise, here's Mr. Shuttleworth's stance on it, which while having its own merits is contentested by a lot of equally valid-points in the Comments section:

Remember in the Theories thread when I predicted that the Linux world would have some very turbulent years up ahead (the "Linux Wars" as you put it?).  That's because I'm a firm believer that the greatest civilizations are never destroyed from without but from within, and in this case this kind of "code infiltration" sets as much a dangerous precedent as Novell/Xandros/Linspire cozying up to M$.  

Even if it doesn't bring us down through litigation, it will certainly serve to divide the community.  Those who care to draw themselves into Gnome/KDE debates certainly don't hesitate to point out how cozy Gnome has gotten with M$ technology recently.  '___'

QuoteYeah, why is it that all those companies dont make their games work on Linux-es-versions-es-es!? The only thing keeping me tied to Windblows is the gamez....

Oh that's easy,... market share.  ^__^

There are more games out for Mac now than ever before because OSX has acquired a bigger market share than it had in the late '90's, early '00's (course the PowerPC vs Mactel processor might also have something to do with it, but any savvy game company can make a game fly on a PowerPC).

Linux still holds a VERY tiny share in the market -- even in developing countries, it still loses out to the onslaught of illegal, pirated Windows copies.

To top it off, most proprietary companies don't want consumers to get USED to the notion of using a free and open source system.  If, GAWD forbid, they should happen to get educated about the computer systems they run, they might just start to wonder WHY this application costs $1400, and WHY do I have to keep buying endless expansion packs for the Sims when I can make my own, and WHY do I need this $500 graphics card when that $50 one serves all my needs and runs those very addictive FOSS games.  ^.^


Incidentally, seems like Nejin-san has become quite the fan of despaired teachers and crazy students.  ^^;

Added after 21 minutes:

Ah yes, and almost forgot....

Some Feel Good news.  ^___^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteYeah, why is it that all those companies dont make their games work on Linux-es-versions-es-es!? The only thing keeping me tied to Windblows is the gamez....

Oh that's easy,... market share.  ^__^

There are more games out for Mac now than ever before because OSX has acquired a bigger market share than it had in the late '90's, early '00's (course the PowerPC vs Mactel processor might also have something to do with it, but any savvy game company can make a game fly on a PowerPC).

Linux still holds a VERY tiny share in the market -- even in developing countries, it still loses out to the onslaught of illegal, pirated Windows copies.

To top it off, most proprietary companies don't want consumers to get USED to the notion of using a free and open source system.  If, GAWD forbid, they should happen to get educated about the computer systems they run, they might just start to wonder WHY this application costs $1400, and WHY do I have to keep buying endless expansion packs for the Sims when I can make my own, and WHY do I need this $500 graphics card when that $50 one serves all my needs and runs those very addictive FOSS games.  ^.^


Incidentally, seems like Nejin-san has become quite the fan of despaired teachers and crazy students.  ^^;

Ow yeah...I withdraw my question/statement, because you made me realize that we need linux-based os-es to seperate the (to put it crudely) n00bs from the l337 (man I've got to clear my desk so I can start working on my BeoPup ;010 )...that plus when everyone goes for free open-source software the economy'll have a heart attack...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


QuoteOw yeah...I withdraw my question/statement, because you made me realize that we need linux-based os-es to seperate the (to put it crudely) n00bs from the l337

Well maybe that's a step in the right direction, but can't be a true l337 till you've gotten acquainted with System I-III UNIX, Multics, VMS, Plan 9 and other things hardcore.  ^^;

Quote(man I've got to clear my desk so I can start working on my BeoPup  )

AWESOME!!  And you ARE gonna make one!!!  And with Puppy-chan no less!!!  Suddenly I feel the urge to invoke my picture of Ryoga Puppy-chan....  ^__^

Quotethat plus when everyone goes for free open-source software the economy'll have a heart attack...

Naah, if a company's smart like RedHat, Mozilla and Google, they'll know how to make money with open source and lots of it.  ^^

So only the lowest common denominator companies would have a heart attack and bring the entire global market down with them.... -v-


Oh @%$#.....  ^^;


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Quote(man I've got to clear my desk so I can start working on my BeoPup  )

AWESOME!!  And you ARE gonna make one!!!  And with Puppy-chan no less!!!  Suddenly I feel the urge to invoke my picture of Ryoga Puppy-chan....  ^__^

Eehm I am planning on using CluterKnoppix (because of OpenMosix)
And I'm calling her BeoPup because she'll exist of 2 nodes and a terminal for now (space-issues)
Sorry if I gave you any false hope, but if you do know of an OS thats runs clusters like ClusterKnoppix (with the auto-configuring of the nodes because it uses OpenMosix), please feel free to tell me (maybe I need to give this its own thread, because I've got some questions about data-serving and stuff as well...Meh, probably best to wait for an Admin's green light)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


QuoteProbably worth giving it a read, since there's a list of famous apps that run on it:

And likewise, here's Mr. Shuttleworth's stance on it, which while having its own merits is contentested by a lot of equally valid-points in the Comments section: Mono limited to GNOME...?

*contemplates going to Kubuntu...*

QuoteRemember in the Theories thread when I predicted that the Linux world would have some very turbulent years up ahead (the "Linux Wars" as you put it?). That's because I'm a firm believer that the greatest civilizations are never destroyed from without but from within, and in this case this kind of "code infiltration" sets as much a dangerous precedent as Novell/Xandros/Linspire cozying up to M$.

Even if it doesn't bring us down through litigation, it will certainly serve to divide the community. Those who care to draw themselves into Gnome/KDE debates certainly don't hesitate to point out how cozy Gnome has gotten with M$ technology recently. '___'

Oi...I'm starting to think a huge fracas is needed in the life of every OS group. It builds character -__-

But...wait...GNOME...cozy with M$?

I is coming Kubuntu!

QuoteThere are more games out for Mac now than ever before because OSX has acquired a bigger market share than it had in the late '90's, early '00's (course the PowerPC vs Mactel processor might also have something to do with it, but any savvy game company can make a game fly on a PowerPC).

I still think the greatest game for Mac is Photoshop. It is the greatest game for Windows, come to think about it XD

QuoteTo top it off, most proprietary companies don't want consumers to get USED to the notion of using a free and open source system. If, GAWD forbid, they should happen to get educated about the computer systems they run, they might just start to wonder WHY this application costs $1400, and WHY do I have to keep buying endless expansion packs for the Sims when I can make my own, and WHY do I need this $500 graphics card when that $50 one serves all my needs and runs those very addictive FOSS games. ^.^

Honestly, I haven't bought much software or any hardware upgrades since I've gotten my computer(s). I always tried to find a freeware, or better yet, open-source alternative....

QuoteAh yes, and almost forgot....

Some Feel Good news. ^___^

Wow! Makes me wanna convert the ol' Compaq into a server :P

QuoteWell maybe that's a step in the right direction, but can't be a true l337 till you've gotten acquainted with System I-III UNIX, Multics, VMS, Plan 9 and other things hardcore. ^^;

Oh man...that is the funniest comic XD

But I have a question: does RSTS/E count?

QuoteEehm I am planning on using CluterKnoppix (because of OpenMosix)
And I'm calling her BeoPup because she'll exist of 2 nodes and a terminal for now (space-issues)
Sorry if I gave you any false hope, but if you do know of an OS thats runs clusters like ClusterKnoppix (with the auto-configuring of the nodes because it uses OpenMosix), please feel free to tell me (maybe I need to give this its own thread, because I've got some questions about data-serving and stuff as well...Meh, probably best to wait for an Admin's green light)

I get BeoPup a play on words with "Beowulf"? It's really cool your going to make your own mini-supercomputer!

And I have a funny find:

A bunch of OpenBSD songs. I was vaguely amused...but mostly I was PO'ed by the vague insults to Linux, Mac, and/or Solaris. At least I think they were insults XD


yes, i thought: wulf=wolf->pup... :d

and those songs are great (even on a psp, cuz im housesitting at my sis's who has a pc and internet, but not a connection between them)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Quoteyes, i thought: wulf=wolf->pup... :d

Yay I guessed it  ;010

I dunno if this is the right thread to blab about this, but I figure we like alternative and old OSs...and this is about as alternative and old as you can get XD

So I decide to try communicating with RSTS/E again; my past attempts I got no farther than the login. But this time I was able to play a game!

Bella and RSTS/E's Excellent Adventure:

This is the intro to the game...notice it was originally developed by the Stanford Artificial Intelligent Lab? SAIL, if you don't know, used our favorite hippie OS, WAITS :P

Here I needed some tips. I like that, you just type "help" and a bunch of tips appear :D

I found a house with some supplies inside, which I raided XD

BTW, I got 48 out of 350 points; I was rated a novice class adventurer!

Let us review: The most fun I've had playing a computer game recently was playing a D&D-inspired text game via hyperterminal, communicating with a simulated PDP-11 in Sweden running RTST/E, an OS from the mid-to-late 1970s. Am I a geek yet?


Quote from: "Bella"Let us review: The most fun I've had playing a computer game recently was playing a D&D-inspired text game via hyperterminal, communicating with a simulated PDP-11 in Sweden running RTST/E, an OS from the mid-to-late 1970s. Am I a geek yet?

Wow...I love those old mini-computers, and the last time I saw any PDP in use was in swordfish, I thought, well if I chuck out my wardrobe-closet I could fit one of those in my room :D......
So to anwser your question: No you're not a geek (as long as you still have a social life and other hobby's, no "Geek" does not apply then...)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


*comes stumbling in*

Yo peoplez.... ^^'
Sorry, I've been away for a while.... -.-'

Currently writing from my beloved BLACK EeePC 2G... I was right, equipped with EeePCLOS, this girl can fly!  ^v^

But yeah, been busy with tons of other stuff aside from development, so hopefully y'all have forgotten about this crazy pig.  ^^;

I'll be back (my head's killing me now), but to quickly answer your question...

You can always consult The Legendary Chart of Geekery....  ^____^

*C-chan falls asleep over EeePC 2G*

*snuggles up*

*snore*  -____- Zzzzzz


Well, guess I'm just a H4rdw4r3 phr34k then... :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Okay, almost back on s'hedule....  -v-

Quoteehm I am planning on using CluterKnoppix (because of OpenMosix)
And I'm calling her BeoPup because she'll exist of 2 nodes and a terminal for now (space-issues)
Sorry if I gave you any false hope, but if you do know of an OS thats runs clusters like ClusterKnoppix (with the auto-configuring of the nodes because it uses OpenMosix), please feel free to tell me (maybe I need to give this its own thread, because I've got some questions about data-serving and stuff as well...Meh, probably best to wait for an Admin's green light)

Aa sou....  '___'

*shoos Puppy-chan away*

In that case, something new just came out which you might be willing to try:

Moot point, though, since it's also Knoppix-based.  ^v^; Mono limited to GNOME...?

*contemplates going to Kubuntu...*

Well like all languages, you can run Mono apps on KDE as well.  But only GNOME has code built in to allow Mono applications to run natively on it.  

QuoteOi...I'm starting to think a huge fracas is needed in the life of every OS group. It builds character -__-

But...wait...GNOME...cozy with M$?

I is coming Kubuntu!

Well now I feel bad, cause I didn't tell you all that just to drive you away from your Ubuntu.....  -_______-


Besides, there's just so much literature out there to absorb, so I'm just spewing out what I've heard really.  ^^'
There are certainly a lot of Gnome users who actively ensure their systems are not "corrupted" with Mono or anything else suspiciously M$-friendly.  It's generally the GNOME maintainers who usually get all the heat, and often rightfully so.  This article and its comments are a good example:

Kubuntu is a neat system, but hardly the best implementation of KDE.  ^^;
I think Sidux is better at that, and definitely much faster given it's hardcore Debian status (and the fact that it uses the Sid Unstable branch means it gives you as much software choices as Ubuntu, which also works off the unstable branch now).

QuoteI still think the greatest game for Mac is Photoshop. It is the greatest game for Windows, come to think about it XD


QuoteHonestly, I haven't bought much software or any hardware upgrades since I've gotten my computer(s). I always tried to find a freeware, or better yet, open-source alternative....

Very good, my dear Bella-sama.  ^____^
I'm kinda the same way,... except when it comes to hardware anyway.  Kinda explains why I have another EeePC.   ^^;

QuoteWow! Makes me wanna convert the ol' Compaq into a server :P

Oh right,... I have an old Compaq I need to fix up too....  ^.^;
Let me see if maybe.... *plots and schemes*

QuoteBut I have a question: does RSTS/E count?

Hey,... Unix-sama was partially born thanks to PDP hardware, so yeah!  That's hardcore hardcore l337!  ^___^

QuoteAnd I have a funny find:

A bunch of OpenBSD songs. I was vaguely amused...but mostly I was PO'ed by the vague insults to Linux, Mac, and/or Solaris. At least I think they were insults XD

Meh, it's all playful banter.  ^v^'

But loved this part:  "In the end, the thieves learned there is always a bigger fish!".  ^^

QuoteSo I decide to try communicating with RSTS/E again; my past attempts I got no farther than the login. But this time I was able to play a game!

Bella and RSTS/E's Excellent Adventure:

(and is that a play on "Bill and Ted's"?)

QuoteThis is the intro to the game...notice it was originally developed by the Stanford Artificial Intelligent Lab? SAIL, if you don't know, used our favorite hippie OS, WAITS :P

And OMG!!!!!!!!!!  IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!!!!!!!!!  @@

QuoteHere I needed some tips. I like that, you just type "help" and a bunch of tips appear  

And and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SHE STILL HAS VMS-SAMA IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!  ;^^;

QuoteI found a house with some supplies inside, which I raided XD
And and and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SHE'S A FUGITIVE OF THE LAW TOO BOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;^___^;

QuoteBTW, I got 48 out of 350 points; I was rated a novice class adventurer!

Let us review: The most fun I've had playing a computer game recently was playing a D&D-inspired text game via hyperterminal, communicating with a simulated PDP-11 in Sweden running RTST/E, an OS from the mid-to-late 1970s. Am I a geek yet?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAnd OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'M GONNA SWOON OUTSIDE OF AN ART THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;@V@;



QuoteYo peoplez.... ^^'
Sorry, I've been away for a while.... -.-'

Currently writing from my beloved BLACK EeePC 2G... I was right, equipped with EeePCLOS, this girl can fly! ^v^

Oooh...if I'm not mistaken...did you get a new EeePC...?

QuoteBut yeah, been busy with tons of other stuff aside from development, so hopefully y'all have forgotten about this crazy pig. ^^;

Forgotten about you? We've been plastering the neighborhood with posters! We thought perhaps you were abducted by aliens. Or time-travelers. Or espers :P

QuoteI'll be back (my head's killing me now), but to quickly answer your question...

Uh...oh...Someone's been out partying... ;)

QuoteYou can always consult The Legendary Chart of Geekery.... ^____^

Oh wow, C-Chan, your a pig, does that mean you're a 1337 h4x0r script kiddie!?

QuoteWell like all languages, you can run Mono apps on KDE as well. But only GNOME has code built in to allow Mono applications to run natively on it.

So you mean to say, GNOME has the Mono-based apps built in?

QuoteWell now I feel bad, cause I didn't tell you all that just to drive you away from your Ubuntu..... -_______-

Nothing short of Ubuntu being bought by M$ will drive me away from it :P

*dreamy sigh*

QuoteKubuntu is a neat system, but hardly the best implementation of KDE. ^^;
I think Sidux is better at that, and definitely much faster given it's hardcore Debian status (and the fact that it uses the Sid Unstable branch means it gives you as much software choices as Ubuntu, which also works off the unstable branch now).


QuoteHey,... Unix-sama was partially born thanks to PDP hardware, so yeah! That's hardcore hardcore l337! ^___^

Woot I pwn u n00bs!

Just kidding, kidding! XD

QuoteMeh, it's all playful banter. ^v^'

But loved this part: "In the end, the thieves learned there is always a bigger fish!". ^^

No, I refuse to take that as playful banter! I am full of indignation! Kinda :P

(and is that a play on "Bill and Ted's"?)

Yes, I couldn't help but make that little pun XD

QuoteAnd OMG!!!!!!!!!! IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL!!!!!!!!! @@

Very small!

QuoteAnd and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE STILL HAS VMS-SAMA IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!! ;^^;

Yes I do!

QuoteAnd and and OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S A FUGITIVE OF THE LAW TOO BOOT!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^___^;

Wouldn't be the first time I stole food from a stranger's home!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAnd OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA SWOON OUTSIDE OF AN ART THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!! ;@V@;


OH MEH GAWD ITS A VMS!!!!!!!! @o@

Yes, I finally figured out how to connect via hyperteminal to (the aptly frighteningly named) DeathRow's VMS machine!

I answered the ancient riddle of "what happens when you put a Windows and Linux using, GUI-hugging noob behind the wheel of one of the most powerful OS ever built"...


Not much. At first I typed in the wrong password, which got me das boot. Upon typing in the right user name/password, I checked the system info (by typing "show system"), I saw what other users were logged in (show users), and then kinda logged out. ^///^

Nope, VMS doesn't have time for silly games like RSTS/E does. VMS is a worker, not a slacker. XD