OS-tan OVA

Started by tAPOCHKIN, December 02, 2006, 08:41:21 AM

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Just do it ! ^^! That would be cool! (Yippie)
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


FYI, I'm posting a sample of XP-tan's voice (from the YouTube video) as a frame of reference, so you know what you more or less SHOULD expect from my quick experiment.  ^___^

If the pitch and timbre is off, or the voice sounds out of whack, we're doomed.  -v-

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I downloaded it but i don't understand what you mean by "we're doomed" ???
We can still continue and make the next time better ,or what is the problem???
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


I think what senpai is saying is that XP-tan already has a semi-established voice, so if we fail to emulate that, at least somewhat like it,   whatever we make won't be as good. Maybe?

Anyway, senpai will no doubt be by soon, and will be able to offer a better explanation.


Actually, I'm just exaggerating as usual.  -v-
But you're sort of on the money, Tsubashi-dono.  ^__^

The main test is to see if the Japanese Text-to-Speech Engine which I bought -- PLUS the Voice Changing Software which I like enough to buy within the next couple of minutes -- will yield an adequate enough substitute for voice acting.  ^__^

If not, I'll have to switch to Plan B with regards to voice acting,... and Plan B creeps me out so much, I dare not give the details of it lest I feel compelled to soak my lips in a vat of sulphuric acid....  @___@'

It may still be a mute point, since only XP-tan needs any level of voice matching.  For new characters, I'm free to choose whatever voice best approximates what I have in mind.  ^__^

(and yes, I do have some characters which can use a monotone, such as a few Unices.... -v-)

Bottom line, however, is that any level of JAPANESE voice acting should be much appreciated, given ti shows we actually cared enough to go the extra mile on the homebrewed anime experience.  -v-


Okay, after much nail-biting and wallet-opening, I finally got a halfway-presentable XP voice without resorting to Plan B....


Actually, I think I accidentally cut off a bit of the "Ha" sound near the end, but no biggie.  It's a test for you to imagine what a feature-length micro-OVA could sound like.  ^.^

FYI, in order to fluctuate her tone, I needed to mix and match hiragana and katakana (seems the engine pronounces katakana more strongly):

ã‚­ãÆ'‰ã‚·ãÆ'žã‚·ã‚¿!ãâ,¬â,¬Ã£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£ÂÂÃ£â€šâ€¡Ã£Ââ€  あãÆ'ãÆ'¨ã‚¯ã‚µãÆ'³ãÆ'‡ã‚¹ãÆ'?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Sugoi! That's great C-Chan! It sounds very realistic! The "あãÆ'ãÆ'¨ã‚¯" sounds a bit digitized, but only after listening to it twelve times over. ^.^


Hehe,... that can't be helped, but compared to where the technology was some years ago, this sounds very decent.  
At least it's cool enough to keep "Plan B" on the shelf.  ^v^'


Unfortunately, may still need "Plan B" for sounds that can't be imitated well with the Text-to-speech engine (such as yelling and screaming or heavy kansai accents....)  -v-'
And then, of course, there's the minor inconvenience of being a novice at Japanese,... so either we get someone to help us, or we cram some lessons using "Human Japanese" (very good piece of software,... better than Rosetta Stone probably).  -v-

But fortunately, we don't have to worry about that for a while.  Right now, wallpapers take precedent!  ^v^

To the Inkscape-mobile!!  ^v^

*trots off casually*


This may be a bit off-topic (it relates to the beginning of the thread...), but I do wonder if any M$/Apple/etc. exec or higher-up has ever seen the OS-tans? I wonder if they see this as a good or bad toward their products (like it'd make a difference...XD). I can just see an ad...'upgrade to Vista! Cause you don't want to be using that crazy, yaoi-drawing, semi-incestuous XP Home Editon or her RAM-hogging sister XP Pro!'


Now THAT would just be plain f***ing scary. I would seriously throw a fit if i saw that...since it would probably would totally cause the world to plunge into chaos.


lol....But it might be an effective tool to get people to convert to Vista, eh?


You know, this subject has come up about 5 different times in other threads by now.... ^^;

I'm guessing M$ wouldn't be flattered by the disjointed Vistan scene right now, and I wouldn't blame them.  -v-'

Before pulling out the copyright infringement papers, I've always wondered if their first thought would be: "Why is Windows 95 wearing a kimono?"  ^^;


I think they'd rather ask, "What the hell is that thing that windows 95 is wearing? Is that some kind of morning robe?"


Hey...I was wondering, is this project still going? I mean, I was looking through the previous posts and it looks like an exciting project.

Anyways, I was wondering if I could help out in casting? I am an online voice actor and I know many female VAs who would be interested in participating.

I'd like to help in whatever way I can. ^^


Sorry MasakoX, but I have to reappropriate the resources to this micro-OVA to develop something more along the lines of an open-source game.  -v-'

If it becomes successful, however, I will definitely need your help there and then some since there will have to be heavy use of audible Japanese phrases and Text-to-Speech can only go so far.  -.-