From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Saseko’s hungry for more RAM!
“If possible, could I have some more?”
This article could be expanded on and use more details, and needs them as much as XP-tan needs more RAM!

Character Information
Common Names NOS
Other Names Network Operating System
Human Name(s) Nellie Miller
Faction Mainframe Guild, CDC Faction
Lineage CDC
Rival(s) KRONOS, SCOPE (sworn enemies)
Height 166 cm (5'5.5")
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Weapon(s) knives, chainsaw
First Appearance Jan 2010
Technical Information
System Personified NOS
Developer(s) Control Data Corporation (CDC)
Debut 1970's
Latest release 1980's

Character Details


NOS-tan is represented as a brown-haired woman who wears flamboyant dresses and hats, wears heavy makeup and is almost always frowning. She often wears wigs as part of a disguise to impersonate her rivals. She has stitches on her body akin to SCOPE-tan's, but less noticeable.

She is extremely aggressive and arrogant, as NOS was advertised as being the only OS for the CDC mainframes, having usurped power from KRONOS-kun, only to be defeated by him and SCOPE-tan in battle, and forcibly demoted.

Family and relationships

Ever since her defeat against KRONOS and SCOPE for leadership among the CDCs, she has had a burning vendetta against them, but it is one-sided.

NOS-tan has a daughter, NOS/VE-tan, but they are estranged from each other. NOS/VE wants to be far-removed from her mother's schemes and vendettas, and hang out with the friendlier mainframes instead.