Barbie Linux

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 13:17, 29 December 2007 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

It is unknown if Barbie Linux actually exists but a personification exists anyways, represented as an extremely tall blonde-haired supermodel and beautician in a pink-and-white minidress and based off of the Barbie doll. She considers the XP-tans as rivals due to the mentioning that Barbie Linux is/was intended to be a replacement for Windows XP marketed towards young girls. She is fond of all things cutesy and trendy. Her height is 7'3, the high end of the Barbie doll's predicted height if she were lifesize which range from 6'0 [183 cm] to 7'3 [221 cm]

Barbie Linux-tan
Barbielinuxtanavatar.pngbr /
Also known as: Barbie OS
Original Creator: Aurora Borealis
First appearance: 2006
OS Personified: Barbie Linux
OS Devloper: ?
First Released: ?
Latest Stable Release: ?

Despite her height, she is hardly intimidating, even to considerably smaller children and OS-tans. Her favorite activities are modeling, dressing up and giving makeovers (for herself or others). She is very outgoing around girls but shies away from guys as she still believes they have 'cooties'.