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Institute for Advanced Study Machine
Character Information
Common Names IAS Machine
Other Names Institute for Advanced Study Machine
Faction Mainframe Guild
Lineage IAS Machine/Von Neumann Architecture
Height n/a
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Grey
First Appearance Jan 28, 2010
Technical Information
System Personified IAS Machine
Developer(s) Institute for Advanced Study, John Von Neumann
Debut Circa 1952
Latest release n/a

Technical Details

Built over a period of 6 years (1945 - 1951), the IAS Machine was an early electronic computer and the originator of the widely-implemented Von Neumann Architecture.

Character Details

Physically, IAS Machine-tan is slightly overweight, silver-haired and golden-eyed. She's described as imposing despite being average in height, and having a fondness for conservative business-wear.

A prolific scientist and mathematician, IAS worked on a variety of scientific projects - including ones involving nuclear and hydrogen bombs - and managed to be largely successful despite having no sense of internal timekeeping and trouble keeping up with her assignments. A confident and jovial woman, she has a notoriously dirty sense of humor (manifested through a fondness for telling bawdy limericks and jokes) and thoroughly enjoys playing games and practical jokes - a favorite of hers being mimicking "regular" human beings in her daily life. In spite of such fanciful pursuits, she remains rather politically-conservative and "straight-laced" compared to her peers and children.