
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki

The setting of the OS-tan universe is what joins all the OS-tans and their factions together. But what the setting looks like and how it works is subject to much interpretation as none of these are set in stone.

The setting from known OS-tan 'canon'

The canon doesn't go into very much detail about the setting, simply focusing on the characters first and foremost. Sometimes the setting isn't specified. Occasionally other characters appear, such as Toshiaki (representative of the user) and Bill Gates.

Many of the Japanese OS-tan comics seem to take place in an unspecified part of Japan, given the OS-tan phenomenon's Japanese origins. Most of the comics star the Windows-tans, and as such take place mainly in the Windows Family household, which itself is portrayed as a traditional Japanese-style mansion, which is also shown in many fanart.

It's assumed that since the Windows and Macs are rivaling families, that in-canon they live near each other.

Not much is given in-canon about the where the Mac-tans live, aside from the Mac Manga, which shows them (or at least Mac OS 9-tan, Mac OSX-tan and the OSX-kuns) living in a large western-style villa.

OS-tan expanded universes

While the Japanese-made fanon usually takes place on a small scale (i.e: In a single house with Toshiaki as the master), The expanded universe which makes up western fanon often takes place on a large scale.

Fantasy Cyberpunk Culture Theory

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…well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editors’ notes.

In this interpretation, the OS-tan universe doesn't take place in the real world, but a fantasy cyberpunk world that may be partly based off of it. Real people usually don't appear, and the OS-tanverse is comprised of solely of the OS-tans at the top of the hierarchy, with hardware-tans, program-tans and file-tans at their service. There is no map of this fictional world, but each faction (except for the CIOST and wanderers who live around the world) has its own territory, led by an OS dynasty.

The great number of anachronisms, of technology and fashion are explained by stylistic choices of individual OS-tan cultures. In this theory, fashions of historical OS-tans are also symbolic of relative technological advancement.

Since this was for some time the most popular interpretation, it set up the guideline that older OS or computer-tans usually wear older fashions. Even in canon, there are some traces of this, with 95-tan wearing a kimono, which was common college attire for women in the Meiji era of Japan, and 3.1-tan wears western-style attire of the same time frame. There is a lot of flexibility to this guideline, such as the late 70's and early 80's home computer-tans wearing different time periods of fashion, but are more old-fashioned than 3.1 and 95. There are also some exceptions, in canon, there is MS-DOS-tan's modern schoolgirl attire.

This used to be the main theory used in OS-tan expanded universe works, but is now second to the real-world based theory. However, the two aren't necessarily incompatible.

Real World-based Theory

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This theory, which has gained a lot more favor in the western fanon, involves real users and real locations in what looks like the real world with some futuristic cyberpunk elements. The inclusion of real people of the companies who created the computer systems serves as a way to neatly resolve the origins of the OS-tans in-universe as having been artificially created.

Settings proposed in OS-tan literature

This article is a work in progress.
…well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editors’ notes.

While the OS-tan community cannot agree on a single OS-tan setting or continuity, many writers and artists have created, within their stories, OS-tan universes that have definitive settings, backgrounds and mechanics. It is unlikely these stories are a part of a single continuity - however, some share elements that hint at them being related, and a number are confirmed as belonging to a shared continuity.

The first prominent continuity to arise in the OS-tan fan community was that of the "Fantasy culture" setting. Largely imagined by former OSC artist C-chan and laid out in his Annex Project, it featured a cast built mostly of OS- and program-tans, with a few humans included. Under this view of the OS-tan universe, OS-tan are almost entirely female and a ruling class; their assistants, program-tans, are divided between male and female. Humans are largely limited to industry leaders, and portrayed as the creators and bosses of the OS-tans. Other defining characteristics of this continuity include: Pure hardware-tans are all but ignored; the earlier an OS-tan was built, the more antiquated its appearance and behavior is; and the mainframes are cast as a race of giants. The earliest character in this continuity is EXEC-tan.

Among the first OS-tan stories to employ a variant of the "real world" setting is OSC user Bella's Linux-tan comic. While most of the characters are OS-tans, humans are featured as well. The setting seems to be largely real-world, with differences typical to the real world-based theory of OS-tan setting: such as OS-tans possessing magical powers; as well as a few characteristics borrowed from the "fantasy culture" theory, like -tans grouping into factions that function largely independent of human society. The relationship between the real world and the world of the OS-tans was not detailed at any length, nor was OS-tan society outside of a few factions (mostly the Unix and Linux-tans).