Wanderer Class Annex Bios

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 12:57, 14 March 2011 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)
Tick tock, editors….
This article is a work in progress.
…well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editors’ notes.

Wanderer Class



Apple III


  • Name: Apple III-tan
  • aka: Apple ///, Sara
  • Debut: May 1980
  • Height: 163 cm (5'4")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair: Red-brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Born in 1978 (when development started), she was a cheery and proud young girl, but Apple I-tan's death sparked a series of mental breakdowns she'd later have.
    • -By the time of her grand debut in 1980, her attitude worsened and became a pyromaniac.
    • -Only got along with Apple I and II. Tried to improve herself (without much success) and left the family in 1984.
    • -Lives with her followers on a remote island and observatory.
    • -Has huge ambitions and the desire for self-redemption.
    • -Used to dislike the Mac-tans, but became proud of them after hearing of their remarkable recovery efforts after the OS Wars.
    • -But being a failure, she was for a long time too ashamed to ever see her relatives again.
    • -Is friends with SAGE, GENIAC and Adam.
    • -Within the past year, she has gotten enough courage to visit the Binteeji Renmei, to visit GENIAC and the Apple-tans there.
    • -Wears a black jumpsuit with a cloak and boots and decorates her hair with metal hair clips.


  • Data Pending

Barbie Linux

[[File: ]]

  • Name: Barbie Linux-tan
  • aka: Barbie OS
  • Debut: n/a
  • Height: 221 cm (7'3")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Is the tallest living non-mainframe OS-tan.
    • -Friendly, outgoing and cheerful, although blunt at times.
    • -Has long blonde hair, and wears a pink+white polka-dotted minidress.
    • -Fond of nearly everything cute and trendy.
    • -Was a member of the Linux/Unix Consortium, but was shunned a lot by the more elitist members who derided her as a sell-out, or worse.
    • -Her cheerful demeanor is often a facade, hiding a broken ego turned unstable.
    • -Friends with Atari TOS, Coleco Adam, OS-9 and Mac OS9.
    • -Dislikes the elite Unix-tans, is also rivals with Windows XP, Vista and 7.
    • -Does not take rejection well.
    • -Frequently carries a machete.



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Commodore 65

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Commodore 128

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Commodore VIC-20


  • Name: Commodore VIC-20-tan
  • aka: VC-20, VIC-1001, Volkscomputer, Vixen, "Victoria"
  • Debut: 1980
  • Height: 143 cm (4'8")
  • Weight: 36 kg (79 lb)
  • Eye Color: Orange
  • Hair: Burgundy
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Has a prim, but formidable, appearance and demeanour.
    • -Was stationed on land during her days in the Commodore military, unlike her naval-oriented sisters.
    • -Wields a M1903 Springfield rifle with bayonet.
    • -Wears her old military tunic, coat and brodie helmet, but with more the recent --and feminine-- additions of a skirt, lace-trimmed knee-high socks and mismatched shoes.
    • -Has a cynical and acerbic attitude.
    • -Has traveled the world since Commodore's downfall.
    • -Yearns to be a part of the modern world but refuses to let go of the past.
    • -Constantly laments the loss of her company and heritage.
    • -May not be aware of her status as a minor cult hero within the Linux family/community.
    • -Physically young, has long, wavy hair and keen eyes.

Damn Small Linux

  • Data Pending


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DEC Rainbow 100

[[File: ]]

  • Name: DEC Rainbow 100-tan
  • aka: "Rainbow"
  • Clan: DEC
  • Debut: 1982
  • Height: 148 cm (4'10")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color:Blue
  • Hair: Pink
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Has always struggled with an identity crisis, always felt like the 'odd one out'.
    • -The home computer-tan among the DECs.
    • -Wants to be professional and conform to IBM compatible standards while still being a non-comformist.
    • -Never got promoted above cadet rank, many of her campaigns failed due to short-sightedness.
    • -Is a great multi-tasker, likes to write and draw, and has a zen-like attitude towards life.
    • -Wears her old DEC uniform jacket with frilly dresses and colorful hair ribbons.
    • -Friends with Amiga, Windows 1.0, TOPS-10 and TOPS-20.
    • -Wants to be an apprentice to VMS, but is merely tolerated by the CIOST.



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  • Name: DigiComp-tan
  • aka: DigiComp I, II
  • Debut: 1963
  • Height: 160 cm (5'3")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair: White
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Tends to push herself to exhaustion doing math problems
    • -Wants to be taken seriously by the digital computers.
    • -The first real mechanical binary computer, very capable despite being a "toy".
    • -Can only say "Yes" or "No", which doesn't really help her make her case.
    • -Friends with GENIAC and EMAG-III.
    • -Makes wire sculptures, unfolds paperclips, generally plays around with anything thin and metallic.
    • -Seems to be found of logic puzzles and brain teasers, as far as anyone can tell.
    • -Has a passion for bowling (Digi-Comp II used a rolling ball to for power).
    • -Is an elementary school teacher in her native New Jersey.
    • -Wears turtlenecks and long skirts when teaching, otherwise wears tank tops and jeans, all with a striped motif.
    • -Always wears flip-flops with her outfits.



  • Name: Evoke-tan
  • aka: Damn Small BSD
  • Debut: 12/31/2007
  • Height: 18 cm (0'7")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Pale Green
  • Hair: Dark Red
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Is extroverted, daring and mischievous.
    • -Hard-working, but not exactly ambitious, prefers minimalism and a laid-back attitude.
    • -Friends with the other Damn Small-tans, the four of them usually band together.
    • -FreeBSD's tiny little sister, they get along well, but Evoke keeps her distance out of the fear of getting eaten.
    • -An honorary member of the User Space Gang.
    • -Wears a sleeveless red dress with a green bow and sneakers.
    • -Has her hair tied with ribbons into horn-like pigtails.
    • -Wields a gold fork.

Fried Chicken Linux

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Haiku OS

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[[File: ]]

  • Name: ITS
  • aka: "Incompatible Timesharing System"
  • Debut: circa 1960
  • Height: 163 cm (5'4")
  • Weight: 52 kg (115 lb)
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -An MIT native and one of the founders of the Hacker Culture.
    • -Disagreed with the 'grandiose' timesharing OS-tans of her era (especially CTSS and Multics) but was generally polite toward them.
    • -Dislikes Unixes with a venomous fervor, but is friends with Linux.
    • -Excellent friends with WAITS and Emacs, the latter of whom she mentored.
    • -Has a nonchalant, no-nonsense personality, is rebellious but also rather ambitionless.
    • -Employs quirky self-defense measures.
    • -An expert markswoman, always has a few guns on hand.
    • -Rides a vintage motorbike (symbolizing the PDP-10 computer).
    • -Dresses in a mix of old southwestern and steampunk clothing, including a duster coat, waistcoat and bolo tie, goggles and boots.
    • -Is a traveler, her closest friend being the fellow traveler TripOS.


  • Data Pending

Lunar Linux

[[File: ]]

  • Name: Lunar Linux-tan
  • aka:
  • Debut: Feb 2002
  • Height: 165 cm (5'5")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Light yellow
  • Hair: Black
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Sorcerer Linux's first daughter.
    • -Takes after her mother, but identifies as a wizard and is less strict.
    • -Rumored to have a secret base on the moon, which she reports to.
    • -Witty, likes to joke around.
    • -Favorite animals are squirrels and owls.
    • -Highly interested in the old-school hacker culture.
    • -Relationship with Sorcerer is shaky, but is a close sister to Source Mage.
    • -Wears a white dress with blue leggings, a blue wizard robe and hat.
    • -Keeps her hair spiky and partly in pigtails resembling the ears of a horned owl.

Macintosh System 3.4


  • Name: Macintosh System 3.4-tan
  • aka: Mac System 3.4
  • Debut: circa 1988
  • Height: 180 cm (5'11")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Dark Grey
  • Hair: Dark brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Is hot-blooded, boisterous and cheerful.
    • -Likes to make up conspiracies and is even the subject of some herself since there are no comprehensive records of her past.
    • -Lives as a wanderer by choice and is a traveling stunt performer.
    • -Is allegedly Macintosh System 6-tan's twin sister. (System 3.4 used the same Finder version as System 6.0.x) They used to have a bitter rivalry but have reconciled as friends.
    • -Her closest friends are Commodore 65-tan and Windows 3.2-tan, and the three of them are usually seen together.
    • -Initially felt she had no purpose in life because of her obscurity, so early in her life, she left the Apple Family to pursue her own dreams.
    • -Now she is very bold and confident and no longer cares about her obscurity. She has found a lot of satisfaction in her work.
    • -Has cheated death many times, much to her own amazement, but knows she is living on borrowed time (any day could be her last) and strives to make the most of it.
    • -May have been kept alive for several years through the sheer willpower to live.
    • -Wears a grey frilly blouse and blue skirt with ballet shoes.
    • -Keeps her hair tied in long, forked pigtails tied with red ribbons and decorated with hairclips. Has large, winged sunglasses with colored panels.

Mac System 7.5

  • Data Pending

Mertvaya Ruka


  • Name:Mertvaya Ruka
  • aka: "Dead Hand", "Система Периметр" ("Perimeter System")
  • Debut: circa 1984
  • Height: 180 cm (5'11")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: Dark Grey
  • Hair: Platinum Blonde



  • Name: MilaX
  • aka: Damn Small Solaris
  • Debut: Jun 2008
  • Height: 18 cm (0'7")
  • Weight: ?kg
  • Eye Color: Lilac
  • Hair: Red-brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Solaris' little sister.
    • -Is calm, humble and cheerful, contrasting with her sister's aggressive and neurotic attitude.
    • -Runs Solaris' coffee shop when she's absent.
    • -A skilled sorceress, but doesn't flaunt it, mainly using her skills to run the shop.
    • -Friends with the other Damn Small-tans.
    • -Wears a waitress outfit with an apron, and a hat in the style of the Solaris mascot Duke.

Momonga Linux

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Newton OS

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Palm OS

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[[File: ]]

  • Name: RSTS
  • aka: "Ristess", RSTS/E
  • Debut: 1971
  • Height: 165 cm (5'5")
  • Weight: 66 kg (145 lb)
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Daughter of TSS-8.
    • -Has a pragmatic, utilitarian outlook.
    • -A lively woman, known for her good sense of humour and love of practical jokes.
    • -Her boisterous nature might be mistaken for cockiness, but friends know she's actually quite grounded.
    • -A tomboy.
    • -Physically mature, strong and stocky with short blonde hair, unfussy about her dress and appearance.
    • -Like many of the DEC-tans, shows a longing for the past. Still employed as a hobbyist OS.


  • Data Pending



  • Name: SAGE-tan
  • aka: Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, "Gina"
  • Debut: 1959
  • Height: 162 cm (~5'4")
  • Weight: 54 kg (119 lb)
  • Eye Color: Blue w/ yellow highlights
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Born at Lincoln Labs in 1953, is the daughter of Whirlwind.
    • -Had a close relationship with her mother despite rarely being with her
    • -Girlhood friends with GENIAC-chan.
    • -Was self-assured and capable in early adulthood.
    • -A powerful Air Force officer during the Cold War, her job was to intercept incoming enemy bombers; had a large entourage of hardwares-tans to assist her. She trained in piloting as well.
    • -While powerless against ICBMs, she was kept in service from 1958 to 1983.
    • -A willing servant of her country, she tried to hold onto her sense of self-worth but it slowly eroded.
    • -Became increasingly jaded and psychologically-unstable; being abandoned in 1983 was her snapping point.
    • -Cut off from her radar sites and assistants, she lost her vision, memories and sanity for the most part.
    • -Lives as a drifter and often inhabits her old radar sites.
    • -Psychotic and paranoid, she deals with loneliness and bouts of violence.
    • -Hates most smaller-scale OS-tans, but none so much as Unix
    • -Birds seem attracted to her but she hates them.
    • -Lapses into moments of mental clarity.
    • -Doesn't seem aware of the influence she's had on modern computers.
    • -Short/average height, wears thick glasses and usually keeps her hair tied in a squash blossom hairstyle. Wears parts of her old uniform mixed with civilian pieces.

Source Mage Linux

[[File: ]]

  • Name: Source Mage Linux-tan
  • aka:
  • Debut: 4/4/2002
  • Height: 150 cm (4'11")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair: Black
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Lunar Linux-tan's slightly younger sister, who she is often seen with.
    • -Is Sorcerer-tan's reanimated clone, magicially created from the remnants of Sorcerer-tan's original body.
    • -Taking after her mother quite a bit, she is very devoted to open sorcery.
    • -Very advanced with potential that equals or even surpasses that of Sorcerer-tan's.
    • -However, she still has a lot to learn (only being a beta OS).
    • -Is introverted, compassionate and a strong supporter of freedom.
    • -Very respectful of others, even towards the Linux-tans that are considered "traitors" among the Linuces.
    • -Very fond of birds (crows and ravens in particular), she has at least one pet crow or raven accompanying her.
    • -When meeting people, she requires new acquaintances to make a social contract with her.
    • -Dons a black robe and red shawl decorated with raven feathers.

Stratus VOS

[[File: ]]

  • Name: Stratus VOS-tan
  • aka: Virtual Operating System, OpenVOS
  • Debut: 1982
  • Height: 180 cm (5'11")
  • Weight: 67 kg (148 lb)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair: Dark red w/ pink highlights
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Believes herself to be Multics' long-lost daughter and the victim of a conspiracy to hide her true heirship.
    • -Had moderate contact with, and tutelage by, Multics.
    • -Lives on the fringes of society.
    • -Enduring and powerful, physically and psychologically.
    • -Learnt many of Multics magical techniques, employs a number of spells she unfortunately calls "curses".
    • -A skilled communicator in many languages, including several bafflingly obscure ones.
    • -Hostile toward Unix-sama, perhaps stemming from a knowledge of Unix' and Multics' relation.
    • -Looks at Unix with a sort of younger-sibling resentment.
    • -Seems to enjoy purloining, or "cloning", if all attempts fail, Unix utilities and programs.
    • -Tall, athletic, wears her short red hair with long bangs and highlights. Dresses is darkly coloured steampunk-inspired clothing, a corset and liberal amounts of jewelry.

Stress Linux

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Tinfoil Hat Linux

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  • Name: TripOS-tan
  • aka: "Trivial Portable Operating System"
  • Debut: Jan 1978
  • Height: ??? cm
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Has a calm, old-fashioned and pleasant demeanor.
    • -Is Amiga's mother, but while Amiga was in the service of the Commodore Family, she was not allowed to see her at all.
    • -Didn't mind at first because of her research and travels as a university scholar, but had a change in heart by the mid-90's.
    • -Behind the times, her research and experiments are obsolete but still mean a lot to her.
    • -Lives as a wanderer and traveler.
    • -Now makes efforts to regularly visit Amiga and her family, especially eager to see the grandkids (Morph OS, Anubis and AROS).
    • -Has short brown hair and wears a blue+white cyclist's outfit, and has a red+white ribbon in her hair.
    • -Rides a motorized tricycle.
    • -Friends with ITS.


[[File: ]]

  • Name: Ultrix-tan
  • aka:
  • Debut: 1984
  • Height: 170 cm (5'7")
  • Weight: 62kg (137 lb)
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -A BSD-tan, was integrated into DEC culture at a young age (the first Unix do to so).
    • -Accepted into the DEC ranks despite objections by the strongly anti-Unix DEC-tans and leadership. Very proud of this fact.
    • -Had a long-running “turf feud” with OpenVMS (Ultrix and VMS ran on the same VAX computer systems).
    • -Harbours a strong, but strangely good-natured rivalry with OpenVMS.
    • -Ironically, has a much more venomous vendetta toward her fellow DEC Unix, Tru64 Unix, who stole her position at DEC.
    • -A cool, collected and sly personality.
    • -Wields a trident with three bladed prongs.
    • -Physically mature, has wavy brown hair, mischievous green eyes, usually wears a slinky black dress when not in uniform.


[[File: ]]

  • Name: VAXELN-tan
  • aka: VAX/ELN, ELAN
  • Debut: 1996
  • Height: 165 cm (5'5")
  • Weight: 56kg (118 lb)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair: Light blue
  • Quick Facts:
    • -OpenVMS-tan's sister and RSX-11's daughter.
    • -Raised in Seattle, had little contact with her family.
    • -Still has a fairly strong cultural identity as a DEC.
    • -Born two years before the fall of the DEC society, feels like a latecomer who missed out on the glory days of her culture.
    • -Mildly jealous of her far more prolific sister.
    • -Has a rather dazed and unprepared personality.
    • -Physically a late teenager, short blue hair, blue eyes, bears a strong likeness to OpenVMS.
    • -Most friendly with RT-11.
    • -Enjoys skiing.

Windows 3.2


  • Name: Windows 3.2-tan
  • aka:
  • Debut: 1994
  • Height: 137 cm (4'6")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: Magenta
  • Hair: Grey
  • Quick Facts:
    • -The founder and the last Windows-tan of the Windows Family Overseas Branch, later Windows multilingual abilities rendered the division obsolete.
    • -Has lived as a wanderer ever since the overseas branch was obsolete.
    • -Strongly resembles Windows 3.1, but wears a purple+blue Chinese dress and has her hair tied in pigtails.
    • -Isn't Windows 3.1's twin sister, given their age difference, but resembles the part.
    • -Is accompanied by a rabbit representing DOS, akin to 3.1-tan's DOS kitty.
    • -Generally cheerful, but her lifelong experience as a wanderer has turned her into a skilled survivalist and thrill-seeker.
    • -Given her distant upbringing, the Windows Family isn't aware of her existence, and she's barely aware of theirs. Reluctant to meet other Windows-tans since most of them she has met turned out to be malicious bootlegs.
    • -However, she is well-acquainted with 95 OSR 2.1-tan, OSR 2.5-tan and 97-tan.
    • -Has also met and befriended Windows 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan, even though she's unaware of their status as real Windows-tans.
    • -Also friends with Mac System 3.4-tan and Commodore 65-tan, the three are often seen together.

Windows 95 OSR 2.1


  • Name: Windows 95 OSR 2.1-tan
  • aka: 95B, OSR2.1
  • Debut: 1996
  • Height: 158 cm (5'2")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Has a calm and courteous disposition.
    • -Is an old-fashioned inventor who makes electronic gadgets, though they often backfire, giving her a reputation as one of the least reliable Windows-tans.
    • -Has long brown hair decorated by metal hairclips and a bow fashioned from cables.
    • -Wears a steampunk-style dress with a kimono-style vest, and an "OSR 2.1" brooch.
    • -Is the last Windows-tan to know of MS BOB-tan, and is the only one willing and able to speak of her.
    • -Grew up in a competitive environment. Wanted to be as powerful and graceful as 95-tan, but wasn't a very good fighter.
    • -A sci-fi fanatic more interested in the future and introduced USB support to Windows, believing it to be the thing of the future and put previous interfaces in the past.
    • -However, she didn't do a good job with that, and soon ran away from home in shame, and has never returned.
    • -Now lives far away on her own as a hermit, but regularly contacts 95 OSR 2.5-tan via letters.
    • -Helped out 95 OSR 2.5-tan in her time of need.
    • -Is very friendly and offers to help out any fellow wanderers.
    • -Is a great sharpshooter and wields a hi-tech bow and arrow set she crafted herself.

Windows 95 OSR 2.5


  • Name: Windows 95 OSR 2.5-tan
  • aka: 95C, OSR2.5
  • Debut: 11/26/1997
  • Height: 153 cm (5'0")
  • Weight: ??kg
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair: Brown
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Has a feisty, hot-blooded and competitive attitude.
    • -Has short brown hair decorated by a large black bow and "2.5" hairclip.
    • -Wears a white sleeveless top with a red bow, long black gloves, black skirt.
    • -Regards 98-tan and 98 SE-tan as rivals but no matter what she does, they still see her as a well-meaning friend.
    • -Wields a jutte in self-defense.
    • -Ran away from home at an early age (like OSR 2.1-tan), but occasionally returns as a playful freeloader.
    • -Regularly writes letters to 95 OSR 2.1-tan.
    • -Is friends with Atari DOS-tan, and from her connection to the Binteeji Renmei, she also found out about Windows 1.0-tan's and 2.0-tan's existences.
    • -Delighted to meet long-lost relatives she had never known about before, but keeps their existence a secret from the Windows Family for 1.0's and 2.0's sake.

Windows 97


  • Name: Windows 97-tan
  • aka: "97-tan"
  • Debut: none, technically (see note)
  • Height: 143 cm (4'8")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Hair: Brown
  • Note: Windows 97 was the working name for Windows 98 before it was released.
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Is cheerful and energetic.
    • -Her origins are unknown, her existence is a surprise to many of the Windows-tans.
    • -Interacts with the Windows Family from time to time.
    • -There don't seem to be any records of her past.
    • -Has a 'Napoleon Complex' and greatly envies XPMCE-tan for her physique.
    • -Keeps the front of her hair braided, the rest tied in buns on the side of her head and decorated with colored tassels.
    • -Wears a red+white traditional Chinese-style shirt over a navy blue swimsuit and adorned with a Windows logo brooch.
    • -Has the kanji for '97' on her forehead.
    • -Frequently covers up the '9' on her forehead and claims to be Windows 7-tan.

Windows Neptune

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Windows Odyssey

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