
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 23:47, 5 February 2007 by (talk)

As of this date, there are two known renditions of Ubuntu-tan. The first was posted on 6/12/2005 by the Japanese artist Piro. This Ubuntu-tan is portrayed as a young, wild and happy-go-lucky girl with only a very slight dark-skinned complexion and blue eyes. She is scantily-clad with motif's from the default Human Gnome desktop theme and wears high-heeled sandals. Pieces of the Ubuntu logo are also featured as her hairclip and forming a kind of energy shawl around her chest.

The second rendition was posted on 10/9/2005 by the Italian artist Juzo-kun. This Ubuntu-tan is older and much more genuinely dark-skinned, but still has a kind and serene quality to her. Her clothing is also a combination of motifs based on the Ubuntu logo and the default Human Gnome desktop theme; however, she also sports armor and a spear, following the trend of depicting all Linux-tans as members of a warrior-class.

Both versions follow the theme of making Ubuntu a dark-skinned girl of probable African decent, given the South African roots of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. They are also shown as being friendly and open, given the customizable and user-friendly nature of the operating system.

Incidentally, the meaning of the word Ubuntu is generally suggested to mean humanity towards others.

Her as yet undrawn sisters include Kubuntu-tan, Edubuntu-tan and Xubuntu-tan.

See also: