
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 16:58, 30 August 2007 by Bella (talk | contribs)

There are two mainstream personifications of Windows NT. The first such, NT-tan, usually has purple hair, ranging from lilac to very dark, and blue eyes. She often wears a pink dress (as seen here), and her depicted age can range from child to adult. Sometimes she is also portrayed as the mother of 2K-tan, Inu-T, and, less commonly, other NT releases.

Windows NT-tan
Also Known As: Inu-T, Windows New Technology
Original Creator: Unknown
First appearance: Unknown
OS Personified: Windows NT Workstation and Server 3.0-4.0
OS Developer: Microsoft
First Released: 27 July 1993
Latest Stable Release: v. 4.0 29 July 1996

Although usually seen as loving, sweet and motherly, a few artists' depictions show NT-tan as a bold...and sometimes crazed...warrior, shown with a bladed weapon. One such depiction shows her alongside Windows 95-tan.

The second is Inu-T, a young, blue haired dog-girl who wears a blue dress, and socks and gloves shaped like paws.

Yet another NT-tan, Windows NT SP6, was designed by the dōjinshi group Deja vu, but it was considered a bootleg design by Futaba society and not an official OS-Tan.

See also: