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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@pentium: wait, you're playing for the collector's edition? i hope you win, then. -w-
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Yeah. I want that figurine it comes with

Besides, there's nothing saying I can't activate my Trap Card anyway...


Um, Skype has some sort of bell ringer thing some people use to rouse me upon occasion.

Also: East German summer weight rain drop pattern camo jacket.  Military nerd out moment commence!


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And also the funkiest living telephone this side of the 1970s.  Pics to come.


oh hell yes. -w-

speaking of which, i still regret not getting a candlestick-style modern phone a few years ago.....they had it at a marshall's, for like, 15 bucks. i begged my mum but she said no cause i was in 5th grade and she didn't think i needed it. :[
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Speaking of phones, I have an old rotary dial phone. I'll probably post a picture of it later

@Choco: I'll watch that video after Doctor Who, since it's about to be on in a few minutes


ty for the links, i just got the jist of the episodes.

i'm sad that we saw the doctor die though. he's like, one of my heros. ;^;
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Spoilers, Kari, spoiiiiilers. DDDD:

Quote from: stewartsage on May 07, 2011, 06:34:01 PM
Um, Skype has some sort of bell ringer thing some people use to rouse me upon occasion.

Also: East German summer weight rain drop pattern camo jacket.  Military nerd out moment commence!

I'm hesitant to use that since you probably need your sleep. D:

Is this an item you found...?


Lies!  I need no sleep!

An item I acquired.

Aw man, I just packed up my Kellog made rotary dial.  Suck on that Western Electric!


@stew: pics or it didn't happen. =w=
@bella: i thought we agreed that there was no point in trying to cover up spoilers? :\
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Well, if Choco has seen the new episode, I can announce the result of the bet. Otherwise, the mystery shall linger...

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 07, 2011, 07:58:41 PM
i'm sad that we saw the doctor die though. he's like, one of my heros. ;^;

My jaw dropped when that happened; they just killed the star of the show, in the very first episode of a new season no less, with little explanation as to what was going on.


@K: I thought we agreed there was no way to mark spoilers... >>

Anyway. In the shower. I had the GREATEST IDEA FOR A STORY EVER. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, modern culture has crumbled and reverted to an agricultural society. The only traces of technology that remain are genetically-engineered organisms. In the absence of engines and motors animal-based transportation has become common. Many creatures are used, but the horse, biologically engineered to be stronger, faster, more intelligent and powerful than ever before, is the long-distance vehicle of choice, except these horses can only be be ridden or driven by select people who can properly interface with their minds. These are usually young girls, up to the mid-teen years, and older women, though women of all ages and men are present too. These riders leave the comfort of their small villages and roam the wilds of the outside world - traveling vast distances and facing innumerable dangers to carry post, cargo and travelers safely to their destinations. Think My Little Pony meets The Postman meets The Stand meets Every Girls' Horse Story EVER TOLD. Meant to be a brutal deconstruction of the "pony tale" genre.

This can't lose.


Coming out of lurk mode to go...


and that I should be writing.


*catches Kriz in a large butterfly net*

There'll be no lurking! >w<