making a simple game with OS tans....

Started by bookgekgom, February 29, 2008, 09:30:34 PM

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Hi This is a college student who is majoring in Computer Science.

I want to create a simple online game with OS tan characters

I am thinking of Using 6 characters from Windows, Mac, Linux.

The question is...

What will be happening if I use those characters without a permission?

Do I need a permission to use OS tans or free to use for ALL kinda purpose?

This is a free game project, perhaps for my graduation :D?

And also, I am looking for skilled graphic designers...

If you are good at making small Icons, and willing to help me.

Please contact me.

aim: bookgekgom


email: using hotmail same as above.

Thanks for all.


Hello Bookgekgom!

Out of curiosity, what kinda game is this going to be? I'm clueless when it comes to game design, but we do have a lot of forum members who might be of more help...

As for the permission, this is something of a fan creation, so there really aren't "copyrights"...unless MS or Apple finds out about this, that is to say :P


Apple can be just as bad as Microsoft if not worse when it comes to THAT.

Curious what would your cast include?  Just the canon OS-tans as they are the most well known?  Also, do you have some artistic ability as well as computer skill?

Im sure you will be pestered by the bulk of this board to include all of their favorite alternitive tans, but my recomendation is to use the canon tans that everyone knows.  

As for art, what kind of art are you looking for?  Animation? Static pictures?  Vector art? Soft shading? Manga style? Pixil art?  We really need to know more about what your looking for before people can jump forth with their skills.  C-Chan is known for his vectors, Id say Darknight is your best option for color soft shading, myself I am best with manga and Im studying animation, and Vandabb would be the ticket for any form of pixil/paint based art.

as for copyright infringment, os-tans are pretty free for all.  Just dont try to copyright them yourself.  If you try to make any form of claim to them, or try to copyright your game or charge for it, Im sure there are some japanese types that will come down on you like a hammer.  The OS-tans are free, and you are free to use them as long as you maintain that public domain.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Thanks for replies.

This game will be very small and simple.

The game will be written in Java, so anyone will be able to run game

in Any OS....

This game will be similar to the game known as "Gun-bound".

There are similar game project going on in ubuntu forum, however,

I decided to make my own project since, they will write the game code in Python....

I am a not quite have skill to make a moving icons with OS tans.

However, the game code is under development.

And I hope there will be a someone or many people who will be willing to help me to create bmp images of OS tans...

which will perform in the game...

Thanks for your replies again.

ps. also need music for this game...Oh god....


Hello there Mr. Book,

Afraid I can't help you as much as I could back in the good ol' days, as I'm tied with development of my own.  Even so, being on here for 2 years or so has allowed me to see many a game design proposal that's gone unstarted (mine included).  It's almost ironic that the only person who HAS successfully created a number of games and such based on OS-tans  did so basically on his own, using a very fast and efficient drawing style:

Hate to play devil's advocate, but if you need help with this game -- which is essentially a fork off an existing game project -- then I think you need to offer people a bit more assurance about your commitment to it.  They need to know the extent of your programming skills.  They need to know you'd be willing to learn how to draw or vectorize at least , so you can help guide the art direction to fit your vision.  You also need to be willing to learn how to play music, even if it means buying a cheap MIDI control and practicing a little day by day till you can read and compose the music you want in the game.  

Granted, you may not have the time for all that and need to delegate, but even if that's the case, consider at the very least providing a base that artists and music composers can work on.  A page on Sourceforge for example.  Samples of the code or screenshots of how the other Gun-Bound game operates.  Maybe a copy of the license you plan to use for the game (being a *Buntu user, I figure GPL3, no?).  

You're catching my drift, no?  

So then Mr. Book,....

Before we can begin talking about art style and contributions, I need to know the extent of your own commitment to this project, as well as an understanding of the artwork produced here and how best it fits your project goals.


Yes C-Chan, I understand what you are saying perfectly.
It's totally waste of time if I do not finish this game when ppl help me with music and such. And even for myself I am not sure if this project will be done in certain time because i am pretty busy with college.
Like the Gun bound-like game for Ubuntu, yes, ITEAM doesn't seem developing the project at all. ITEAM Irc channel is gone and i see nothing new from their site.
Look I am not going to push people to make some music or characters right now. I will notify when I am completely done with basic program, however, I will love to have a "Sample character" so i can use it while I am coding this program because I want to c how would they work.

And I am not that skillful and say this program will have license...GPL3...I never thought of it...I do not think this program will be that fancy..Lol...

Because you want summary of this project :) Here it goes.

I hope I could draw a map in UML here but well...

Program will be using Java...Yes, not C++ or C# this program will be coded in Java. And you can easily figure out how slow this will be.

This program will be an online game. People will need to connect to a server to play game with others.

If and only if i finish this game, it will contain following Items:

1. Login Screen(No fancy looking stuff)

2. Wait Room (Where will let you choose a room to join or create your own)

3. You will be able to play only 1:1 or 2:2 for this time.

4. Only Windows OS tans will be added for the moment.

5. There will be only 1 Map.

LOL what do you expect ...

For graphic designers.

If you have lil time plz, make a Me chan Image size of 50 of 50 in PNG. very small huh? I will use this as a sample image for a while.

6 ME-chan images that will show the stat of chatacter as following:

1)NORMAL(LifeBar >= 100) -> 2) MOVING(ya walking around) 3)SHOOT(aiming)
-> 4)SHOOT(while a user pressing spacebar on keyboard)->5)SHOOT(shooting)  - 6)DEAD(LifeBar <= 0)

What will me chan shoot with? that's obvious the vegetable she is that a leek or scallion? hm.....

Here are steps for developing the program.

1)Code Basic System and Codes(Client and Server) -> 2)Add Characters in fancy looking (if possible) -> 3)Add music(if possible) -> 4)Testing for few months before release.

ps.  I ain't gonna make this program in Open source thus, no gpl. This ain't no big project....As I said this is for fun...and it's kinda humiliating to show my code hehe....


I appreciate the additional detail and the tentative project roadmap, Mr. Books.

I do however find it unfortunate that you won't be open sourcing your work, and all due to shame no less.  Of the 101 [mostly for-profit] reasons to keep code proprietary for a team-oriented project, I don't believe shame qualifies as one of them.

That really is too bad,... and to think you're about to be a postgraduate and potential project leader, yet think so lowly of yourself.  -__-

If you really truly believe that, then my recommendation is to keep this a private project for yourself until you build a little more self-confidence.  Especially for voluntary work, teamwork has to be inspired, and a good, enthusiastic project leader -- the kind people would fight to work with -- can turn a simple 1-map game into the next MUGEN.

So if all you need is sample artwork, consider Infinity-san's minis:

They're standalone PNG files, but my imitations:

...are open sourced, and you can get the source from the Downloads section (under SVG graphics).  

To learn how to use Inkscape for basic stuff, feel free to read my Inkscape Tutorial:

Inkscape is very user-friendly, doesn't require innate drawing skills, and doesn't need a special tablet to draw.  With a little practice, it should provide you a good medium with which to create simple, yet professional-looking graphics.

If you want sample music, download midi files or public-domain MP3 and WAV files, and then reconvert them to the format you need.

And that's all the help I personally can offer you.

Good luck.


What do you think Open source is? LOl

are you a Gnu follower or something?

Why do you think it's a shameful act for making a program closed source?

There is nothing wrong with it.

Coding a program is like doing an art.

I do not want to show my code and people laugh on it...hmhm...

:D And Did you make all you program codes Open source?

Is that really necessary?

Lol...And Thanks for helping me.


You're welcome.  -v-

Just word from the wise, kid.....

Don't worry so much about people laughing at your code, cause then they'll just end up laughing at you instead.  *snicker snicker*  ^___^

*trots off*


That true if you make a bad tan-os game we will lol on till the cows come home so be ready if it fail.
-Dos, Meow
"...and these children that you spit on,
as they try to change their worlds are
immune to your consultations.  They\'re
quite aware of what they\'re going through...
                                       - David Bowie"
Well it nice to meet now i have to go now
speak softly but carry a big stick

today is a summer service day, today is a summer service day, lets all go together to the blue blue sea, beach volleyball smashing watermelons it\'ll be so much fun we\'ll never leave. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh" *head bobbles like an idiot*
believe in me, who believes in you


Um... I am willing to draw you some original OS avatars... I havn't posted much on this gallery yet, all of my OS-tan drawings are mostly doodles, but I am pretty good at spriting (animating) also.

Discounting my avatar, I did it with a mouse please don't judge meeeee!! * freaks out * an example of some of my animation... I'm basically a beginner in FLASH, but I'm getting better, but I can animate in most any program.

This is an example of my work

and this is my first drawing of ME-tan, which I'm not very proud of...

If you would like I would love to help you!! ^__^


Delicious butterfly tastes like butter... OM NOM NOM NOM!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.




QuoteThat true if you make a bad tan-os game we will lol on till the cows come home so be ready if it fail.
-Dos, Meow

I cirtainly hope in the privacy of your own home where no other forum member knows of it.  Laughing at someone to riducule them is one of the behaviors on the forum thats not tollerated...

also, to bookgekgom... There are alot of Open Source type people here.  Pay them no mind.  I personaly wouldnt want to give out my work files for drawings to have them inspected and the errors I cleverly hid found.  I belive personal pride is a perfeclty fine reason for keeping your work to yourself.  

Plus I think its perfectly fine for someone to make something and NOT want people to be able to tweek it, take it apart, modify it etc...

Anyhow, if you hang around the forum youll notice the open source crowd is the loudest of the bunch.  Just pay them no mind if you dont belive in their "everything should be free to everyone"  speal.

Some of us are still willing to help on a limited basis reguardless.  Just give a bit more direction (cus im still a little shaky on what your trying to make...)  maybe id have to know what Gun-bound is..  *off to wiki*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Hello Toki!  That's some very cute artwork you have there!  ^^


As for the other issue, if Mr. Mod misses the point, then I better clarify it in plain ENglish.

The whole point to my "speal" is plain and simple trust.  If you can't get people to trust you to work as a team, then there just is no team.  Open Sourcing is an easy way to establish trust, but even when lacking an open license I could still help the person out IF I have some assurance my would-be partner is committed to be a team player and see the project through.  And quite frankly, coming in on your first post saying you have some gaming idea you yanked from somewhere else, but you have no time, unproven coding skills, and no interest in learning how to draw, compose music or make map levels,... just doesn't strike me with the best of confidence.  For all I know, I could be cast off on the wayside within a week, left to program the game myself!

The Captain, however, could make a great partner since he's not particularly touchy about the issue of trust.  This whole "Team Test" of mine in fact originated with our last failed collaboration, where he had no regret spitting in my face and wasting my time for the sole crime of trying to help him when no one else would.  

Personal pride protected indeed,... as long as its his own, everyone else can be damned.  

Now Captain,... you won't be the first nor the last person to throw dirt on open source.  But like it or not, we do more to tackle piracy at its source than later when some much-relished skull-cracking is mandated.  If you throw dirt at it, but simultaneously throw heavenly praise (as you've done) on "prestigious" software that costs more than most people CAN or WANT to pay,... then you're essentially LEADING susceptible people towards piracy.  

And given your position,... worse than a mere "conflict of interest", your actions strike me as those of an agent provocateur.

Go look that one up while you're off researching Gun-bound.