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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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Whooooooooooops,.... sorry Tsubashi-dono,...

Don't even own an iPod, let alone have installed Linux on one.  ^^'
I did, however, just finish installing a full Linux installation on a 4GB USB drive (not a LiveUSB!), and feeling damn proud of it.  ^___^
A bit slow and have to eliminate syslog among other things to reduce unnecessary writing cycles, but otherwise it's portable beyond belief!  ^v^

My guess on the iPod,... if it's a hard drive model,... maybe friction from the platters?  Or if Linux actually runs straight in a machine (as opposed to just being installed in it), maybe it's just too taxing on the unit's memory?


Oh well, I wasn't really expecting an answer, just wondering aloud. ^-^'
Though it does seem a bit odd. I haven't had this problem on any of the others, even on the same model. Maybe... I dunno. Just weird I guess.


Well, once again I have encountered a problem that is above me. Many know by now that a new amarok update has recently been given out. I did this morning attempt to download and install it, but alas I get an error message...
"dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/amarok_2%3a1.4.8-0ubuntu1~gutsy1_i386.deb (--unpack):
trying to overwrite `/usr/share/locale/rw', which is also in package coreutils
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"

I've spent many hours going in circles in attempt to fix this, finally I gave up and tried to install Banshee, no, of course that fails too. I got the same error message with all the media players I tried to install Rythmbox, BMPx,  Beep media player etc.
So once again I have come to find help here, if you please...


Hmm, lets see. What did you use to install? Have you tried apt-get install -f. What version of coreutils are you using? gcc? Does an older source compile correctly?

I'm sorry if I seem a little vague, I'm in the middle of a 3,000 word essay ^^'
Gomen nasai

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and what have you already tried?


Gyaaaaah!!  I leave the forum for a few days and already Gummuntu's machine is falling apart!  ^0^

Remember, you've gotta be very careful about what you update from Ubuntu, cause you're essentially a beta-tester to them (probably the reason why so many fixes require the CLI).  ^^'

Try checking out this thread....

...which makes mention of "dpkg --force-overwrite -i" that apparently works.  

Or there might be something useful here.


You both have my deepest thanks. The wolfs up and running again. Although I am hoping it wont eat anyone that's hunting tonight...


Wow!  I just love it when stuff "just works".  ^___^
Coincidentally, today a coworker of mine dragged his desktop PC to work so I could fix it.  Windows XP of course, but having done nothing but improvised computer repair jobs for all systems this past year, I felt like I was possessed just destroying malware here and there, tossing out junk software and that evil McAfee stuff, and injecting good free Win programs as well as FOSS software (my services are free of charge,... as long as I can fit in a substantial amount of "*Nix" advertisement.... ^v^).

Couldn't get Media Player to work, though, but he seemed to like VLC.  ^.^

Long story short, computer problems don't scare me anymore and I have a lot of good people to thank for that as well.  ^__^
So I convey your thanks to them,... but please don't ask me to list names cause it'd fill many encyclopedia volumes.  ^_________^;

Oh,... and please try to keep that wolf on a vegetarian diet for now -- just like with the Debian Stable pooches.  ^v^'


'Stable' is often a good idea unless you WANT that bleeding edge software with new bugs...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!

Bella, more fun with my virtual machine ;)

So I decide, hey, why not try out Zenwalk on the VM? I had the CDR lying around, so I pop it in and start up the machine. About 5 seconds into the boot screen, I get this message:

Well, first I try booting K8 with the CDR, to make sure the CDR isn't damaged. Worked fine.
For a second I considered perhaps this was a 64-bit distro...but wait, I ran it quite extensively on my old Compaq...
So I tried upping the memory, then downing the memory. I've actually tried quite a few things, like dis/enabling ACPI, going between booting from the image file and the actual disk, etc., as I did when I couldn't get Ubuntu to run (I'm still not quite sure how I managed that).

Dunno if this is OT, but I decided to give the new VirtualBox a try (cause I checked the site and it has a couple cool new features), but before installing it said the other version of VirtualBox must be uninstalled. Not wanting to mess up a good thing (IE, Ubuntu installation), I didn't. Is there any way to save the files before un-installing, and then transfer the HD image to the new version?


Wow, that's a lot of orange.  ^^'

In any event,... if memory serves,... I do believe your virtualbox files are located in My Documents>Virtualbox or something like that.  ^^
VDI is the extension for disk images, but trust me,... just pluck out any file that looks HUGE!!!!!!  (say, 4GB)

I might also interest you in the possibility of downloading the latest Zenwalk ISO and simply having Virtualbox launch that instead of the actual CD (just in case, you know....? ^^')


Bella, have you attempted giving the kernel a root-parameter, a la root=/dev/hdc

In other news: I installed Xubuntu on a PC of my parents. It didn't want to install and the PC was so slow that it even took long to CRASH... eventually the parameter ide=nodma fixed things.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


QuoteI might also interest you in the possibility of downloading the latest Zenwalk ISO and simply having Virtualbox launch that instead of the actual CD (just in case, you know....? ^^')

Yeah, I tried booting directly from the image, still the same message.

I just don't want to re-download the ISO, have it take 3 hours, and find out this distro just has some problem with the VM : |

QuoteBella, have you attempted giving the kernel a root-parameter, a la root=/dev/hdc

No, I think you overestimate my skills ;)


<_< >_>

AHAHAHAHAHA HAH AHHAHAHA HAHA  hahaha haha ha....ha.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteAHAHAHAHAHA HAH AHHAHAHA HAHA hahaha haha ha....ha.
Okay, sempai, just a moment...
*chases Cappy*
