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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Looking forward to having tomorrow off work. Have a feeling  I'm going to be yelled at about something when I go in today :\


It's official. I'm screwed.

I found out last week that jobcorp is kicking me out in two weeks.
Due to my coming seperation date. As such this is really bad. I don't have a place to stay, I don't have a job (yet), and the place I am trying to go for doesn't start hiring again until mid september. No car, no liscence (that might change though this week as I have my test.)
The only good thing about all of this is I will have a sizable chunk of cash to survive on for a bit. There is a few good things possibly.
There is a day labor place around the corner from my fostermoms house that I can go to and apply, at least ntil I get into EB, I have my fostermoms suns who I could work with, and I might end up getting an extension on my stay here if they don't procrastinate like morons again.

Simon was here :P


I don't want to pry so feel free to not answer, but why are you getting kicked out?

Also, I'm really annoyed at my dad and grandparents right now. My grandparents want to get a hold of my dad over something.  Except dad's not answering his cellphone. And neither are my grandparents now. They've tried calling me twice (yesterday evening they left a message saying they wanted to talk to him about something, today I missed their call by a few seconds), so I'm inclined to think it's something important. Hopefully dad just lost his phone and hasn't gotten himself killed. :|

I want to call the office of the festival he's working at and have them deliver a message. But I don't want to do so until I know what my grandparents need, so I don't worry him unnecessarily. >:|


Can I get some input on this?

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My girlfriend is about to move from Oregon to Utah. The guy who she's moving in with (friend, not boyfriend), has already driven up and is helping her get ready to go. Her mother comes and slanders her in front of him, saying she's a slob and doesn't do the dishes, never cleans, is terrible,etc. She's known this guy for 8 years, and seriously needs to get out of her mom's house. Now she's told me that 1. she won't have internet for a week when she gets to Utah cause they're switching ISPs, and that unless she can pay her phone bill, her mother is cutting off her phone on september 1st, knowing full well that she has no money. When she crashed her car, she got a check back from the insurance company for the loss, and her mother said that she was getting $1000 of it. Her mother proceeded to deny her the money (she's not a minor!!) and now says that she owes her upwards of $500. Her mother has bled her dry of insurance and wage money since she has started working. She's trying to make it impossible for her to move out so that she can keep making a profit on her. I've tried telling her several times that her mother is just leeching off of her, which is what it really sounds like. She took her severance pay from the Oregon national guard, and took half of her paychecks to pay for the utilities in the house. Yet, somehow, she still owes her mother an unwavering $500. How the fuck is someone this fucked up to profit off of their child and attempt to keep them in their misery by slandering them in front of their soon-to-be landlord and longtime friend? The fuck!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Cockle: I don't really know what to say, aside from your GF's mom is on a level of crazy that almost makes my mom look normal. Mine at least wants me to move out, it's just that seemingly everything else is preventing me from doing that :\

@Bella: I've been in that situation before. Although, in my case, it was a mad dash to get in contact with grandma...only to find she was wanting to know what she should make when we came over for dinner -w-;
Hope your dad is fine, and your grandparents can get in contact with him.

@Simon: I wish I could help somehow, but I'm thousands of miles away :[


Quote from: Cockleshell on August 26, 2014, 11:08:40 AM
Drama (snipped): ShowHide
Her mother proceeded to deny her the money (she's not a minor!!) and now says that she owes her upwards of $500. Her mother has bled her dry of insurance and wage money since she has started working. She's trying to make it impossible for her to move out so that she can keep making a profit on her. I've tried telling her several times that her mother is just leeching off of her, which is what it really sounds like. She took her severance pay from the Oregon national guard, and took half of her paychecks to pay for the utilities in the house. Yet, somehow, she still owes her mother an unwavering $500. How the fuck is someone this fucked up to profit off of their child and attempt to keep them in their misery by slandering them in front of their soon-to-be landlord and longtime friend? The fuck!

I would call your GF's mother an asshole but that would be an insult to butts everywhere.

Seriously, if you're a minor and living off your parents you kind of have to live by their rules (barring emotional or physical abuse of course). But an ADULT, with HER OWN INCOME being treated this way? Un-fucking-conscionable.

I can understand a (non-minor) child who's making money contributing to the household financially, but parents who take their children's money are the lowest of low. 


Quote from: Bella on August 26, 2014, 10:25:31 AM
I don't want to pry so feel free to not answer, but why are you getting kicked out?

It's not exactly kicked out. I am leaving on good terms, it is something that they schedualed and neglected to inform me of as I made plans.

also, how do you successfuly  change your banner again?

Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 26, 2014, 11:36:44 AM
@Simon: I wish I could help somehow, but I'm thousands of miles away :[

No offence pent, and don't get me wrong, I definately apreciate your concern but you don't need to worry about everyone. Like it's literally not healthy to do so.

If you were up here I'd ask to have you as a roomate though. ^_^

Quote from: Cockleshell on August 26, 2014, 11:08:40 AM
Can I get some input on this?

Drama: ShowHide
My girlfriend is about to move from Oregon to Utah. The guy who she's moving in with (friend, not boyfriend), has already driven up and is helping her get ready to go. Her mother comes and slanders her in front of him, saying she's a slob and doesn't do the dishes, never cleans, is terrible,etc. She's known this guy for 8 years, and seriously needs to get out of her mom's house. Now she's told me that 1. she won't have internet for a week when she gets to Utah cause they're switching ISPs, and that unless she can pay her phone bill, her mother is cutting off her phone on september 1st, knowing full well that she has no money. When she crashed her car, she got a check back from the insurance company for the loss, and her mother said that she was getting $1000 of it. Her mother proceeded to deny her the money (she's not a minor!!) and now says that she owes her upwards of $500. Her mother has bled her dry of insurance and wage money since she has started working. She's trying to make it impossible for her to move out so that she can keep making a profit on her. I've tried telling her several times that her mother is just leeching off of her, which is what it really sounds like. She took her severance pay from the Oregon national guard, and took half of her paychecks to pay for the utilities in the house. Yet, somehow, she still owes her mother an unwavering $500. How the fuck is someone this fucked up to profit off of their child and attempt to keep them in their misery by slandering them in front of their soon-to-be landlord and longtime friend? The fuck!

her mom is a sleezy controling manipulative bitch. Glad she is moving out of there. And good luck to her. Brightside is at least she isn't alone.
Simon was here :P


@Simon: It's alright; I suppose one could argue it's a problem of mine :\
Also, indeed ^^

@Bella: ...I LOL'd so hard at that comment on "that'd be offensive to butts" xD


fucking lizardsquad jesus christ
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


TFW you see a skirt you want to try on, but you're not in trap mode and have no way to explain why you're trying it on if you're using the "buying for girlfriend" cover story ;_;

That aside, yesterday was quite nice after work; actually got to go to Tyler for the first time in forever, and did a little shopping; mostly getting two CDs and another turret -w-


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



@bells: that's.....disturbing. that you're having extreme trouble getting in touch with your dad and he's potentially (5%?) dead. also, i agree that if possible, you should call your grandparents back and see what all the fuss is about before calling the festival office. don't drag your feet, though.

@simon: best of luck, man. glad that you at least have a person or two you can fall back on for the next week or two. :[

@cockle: my advice is to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible. if the guy has known her that long, then he should know better than to believe her mother's ramblings. as for the money, give her nothing and take all you can. not like she's gonna see the rancid bitch again anyway.

decided to play bully last night, was quite a joy (played till 2 am without even realizing it, it was so fun). feels good to have something to help me escape a bit. on the upside, i think i'm getting a little bit to a better place, so maybe i can start trying to apply for jobs again. also going to buy a wig, i'm finally going to fucking do it.

also, OSC, i want a little advice. i've been asked by several people if i'm going to AAC (Another Anime Convention) in october, and i'm still toying with the idea.....the major factors here are money (it's $50 for all three days, they don't play around with it anymore) and finding a place to park. if it's close enough to pearl street, i might be able to park at my friend's house, but besides that, i'm also worried about the flak i'll get from family about having fun when i'm "supposed to be looking for work/getting into school/getting serious" or some shit like that. i'm also a tad nervous about talking with my mum about it, since it could go either way (either she'll support and encourage my desire to go to a newish con and enjoy myself, or she'll chastise me about not being "more responsible" with my cash or some crap like that). not helping matters is that my summer job ends this week, so i'll be back down to an income of $40/wk. :[
click to make it bigger


I know the feeling. Best thing is to weigh the pros and cons of going, and decide if it's worth it; if I was in your situation, I'd probably skip out if I felt it was going to get too expensive to pull off :[


that's just it, i could likely afford to, but it's hard to tell that far out (which is the problem). there's always unforeseen expenses in my life, so while i'm itching to go (cause come on, it's another con! more stuff to be had, man!! swap meeeet!!), i just don't want to be stuck without food for 2 weeks because i decided that collectibles were more important (which they are, THEY REALLY ARE).
click to make it bigger


Indeed. I'm pretty sure I can afford my trip up north, but first and foremost I want to focus on getting a car, and then getting the fuck out of Walmart :\