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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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WEll, now one trickier... what do you think about ME...

being the mysterious, Chaos lovin', Windus user, SOB I know and, if I were a woman, fuck Silly wanna know your opinions of me, Especially Kari... whom already made me plead for something here ;)


dustii was about as annoying as a bug bite at first; noticeable, but not enough to get table-flippin' mad over. over time, though, that bug bite grew, and swelled, and gained in arrogance and pride and over-confidence in his abilities/knowledge of basically anything under the sun that it's like he was screaming (and spraying instead of saying) right in my ear about how AMAZING windows 8 was and how FOOLISH we were for not "embracing the future". dustii was a zealot, and since we are a rather mild group of people, he went over about as well as an orthodox rabbi at a skinhead convention. which is to say, not at all.

i get the feeling i'm going to get backlash for talking about him at all. but honestly, he REALLY didn't know when to stop. that post (which was deleted, and honestly, i wish it hadn't been, it was a part of osc history, good or bad) i made was more an outcry to just get him to SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE HERE, I MEAN SERIOUSLY DUDE, WE ASKED YOU NICELY FOR LIKE, 4 FUCKING PAGES. he was insulting, arrogant, pushy, and over-sensitive, and was EXTREMELY  enthused about a particular topic. it helped no one that we as a site were still reeling over the tornado that was Kriz, who had all those negative qualities and more, so i get the feeling if Dustii were just a LITTLE less enthusiastic and just a LITTLE bit later to the party, it could have been a lot different. :\

also, i think we've found our new HBT.

@alfonso: *is drawing a blank* what about me? .__.
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Minion...enough already. Seriously. Drop it. Keeping grudges et cetera...


i brought it up in passing. it was YOU guys who decided to elabourate, i was just throwing my two cents in. >:\
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Those weren't two cents, those were fifty dollars' worth of mad right there...capslock doesn't come cheap.

If you can't keep track of who your anger is directed at, there should be warning bells ringing in your head already, but in case those aren't working I'll say it for you - Let It Go. You're just riling yourself up over an issue that's already in the past. What's the point?


Quote from: Simonorged on April 20, 2013, 04:27:06 PM
I've shared my views and you all know where I stand. I see no reason to try and convert you.

It may seem weird but I see all of you whom I have had the chance to talk to as friends, when I've said things that were too insulting you've corrected me, when I've shared my heart you were nice to me. I've laughed with and felt sympathy for most of you and while I can seem condescending at times you put up with me. I honestly want to get to know all of you better. As it was well put before, this place is quite the family and I eagerly await everything you all have to say.

And with HBT being my one good contribution I find it an amusing roller coaster. Seeing as that is where I got a feel for who most of you are. Opposing views but hearts of gold.

This comment is really kind and reading it put a smile on my face. It makes me happy to know that despite our* disagreements you're still willing to put up with everyone here, or rather set aside disagreements and not let them get in the way of your friendships. This is a small site and we should try to focus on our common interests and what unites us, rather than the differences that divide us (after all, we have the REST OF THE FREAKIN' WORLD to squabble and bicker and disagree in, why do we have to do so in this little corner of the 'net?). Anyway, it sounds like you're off to an excellent start in that regard. :D

*Speaking in a general term, anyone who has disagreed with you and vice-versa.


@choco: then why not put it in HBT?
of course change it a little to IDK
Beliefs, when is it the right time to stop talking.
HBT is the one place where you can dump all the stress.
And... wait... did you say dusty? oh god he is in my class.
Simon was here :P


I think it'd probably be best if I don't say what I'm really feeling at the moment over what was said in this topic while I was at work :\

@Simon: You know him personally \ met him off site?


@simon: not the same guy; you guys aren't even in the same region, let alone state.

i swear, i adore you guys, but right now i'm really ready to blow up at you all, no thanks to nej. (see, by CLAIMING i'm angry at you, you've actually MADE me angry at you. way to go, genius. >>; )
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Simon was here :P


is that sexual innuendo?
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Quote from: Bella on April 19, 2013, 04:23:37 PM
I got INFP on an online Myers-Briggs personality test. However, it seemed a bit short and the site looked a little sketchy, so I'll have to retake it on the site you linked. -w-
Ever get around to retaking it? :3

Quote from: Bella on April 19, 2013, 04:54:31 PM
I've always had a favorable impression of you. You seem very knowledgeable and articulate, but without any arrogance or know-it-all tendencies. Whenever you talk about a subject I'm interested in I tend to listen, though I may not reply (or reply in full) since I'm not as good at voicing my thoughts / feelings on certain subjects and don't want to sound dumb or lazy because of it.

In short, you seem like an intelligent and likable person, the kind of person I'd like to know and hang out with if I had the ability to. ^^ (We should talk on Skype sometime, though I will warn you I'm often not the best at starting or keeping conversations going...)
And if that's the case, I hope you don't mind if I randomly message you with nothing in particular to talk about. ^^; I do that, particularly with people who understand that I'm not very good at continuing conversations either. Well, I do try, but it is more of a "move on to a new topic every five minutes, punctuated by hour-long silences" sort of continuation. lol
(But if the topic touches on a topic I am passionate about, I can ramble on and on for a while).

Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 19, 2013, 05:15:38 PM
I think you're a pretty cool guy. You're usually very relaxed and understanding, and it feels genuine :3
Which, I enjoy talking to you when you're on Skype
Thanks~ Is Skype like the default messaging program nowadays? I remember when it used to be AIM. The association of skype with voice/video chat was the main reason why I avoided it for so long. Not to mention that the default client is quite annoying, and I wish there were good alternatives to it. It takes up way too much monitor space. AIM was annoying in its own way too, but at least I can use Pidgin or some other alternative to it.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 20, 2013, 12:32:35 PM
i don't know you well enough to get an accurate impression. if we chatted over skype, i'd be able to paint a better picture. from what i HAVE seen from you, though, overall you seem like an intelligent, good person, but not someone i can relate to well. as stated, this is likely because i don't know you well enough. but at times i feel a bit intimidated considering you seem to have more knowledge of certain subjects than i do. we'd be closer friends if we talked more.

also, i'm pretty cynical. growing up surrounded by a disillusioned, depressing reality and dealing with severe depression myself has made me pretty cold to the world. the stuff i do every day, talking to friends, going online, curling up with my plushies to watch tv/make art/play a game/etc is what keeps me going at all since it's all the happiness i have left.
*nodnod* I think you're the first person to say you're intimidated by me. ^^; IRL, I'm usually sitting in the corner, merely listening to the conversation continuing without me. I really don't say much. Most of what I "say" is in text--forum posts, chats, social media status updates. I do not expect other people to know everything I know. When faced with an opposing view, I can contribute my experiences and explain why I feel the way I do about something. Even if I won't agree with an opposing view, I would love to learn about the differing perspective that created this view.

Some people enjoy debate and arguments. I, on the other hand, like to think to myself about possible compromises. If I have trouble thinking up a compromise, I get rather frustrated. "Agree to disagree" is okay, but not ideal for me. heh (that last issue I mentioned in this thread between two of my friends falls under this)

Cynicism and depression is something I've had trouble working with, as one of my sisters has been fighting through all this for much of her short life. My optimistic worldview just does not compute in her mind, and vice versa. I just cannot imagine how she sees the world. So when you say that I'm "not someone [you] can relate to well," you're reminding me of my relationship with her. 

We're still good siblings to each other. We even play Tales of games with each other (currently Graces), but I find it hard to just see her stress out and break down, without really knowing how to help. My main method of helping someone out is listening and empathizing. But I can only listen in this case. It's of some comfort, I'm sure, but it's not to the degree I would like.


you can't truly relate to mental illness unless you've had to deal with it yourself. that said, you sound a bit like a more sunshiney version of me, since i've never been good in social situations, prefering to sit in the corner and just wait it out. i'm much more articulate in text than in speech.

i suppose 'intimidated' isn't exactly the right word for it, but i can't really think of another. if we talked on skype more i get the feeling the field would be leveled a bit.

i have AIM, too, but just so you know, OSC does voice/video chats VERY rarely. it's just not in our nature.
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haha, I've found that pretty much everyone I have friended on skype does not do voice/video chats all too often at all. I've come to terms with that. I still hate the client though.

It's true. I'm lucky to have never had a severe bout of depression or anger. In a different way, my intense want (or need?) to help others is very frustrating in these cases, since I can't truly know what it's like, as you say. To some, I'm comforted by the fact that they say just being able to talk to me makes them feel better. To others, I can tell that merely talking to me isn't enough.

I used to get that "sunshiney version" response a lot though, when I was younger. It's weird. "Stop being so happy," was something said of me before. When I was younger I really didn't know how to respond to that. All it did was make me feel guilty. And for what? Guilty for not knowing what "real" pain feels like? (I don't take those statements like that any more, so it's okay. But it was something I really had to contend with in my past)
I mean, it's not like I have my own troubles, but the ones I express usually pertain to other people's troubles troubling me. My purely personal troubles were always insignificant in comparison. Or maybe I never let them become significant. Even now, I can't think of any major examples off the bat.

...I guess my school workload was one, but really, I was over that stressor once the test/assignment/project/grade was completed. It never had a lasting effect. Social anxiety? I dunno, I may not have ever had a girlfriend despite wanting one, but I seem pretty okay with my situation and not all desperate about it.


mental illness can be both an organic thing and the result of environment. i've been to some pretty dark places, stuff we don't talk about on OSC.

i can't do a thing if you hate the client, but as i said, i'm on AIM too. and i won't tell you to stop being so happy, but as you know not everyone has such a "blue skies" view on the world.
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