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Started by SleepyD, March 29, 2011, 02:43:29 AM

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If I ever have kids (That being on the end of a chain that starts with "if I ever have a girlfriend..."), I'd really like to see them go to a public school unless they really want to be homeschooled. Otherwise, I don't want them to go through what I've had to just to prove anything


"just to prove something" is kind of a stupid reason for anything in my book.
i keep seeing ads for an online school option, which i wish was available when i was younger. mind you, i enjoyed my high school experience for the most part, including all the friends i made. i might not be in touch with most of them now, but the ones i am in touch with are some of the best friends you could ask for. :3
however, there was still alot of bullshit that made me wish i could transfer, such as my water bottle (the nice nalgene kind) being stolen. twice. my favourite scarf was stolen too.
and middle school was even worse. if my kid is bullied as half as much as i was, i'll probably take them out. :\

(btw, i've been itching to say this in this thread for days but i doubt i'll ever get the opportunity.
"R is for relationships but mine are nonexistant, cause my friends and my women, i like to keep them distant")
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Well, "to prove something" is the best way I can think to describe it. Most people in this hellhole I live in jump to the conclusion that you're a failure at life for being 20 years old and not having a high school diploma, or even if you do, not going to college.


that's society's view. it's more of a case-by-case basis and personal opinion thing. my dad is quite judgemental of these things. i blame his upbringing and the european view of things on the matter. my mother, however, is much more open-minded. she actually drives my friend colleen half an hour away to college every day she has class, and she's been doing so for over 2 years now. before she started college, colleen was living here for about a year, since her mother kicked her out.
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Quote from: Bella on August 26, 2011, 02:04:19 AM
Aww, Stabby, that's really sweet. ^^

/OSC/ now has another happy couple, which makes three: Dan + Mrs. Dan, Pitkin/Fedora and Stew/Bella.

The last one's an LDR at the moment, but someday we will change that. >:3

xD Wow, I really have missed a lot.  I'm quite glad for you all :3.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 26, 2011, 06:33:00 PM
@IDK: nice to meet you! this makes you thr 4th dan i know, and the 3rd dan i'd like to know. :3

as you all may have noticed, i went on a rampage in topicless. i felt justified in taking the tough love route, so no apology for you. which brings me to a question:
has a friend/family member/etc ever made you so disgusted in their willingness to give up that you felt the need to scream at them untill they realized their potential or got off their ass?

Thank you, Choco-chan.  Yes, it's quite a common name.  That's why I'm locally known as "Dan the Hatchet"... forrrr... my work with trees... and nothing else.

As far as your rampage goes, I can appreciate what you're trying to do, but you may be defeating your own cause.  I have no intention to further the debate on Bella's future as she will go where her will takes her, and all we can do is give her helpful advice and encouragement when she asks for it.  If she needs a nudge or "tough love", she'll get it from the right person at the right time.

As far as getting frustrated on friends/family giving up goes, I actually found myself getting very cross with my father because of his lack of self-motivation at times.  For the past few months until I moved, I had been helping him with a project and he would so easily become discouraged and quit.  The only thing that kept me motivated enough to keep motivating him was my rage.  I was also much more frustrated with one my cousins because he was such a pothead/quitter/ungrateful twat.  I never addressed those frustrations because he's one of those people that just tries to reflect everything.  He can't take any criticism, he just takes it take and throws it back on you.  I guess my family may very well be frustrated with me since I quit college and have shown no real interest in going back, but I can't really say I miss it, you know?

As for homeschooling, I have to say I agree with stew that the interactions of a social classroom are best for a well-rounded education, but there is merit in homeschooling done properly.  Sadly, the one homeschooled person I know is one of my cousins (not the one I mentioned earlier, though this one is also an ungrateful twat at times) and he came out a very sheltered human being.  His parents (actually his grandparents who took him on as their foster child because they though their own son was too young to raise him) took him out of school around middle-school or so because of bullying.  Honestly, that has to be the worst reason to take someone out of school.  I was bullied nearly the entire time I was in school (it stopped right around my Sophomore/Junior year), but I wouldn't trade the experience.  It sucked, really sucked, but had I not persevered, I never would've been able to come out of my shell.  That being said, to each his own, I would never put down someone because they didn't go to public or private school (actually I would more likely put someone down for going to private school, j/k), or didn't do things the way I did.  In reference to you, Pentium, it's never too late to get your GED, I know because I have loved ones who got theirs around your age.  Hell, my mother was in her thirties when she got her GED.  To wrap up, all of you - my online family - have my encouragement to succeed and do what makes you feel fulfilled. :3

The Choice of a New Generation.


i like that attitude in the last line. there's no job security whatsoever in my chosen field, so i'm just gonna do whatever the hell i want! xD

and when it comes to the "it's never too late" catagory, the girl i mentioned, colleen, her grandmother got her driver's license at the age of 56, a few years ago. :3
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Wait, her grandmother's only 56?  My parents are nearly 56...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


yeah, her grandmother's in her late 50's. did i mention her mother's in her late 30's? (and colleen just turned 21.)


EDIT: figured this would be the proper place to vent.
you all know that my relationship with my father is strained at's his birthday. he wants to go out to dinner (since there's some sort of free birthday dinner thing at a local restaraunt), which i can understand, but it's going to be awkward (obviously). i was counting on my sister to at least show up for this, since she's been absent the entire weekend (since our mother's in canada right now), but the bitch refused. i'm asking for 1 hour of her time, 1 little hour, but she still has to be the selfish little brat she's grown into.
now i'm angry at my mother for leaving on my dad's birthday weekend (why NOW of all times???), but i'm livid at my sister for not being willing to sacrifice even a second of her time to appease our father. instead, she's been ducking out like a little coward, leaving me to deal with him alone.

i hope all of your family relationships aren't as.....difficult.
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Damn. I hope everything goes fine


My family relationships can be pretty strained at times, but now that I'm away from my parents, it's a lot easier.  My mom and I generally got along pretty well, but my dad and I always found ourselves butting heads.  The rest of the family said it was because we were too much alike, both stubborn in our own ways, both fairly outspoken, and both fairly aggro when tested (his temper was much shorter than mine, however).  Dad and I handle each other with a lot more respect and love now that there's so much distance between us, though.

All I can say is, try to appreciate the time you have with him.  Don't blame anyone and don't treat him like a burden - just remember that it's his birthday and that he's your father.  Isn't it possible to spend some quality time with him for one day out of the year?  I know it sucks you can't get your sister to come along, but she'll grow to regret it later.  Just for the record, I'm not trying to guilt you or anything.  I just want to remind you how important family is, and how valuable time spent with them can be.

The Choice of a New Generation.


it ended up working itself out.

@idk: you don't know my family. :3 any sort of sentiment for 'quality time' died a long time ago.

that said, my sister is long gone and my dad's back is hurting too much for him to go anywhere. mum ended up calling from canada and told him to just order in and relax. :\
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Well okay, as long as things have worked out I guess all is well.

The Choice of a New Generation.


yep. things are quite calm now. helps that i talked to my mum. :\
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Well that's nice.  I think it's good your family can work together in some way at least.

The Choice of a New Generation.


we're a bit dysfunctional, but we get by. :\

i'd ask how everyone else's family relationships are, but i have this nagging feeling that i already asked that....
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