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OS Family Tree Theory

Started by Chocofreak13, March 13, 2009, 11:20:15 PM

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that poor cat.....xD

it's nice to have forum revival recently.

anyway, are we going to try to revive the family tree project or is it on hold for now?
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Aurora Borealis

I've been busy with other projects, mainly my comic series. But I'm glad to see this forum revived, and this revival has inspired me to make some more OS-tan stuff, so I'll try again with this.


i'm thankful i posted that cat. i needed a laugh after seeing the sheer amount of text i'm going to print. (let's hope pierre doesn't notice..... vv; )

thanks, i'll try to get back to it as well, but right now i'm currently tied up witht eh quiz project, so it may be a little while. on the bright side, by the end of it, i'll be fluent in osfandom. and i'll probably have enough art to construct several trees.....

come to think of it, openVMS is the mother of NT-tan, who is the mother of half of the win-tans, and step-mother to the rest, which makes openVMS grandma to windows, which means we should put her in the tree too.....who was openVMS related to? can't find her in the wiki.
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Aurora Borealis

VMS-tan's mother is RSX-11-tan, whose adoptive mother is DOS-11-tan, though RSX-11-tan's true ancestry is unknown. They're listed in the wiki.

VMS-tan's younger sister is VAXELN-tan. RT-11-tan and RSTS-tan are step-relatives to them, those two being stepsisters to VMS's and VAXELN's mother.

TOPS-10-tan and TOPS-20-tan were also in the same faction as them (The DEC), and are some sort of step-relatives, but I don't know what their relation is exactly.


like a 3rd cousin twice removed.

anyway, i shoul put all this into a new tree....
after the quiz.....
and i'm starting a new projet for this...

o____o; so much to do.

Added after 24 minutes:

some of those aren't in the wiki yet, they have yet to be written. :\
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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"i'm thankful i posted that cat. i needed a laugh after seeing the sheer amount of text i'm going to print. (let's hope pierre doesn't notice..... vv; )

thanks, i'll try to get back to it as well, but right now i'm currently tied up witht eh quiz project, so it may be a little while. on the bright side, by the end of it, i'll be fluent in osfandom. and i'll probably have enough art to construct several trees.....

come to think of it, openVMS is the mother of NT-tan, who is the mother of half of the win-tans, and step-mother to the rest, which makes openVMS grandma to windows, which means we should put her in the tree too.....who was openVMS related to? can't find her in the wiki.

Aurora-sama is correct on all accounts, but there is evidence that RSX 11-tan's ancestry lies in a VERY VERY old OS from the 1960s. The only info I've found on it is a single post in Alt.sys.pdp10 (and I quote):

QuoteRSX did not come from a DEC operating system, as you observed.  It's intellectual precedants were a realtime executive writen by John Neblett (now retired in Ashville, NC) for the RW-300 process control computer.  Thence to "The Synchronous Executive" by me about 1963 for the TRW-330 process control computer.

The entire thread is here

I've always supposed RSX-11-tan's true mother would be some sort of tribeswoman or nomad, from a culture that is very primitive (considering its release date) and almost lost to time (I can find no info on it). How she ended up under DOS Batch11-tan's care is a good question; maybe, like the RSX11's true heritage itself, the story will remain a mystery.

I've been considering making a family tree for the OSX-tans; I suspect it would be one of the most sizable direct lineages in all of OS-tandom, but I will need help with it (especially around the BSD-to-NeXTSETP-to-Rhapsody server junction).

*oh Aurora....*


Mysteries of ancient times? In my OS-Tan fandom?


yippie. as long as i gets help w/ all these projects and such. :3
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Dr. Kraus

I think i'll make a family tree for this!
In my family i'm the holder of all family documents and the family tree organizer for the next three generations in my family, so wipping up a family tree of OS' shouldn't be that hard :D


Might I offer some of my preliminary work, maybe it can be of help.


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