Talk:List of OS-tans

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki


The place for analysis and casual discussion of the 'List of OS-tans' featured articles.

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C-Chan: Is everyone here okay with this mini layout? ^__^

Tsubashi:Looks good to me! Great Job everyone!


Aweseome power. ^.^ Now then, a couple of things to consider about the stuff currently up...

  • Should we separate the Windows NT article into a separate NT-tan and InuT (NT 4.0 Workstation -- different OS) section?
  • Should we do the same for Hacchan and Secchan?
  • And for that matter, Odyssey and Neptune? Reason why is because if anyone wants to contribute technical information about any of these OS-tans in the future, it'll be easier if they each have their own distinct article.
  • Thanks for uploading my favorite Rozen Maiden Vistan. However, should we also upload the sailor fuku and ninja versions as well, since they somehow are now the most popular? ^^;
  • I'd rather limit the list to just specific OS-tans, and keep Family articles as secondary links (similar to the See also XP Family blurb). In other words, we should do the same for the Macintosh Family.
  • That said, and in addition to the STRONG likelihood that Generic Mac-tan represents OSX more than she does classic Mac, I say we convert the OSX-tan entry into an OSX Family article and turn it into a secondary link. In its place, I'll create 6 separate articles for the 6 separate Mac OSX releases (Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger and Leopard).
  • I still need to create an avatar of PC-DOS-tan. Lazy thing for me to do is simply crop the existing chibi pic, but I prefer to draw a quick one from scratch. ^___^