Windows 1.0

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Revision as of 21:43, 27 March 2011 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

This is the OSC Windows 1.0-tan, for Futaba's Windows 1.0-tan, see Windows 1.0 (Futaba)

Windows 1.0-tan
Character Information
Common Names Windows 1.0-tan
Other Names 1.0-tan
Faction Binteeji Renmei
Lineage DOS/Win9x
Height 161 cm (~5'3")
Hair Color green
Eye Color green
First Appearance September 2006
Technical Information
System Personified Windows 1.0
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut 20 Nov 1985
Latest release v1.04 (8 Apr 1987)

Technical Details

Windows 1.0-tan (1.0たん) is one of the least common Windows personifications. She personifies Windows 1.0, which was Microsoft's first attempt to implement a multi-tasking graphical user interface-based operating environment on the PC platform. The OS itself was a graphical shell added on top of MS-DOS, based off of XEROX PARC and Apple's early graphical user interfaces, such as Lisa.

Character Details

Despite the popularity of Windows-based OS-tans, there are considerably few renditions of Windows OSes prior to version 3.1. One possible reason for this omission can be traced to the perception of Windows 3.1 as marking the beginning of Microsoft Windows' rise to dominance (hence, the origin of the Windows family), and thus delegating versions 1.0 and 2.0 as simply younger facets of the more memorable version 3.1. Therefore, only a handful of designs that can be confirmed by OSC to exist, all of which share similar-enough traits to be considered as a single character rendition.

Windows 1.0-tan is depicted as a young woman in her late teens/early 20's of maternal disposition, not unlike Windows NT-tan. She has bright green eyes, similarly colored short hair (a tacit foreshadowing of Windows ME), and wears a large grey hairclip behind her head in the shape of a giant 1.0. She wears a simple one-piece orange dress and 1920's style dress shoes of a similar color to match. Owing to the original systems patchiness as an MSDOS-dependent platform, her clothing is oftendepicted in tatters and laden with patches. 1.0-tan herself will often be seen wearing semi-permanent bandages or slings.

Due to her incomplete/experimental nature as an operating system, Windows 1.0-tan is characterized with a slow and stunted mental state, and can be considered the most innocent and childlike of all Windows OS-tans despite being the eldest. Regardless, she is a sweet, humble and loving individual, and while she may appear oblivious to the wants and needs of others, she is in fact very perceptive to them and silently despairs when she is unable to help. She talks little and performs few if any complicated activities on her own, but takes reverent pride in performing any task assigned to her no matter how small.

Her most prize possession is a picture frame containing photographs and clippings of her entire family, from Xenix-tan and MSDOS-tan, to the current modern Windows OS-tans. However, although she knows her descendants by name, few if any modern Windows OS-tans are aware of her existence. Both Windows 1.0-tan and her daughter 2.0-tan were exiled prior to the onset of the commercial OS Wars, with their association to the current family all but severed. Windows 2.0-tan is therefore the only family member with whom she has lived with for any extended period of time.

See also: