2008 Server

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 13:55, 4 December 2009 by Red-Machine (talk | contribs) (version update)

Windows Server 2008 (formerly known as Longhorn, not to be confused with the Longhorn that later became Windows Vista) is Windows Server 2003's successor and is the latest server OS from Microsoft. It is built with the same code base as Windows Vista and shares most of Vista's features.

Windows Server 2008-tan
Character Information
Common Names 2008 Server-tan
Other Names n/a
Creator unknown
First Appearance unknown
Technical Information
System Personified Windows Server 2008
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut Feb 27 2008
Latest release R2 6.1 (Build 7600) (22 July, 2009)

Like Server 2003-tan and Server 2000-tan, Server 2008-tan is half girl and half mackerel. The mackerel part is yellow and she has curly blonde hair, gold bracelets, a tiara (instead of a hub that the other Server-tans have on their heads) and her maebari (strip worn to cover the genitals) is made of 18-karat gold. She is almost always seen with the other Server-tans.