Contiki OS

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Revision as of 23:03, 1 February 2011 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)
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To nerds, a blank slate; to OS-tan, a healthy vegetable.
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Technical Details

Contiki is a highly portable, Open Source OS complete with a GUI, multitasking and a TCP/IP stack and only requires as little as 2KB of RAM. It is used in many embedded systems, and has been ported over to many 8-bit vintage systems, making it an OS popular in retrocomputing.

The first microcomputer port of Contiki is the Commodore 64 version.

Character Details

Contiki-tan is represented as a small girl with wavy light blue hair and blue eyes, her hair is decorated with flowers, wears sunglasses and her outfit has a tropical theme to it. She wears a sleeveless shirt with a sailor collar, a tie-dye skirt, shorts and sandals with wooden jewelry.

She is mild-mannered, adventurous, very social, and is a surfer with a love for environmental science and cultural anthropology. She is a close friend and ally to the Binteeji Renmei, but lives as a wanderer because she travels so much.

See Also