Siya's Concept Hut

Started by Siya, July 17, 2007, 04:49:07 PM

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^-^!! Her anatomy is really cute...


So, while I'm procrastinating, I've developed a concept for a MonaRonaDona-tan and a Unigray-kun.  

Basically, Unigray-kun and MonaRonaDona-tan are con artists.  MonaRonaDona-tan is the malware bully.  She even has a clever excuse to throw off suspicions, claiming to be a human rights activist.  After she leaves the user, beaten and bruised, who comes along but Dr. Unigray the antivirus!  He's the pimpin'est doctor out there and, for just $40, he'll patch you up as good as new.  He'll even search you for other virus infections (oh!  bet you didn't know you had Gampxia!  let me fix that for you...) and perform regular updates and checkups as a bonus.  Isn't that nice?  Unfortunately, good Dr. Unigray is only really capable of getting rid of MonaRonaDona (if he can even do that).  He makes false diagnoses and performs fake cures and updates.  

I also have some Visio-tan concepts in the works.  Do you remember Radiant-tan and Unstable-tan?  We'll, she's the program the two viruses delivered to Microsoft, after destroying her parent company.

Before I do much more with any of these, though, I want to get a few of my older sketches finished up.  If I manage to make sketches I like of these, I'll post 'em.


Also, Berry Linux-tan.  Anyone done a Berry Linux-tan, yet?  If not, I have one concept scribbled on napkins...


Go ahead... If the -tans are as interesting as the story...this could get.......

Interesting :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I concur! I'd like to see Unigray-kun and MonaRonaDona-tan; I don't think there has ever been a con-artist OS-tan before and this would make for some funny situations :P

And I haven't seen a Berry Linux-tan before, either.


The Legendary Dutchess of Cuteness Momonga-chan is the closest thing we have to a Berry Linux-tan,... and YOU drew her, so there.  :P

No definitely, go for it ma friend...!  ^__^




I've got some really bad scans here (they were originally sketched on napkins).  But...I thought I'd post them anyway.

First, Visio-tan:

This is the working design I have for her.  
For those who forgot (again) Visio is the application the viruses Radiant and Unstable were created to attack (by Microsoft).  This resulted in Visio's parent company closing and selling her to Microsoft.  So, she's some sort of war-prize/slave...or something.  

I designed her to look semi-professional while also throwing in some allusions to flow charts.

Next is Silver Dollar-tan (top):

Silver Dollar-tan (aka Silver, Leprosy and  Leprosy-Silver, among others) is another virus.  I gave her bandages on her arms, legs and neck to allude to her alias "Leprosy".  I figure her attacks would pretty much emulate the disease she's named an extent.

Just ignore that character there at the bottom.  She's unimportant...



Oooh, some new baddies! Visio-tan is incredibly cute. I really love her outfit and hairdo :3

Silver Dollar-tan is neat, as well; you seem to have a knack for making what could be quite creepy references (in this case, Leprosy) actually very cool in regards to the character. I like her silver dollar hat, too.

But...I shall not ignore that character at the bottom! She's kinda neat as well!


Thanks, Bella! ^^

I also thought I'd toss in FreeSBIE-tan and RoFreeSBIE-tan:

I should get this colored, soon-ish.

They're actually not all that new to me, since was working on ideas for them before I started working on IrfanView-tan.

They do have BSD horns, but they're under their frisbee hats.  FreeSBIE-tan's horns would be white and RoFreeSBIE-tan's would be black.  Other details...I just don't have for you, at the moment. ~.~;

Added after 5 hours 10 minutes:

Aaaaand done!

Added after 33 minutes:

...or maybe their horns are both red.

I have to admit, I don't really know enough about either of these FreeBSD-based liveCDs other than that their names mean "Free System Burned In Economy" and "Romanian Free System Burned in Economy,"  respectively.

This also means that RoFreeSBIE-tan's native language is Romanian, yes?


Oh oh oh,.... The C-chan is in love yet again.  @v@

Looks like I'll have to set up a Fearsome Threesome tonight!  ^______^

*sets aside 3 Wii controllers, plus a copy of Smash Brother Brawl*

Rather than dictate my praise, I think I have a better idea.  Stand by.  ^.^

Added after 2 hours 46 minutes:

For example:


Thanks, C-chan!  Wow, that was fast!

Or...maybe not as fast as I thought, since I've been either asleep or at work since my last post....

Also, I wanted to note that RoFreeSBIE's R (on the logo and on her chest) keeps reminding me of Pokemon's Team Rocket.  This is foreshadowing for something, I'm sure...but I have no idea what that is.

Aurora Borealis

Those are excellent!

*sniffle* Poor Visio-tan... Becoming a prisoner or war :(

Silver Dollar-tan is really cool! Wow... You actually made references to Leprosy a really cool addition to her character! 0__0

FreeSBIE-tan and RoFreeSBIE-tan are so cute! I like how they are similar in appearance but with plenty of differences. And they have such cool frisbee hats, I have never seen anything like that before! (And I'm glad to not be the only one who thought the R on RoFreeSBIE-tan looked suspisciouly like the Team Rocket R! Likewise, I at first thought that TRS DOS-tan was part of Team Rocket because of the book she carries around that has a big red R on it!) XD


Fufufu.... hoooooooooold your horsies there, I'm actually not done yet.  Here we go....!! ^__^

Now the Devilishly Delightful and Delicious Duo is complete.  ^.^
I know I don't clock in much Siya fanart -- not for lack of content, but rather lack of Good C-chan -- but hopefully stuff like this helps.  ^__^

Incidentally,... sorry for not noticing Visio-tan and Silver Dollar-tan (I got plenty of the real ones... ^.^).  The sketches look great indeed, but it's just that these two frisbie girls really take the cake designwise.  Sometimes you see something of such unparalleled beauty, you're literally speechless, breathless, and, well, wordless.  ^.^


Yaaaaaaaaaay!  A matching set! ^^

I don't mind not getting fanart, so long as people enjoy what I draw....but when I do get fanart, I really enjoy it!  

Now, hopefully my next piece will be one of my unfinished designs that I've already posted.  I've got a lot of those...


QuoteAaaaand done!


I take it these two are twins, right? It's nearly impossible for me to compare the two to each other, but...I have to say, I think RoFreeSBIE is my favorite of the two. But I love their outfits and Frisbee hats, and their expressions are just so cute. A lot of the BSDs are quite svelte and sexy, but these two are pure...kawaii :3

QuoteNow the Devilishly Delightful and Delicious Duo is complete. ^.^
I know I don't clock in much Siya fanart -- not for lack of content, but rather lack of Good C-chan -- but hopefully stuff like this helps. ^__^


Incredibly adorable, C-Chan!

QuoteI don't mind not getting fanart, so long as people enjoy what I draw....but when I do get fanart, I really enjoy it!

Hmmm...I have always loved your designs, perhaps I will make a few mini Siya fanarts of my own ;)

QuoteNow, hopefully my next piece will be one of my unfinished designs that I've already posted. I've got a lot of those...
