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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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My dreaming is becoming less of a concern lately, as I rarely sleep long enough for them to show up. -_-;

Mindwalking during my sleep-enabling meditation, however, is getting increasingly vivid. Might have to do with my excessive minecraft gaming, since the experience is quite similar (no or little sound, generally dark and flickering surroundings, partial FOV).

While I have been seeing single images previously, it has usually been hard to make any clearer distinction of them; this is the first time I've actually seen any motion while mindwalking (aside from the blanketing), not to mention being able to control it to any degree. "Holding on" to the visions is hard as hell, but it seems to have started working to some degree. I'm a bit partial as to what the hell is going to happen next with this, really...Semi-lucid daydreams? Lolwtf.


After waking up for the first time after the operation, I remember being in this state where I didn't know whether I was asleep or awake, as opening my eyes didn't seem to make any difference. I had dialogues going through in my mind, perfectly everyday dialogues with messed-up words:

"Have you found out what's wrong with engine's naïvete?"
"No, but your argument is totally motorboat. It's not weather here."
"Damn, I was hoping the birds could've molten."

Well, an honest-to-god drug-induced dream/hallucination. Got to have one of those. xD

Another "weird dream" was two nights later: Remilia and I were growing a light green tree in a pot, and it was making darker green fruits. Fruits, more like cones, actually. Remilia and I ate some, but the cones turned to dust in mouth and were so dry that it made me gag for air. She said, "please, eat at least one more, it's good for you", and I replied, "no way, in fact I'm going to feel sick!" I woke up immediately after saying that, and had a big urge to throw up. I set the head-end of the bed higher in case I did, but the feel subsided a bit. Unluckily, I did throw up two hours later after breakfast. :/


Illness/fever dreams are the weirdest.... o__o

I forget what I dreamt about last night, but I was woken out of a dream by a clap of thunder with the word "Defenestration" stuck in my mind. I thought that was really epic that my subconscious would remember such a fancy word.

I think my dream was about defenestration. 

This morning I had a freaky dream about catching a train with a friend, but the friend deciding that he wanted to walk and then walking along some train tracks and nearly getting hit by an oncoming train. Was weird.


Defenestration is one of the best words ever.  Also: watch your back in Prague.

I once had a fantastic dream/vision after inhaling about a hundred rockets worth of launch exhaust in a day.


Prague? Strange city, that. Cool enough, though.

And rocket fumes... >__>


had a dream this morning that i think i was in south station, only it was part grocery store. my mum and a random woman were shopping, and upon seeing me run past they murmured among themselves about me needing an update to my style and that someone should do me a "slavor" (some sort of slang involving some word combined with "favor").

i know i had another dream after that, and i was going to write it down, but i forgot. >.<;
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Do you know the meaning of "slavor"?  I have an idea myself.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


well, ik it could sound like "savor flavour" or "slave labour" but i remember from my dream that the second word was "favour". i can't remember what the first word was. :\
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Quote from: Bella on April 11, 2011, 10:42:52 AM
Illness/fever dreams are the weirdest.... o__o

That they are. I had one last week; while taking a nap after a very long day at work because of being sick (I really should have called in that morning, but I didn't want to lose my Friday off; because trying to talk my boss into giving me a day off, even if it's for a holiday, is a near-impossible feet)

In the dream, I was teamed up with 2k-tan; as we explored the Aperture Science Enrichment Center in search of some random shiny object (I don't remember what it was, though). We did eventually find it and take it, which resulted in an army of turrets flooding the area and opened fire, as we make a dramatic escape...with music from the Doctor Who soundtrack began playing over the PA system for no reason aside from it being crazy awesome. I woke up shortly after, unfortunately, but I was feeling better than I did before the nap.


sounds like the most badass video game ever. can you say summer project?

not many dreams lately, but i could chalk that up to being tapped for creativity. thankfully the end is in sight. :3

oh, and @pentium: last week, there was an advertisement in the secondary building of my college for Aperture Labs asking for subjects. i took one of the tickets with the number. :3
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In my last dream, my headphone cord broke.

Not much dreaminess in that though. I'm like a serial headphone cord killer... _-_


me too. :\

i hope i can sleep tonight. damn creepy wiki walks...
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 26, 2011, 09:21:15 PM
oh, and @pentium: last week, there was an advertisement in the secondary building of my college for Aperture Labs asking for subjects. i took one of the tickets with the number. :3

That is awesome. I admit, I was letdown when the local Gamestop didn't promote Portal 2 by having a truck parked outside, like the ones used for blood donation drives, so people could donate one or all of their vital organs to the Aperture Science self-esteem fund for girls. They did have cake, though


I had a dream this morning involving a race of space-aliens who looked like giant spiders who tangled people in webs and presumably ate them, and whose spaceships looked like giant food takeout boxes... you know, the syrofoam kind with the lids attached.


I don't know why, but I started thinking about one really weird dream I had when I was really little, not long after seeing Jurassic Park for the first time (Dating this at around early 1995. I'm surprised I still remember this; well enough to record it in my log of weird dreams that's been going since summer 2005).

In the dream, I was trapped in a pit with 3 very hungry dinosaurs (Tyrannosaurus Rex, to be precise), with seemingly no way to escape...until I stumble through a hole in the floor, which caused me to fall backward onto a platform above where the dinosaurs where, with a convenient exit to my right. That hole in the floor I stumbled through, and the one in the wall I came out of, functioned very similarly to the portals in...well, Portal; proving that even before Valve existed, I was thinking with Portals