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How old?

Started by solipcat, June 29, 2010, 03:09:43 AM

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As old as time itself! *cough*

No really, I started seeing her pop up shortly after the release of Windows 2000, as well as many of the other -tans.


I think he means her physical age.

Maybe in her late 20s early 30s? She always seemed pretty mature to me.


dude, misoji? nah.

she's about 25, i'd say. not as old as NT or 95 but older than her sisters.
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No, she is in her very late teens (though she doesn't look it), but had to grow up quick when she was thirteen or fourteen when she had to look after ME-Tan.  With NT-Tan she would be in her mid-thirties and 95-Tan would be in late-twenties.
Climbin\' Back Down The Well!


i think it's up for debate, dude. my vote's on mid twenties, with that professional career (and *coughttitscough*) she can't be in her teens. we'd see more loli drawings of her if she was.

hell, i don't think 95's over 30. 28, 29 maybe. Yamada, 1.0, and NT are the only -tans that i will bet money that they are 30+. even then yamada's shaky.

PS: dude, quit acting like you're the authority on this. yes, it's open for debate, but with 10 posts and no references, it pisses me off that you're acting superior. >:[ just a friendly note.
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Awfully friendly there, K. Let me show you how it's done...

2k-tan's physical age would be 21, which is the half of 42, which is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Except dolphins and white mice.


(thankyou master ^^)
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Also, it wasn't exactly 2k-tan who was "taking care of" ME-tan...rather, ME-tan was sent out as the final DOS-based Windows to appeal to the home user market, while 2k-tan boldly shipped as the first more sophisticated NT-based OS half a year earlier. If anything, the 9x-tans and earlier DOSes would be her caretakers; Momma NT herded her own, but I have a hard time seeing her caring overly much for the DOS Windows, who by that time pretty much had stood their own for quite a while.

2k-tan as ME-tan's caretaker is a rather late idea, sprung from sometime when her support ended (if my sources are right) in 06. As 2k-tan's own support is over now as well, this raises questions for the family roles...but I'm just ranting now, ain't I. Statistics-wise, Saseko could take over for her, but...well, canon just doesn't work that way. -w-;

Aurora Borealis

I think 2K would keep her current roles since she doesn't seem like the type to give up and resign to needing a caretaker despite support ending.

While NT has been seen in some pics looking after the younger DOS-based Windows, she has her own kids to look after too!

Windows 1.0-tan appears to be in her teens or early 20's, but is mentally a lot younger, being essentially a prototype OS.

Certainly 95 and NT had to mentally grow up very quickly because of their training to become warriors.


i've always felt that NT, being a young mother, was at least 30. she's so responible.

2k's chest is too big for a teen. xD

95 always struck me as the "aunt" figure of the family, and a close one at that, at least in her late 20's (she was a teen in the OS wars, and that was almost 20 years ago.)
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My estimated ages: (not historically correct to realistic standards.)

3.1: 9
95: 17
98se: 9
Me: 9
2k: 21
xp: 16
vista: 14
7(official tan): 17


i disagree on some. here's my standard:

1.0: 33? (based off of physical appearance and date of release put together)
2.0: 12 (physical age)
3.1: 9-12 (looks roughly the same age as 2.0, despite the fact that 2.0 is technically "older"; also varied appearance in several loli pics)
95: 27-29 (physical age, appearance and manner, as well as abilities and caretaker role (and comics)
98 and SE: 10-12 (at least).
ME: 12-13 (seems too flat and clueless to have hit puberty yet ^^; )
NT: 30-32 (physical age, release date, responsible attitude, number of kids)
2000: 22? (physical age)
XP: 17. (" " + comics)
Homeko: 21 (ik, ik, 'how can she be older than her sister', but i coulda sworn i saw her drinking in at least 1 or 2 comics. plus, she has a [somewhat] steady job.)
Moseko: 20 (up for debate)
Visbou: 9 (physical)
Vistake: 17 (" ")
Chivistan *rolls eyes*: 19? (" ")
Nanami: 17.
Yamada: 26 (at least, if not more; only -tan to have official job)

i realize these are all up for debate, but i'm basing this off of study. ^^; and gut instinct.
btw guys, since these are the "characters", i didn't really go by release date too much, since having XP be 8.....with THOSE tits......

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