Quantum Computing

Started by NejinOniwa, February 25, 2008, 01:56:17 PM

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I vaguely recall some horrifying memories of an animated TV series (stuffy 3d-ish crap) called Qubits some half decade ago, featuring some posh mecha crap. Just stole the name for the series and main character and didn't relate at all to computing. Lame.

Anyways - the concept of QC has long been thought of, but lately there's been some real fuzz about Spintronics and other kinds of things related. So, /OSC/ - have YOU heard, thought or read anything about Quantum Computing lately? When's it coming commercial? How will it work?
Read up and away HERE.

Oh, and also,


Uhhm...Holy crap! that stuff is advanced..... how do people think of these things?
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^



Dr. Mario

Yeah, just imagine the CPU... The one that has regular transistor swapped for Quantum Transistors. O___O That system, if bought today, wouldn't need to be replaced until year 2050...
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


OwO -W-
*flies off to dreamland*

But also, with spintronics you'd have the ability to boot up in an instant, since stuff loaded into the RAM STAYS loaded even when it's turned off. Pretty neat!

Dr. Mario

True. But if we can't have the quantum-computing, we can still have a solution for those boggy hard drives. The solution would be either Magnetic RAM drive (like your dear old hard drive, only without platters.) and (/ or) magnetic XDR  (and DDR, of course..) for the processor (to resume your works without having to reboot all over again.) which is also a neat idea.
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


This isn't new to me... if you have seen any of the channels from the Discovery network you may have come accross with the topic before.

The potential for this technology is scientifically amazing. Network services like search engines would be the ones that will benefit the most, and that if somebody does not build a quantum computer to create a super calculator that allows you to solve mathematical expressions down to the point of bringing variable answers to the same expression. It is also told that quantum comps may be able to store much more data in the same amount of place used by conventional systems.

If I had a QC with an OS like Linux, Windows, Mac or whatever... I'd pretty much be hacking onto government comps and try to find out whether aliens exist at all or not. Oh and sneak in on nay other secrets that they may have... like weapons and whatever.
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Quote from: "Dr. Mario"True. But if we can't have the quantum-computing, we can still have a solution for those boggy hard drives. The solution would be either Magnetic RAM drive (like your dear old hard drive, only without platters.) and (/ or) magnetic XDR  (and DDR, of course..) for the processor (to resume your works without having to reboot all over again.) which is also a neat idea.

How's 'bout them apples??


And they're working on media based on proteïns, wich can hold even more...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


QuoteHow's 'bout them apples??

Holo is pretty cool, eh kills aleins and dosnt afraid of anything


And protein storage media isn't unheard of for me either - however due to the proteins' naturally complex structure there are thousands of ways to fuck them up, and I dunno if they'd be that easy to keep safe...


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"
And protein storage media isn't unheard of for me either - however due to the proteins' naturally complex structure there are thousands of ways to f*** them up, and I dunno if they'd be that easy to keep safe...

yeah there are issues but I didn't read the whole article, because I got sidetracked by an article about anti-matter because holo-storage sounded trek-ish.... (I wonder what technology you'd get if you mix computers and anti-matter)  ;010

Added after 2 minutes:

I've also been thinking of connecting humans with a Processor and an external link-port (Think GITS)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Wow, this stuff is really amazing. It just, boggles the mind to think about it. It goes to show that, as sophisticated as we all would like to think our computers are, in about 30 or 40 years we're going to look back and say "remember that old computer I used to have? It actually had a hard drive! Imagine that...hahaha!"

At any rate, I'm an enthusiast of historical computers, so I'll take my magnetic core memory, thank you very much! :P


Quote from: "Bella"Wow, this stuff is really amazing. It just, boggles the mind to think about it. It goes to show that, as sophisticated as we all would like to think our computers are, in about 30 or 40 years we're going to look back and say "remember that old computer I used to have? It actually had a hard drive! Imagine that...hahaha!"

At any rate, I'm an enthusiast of historical computers, so I'll take my magnetic core memory, thank you very much! :P

Hang on the Pre-Pentium race of PC's are the real computers here...they actually required skills to build and run...I love them ;010
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

Dr. Mario

Like Tandy 1000's! ^___^ The grandpappy of Athlon 64 and Core 2 PCs! (Yeah, my Tandy has Intel 8088, 4.7MHz)

Now you mention HVDs. What if you use X-ray laser to actually write and read them? That's a lot of data. Givin' you a idea how big the storage would it be:
a Blu-ray Disc written by 7-nanometer X-ray laser would be able to store up to - yes... - 6 Terabytes.

So, a HVD using 405nm laser would be able to hold 1 TB,
if you switch the laser with 7nm one, you would be able to... possibly... hold 152 Terabytes.

Imagine this. '_______'
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Yeah... It will get there, eventually. because a couple of years ago storing 1GB on a single device was cutting edge...And some time before that people were blown away by the megabyte.... But did you know that a pic of a clumsy girl with a huge weapon can get pretty distracting?:D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^

Dr. Mario

;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...