OS-tan theories and disscusion

Started by Bella, September 05, 2007, 06:34:57 PM

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QuoteUm, no. Loganberries! Rubus × loganobaccus
a hybrid produced from crossing a blackberry and a raspberry. Accidentally created around 1880 in Santa Cruz, California, by the American lawyer and horticulturist James Harvey Logan. Hard to harvest in bulk, but very rewarding for home gardens. Fruit Matures earlier than blackberries. Produces fruit for approximately 2 months, as it has fruit in different stages, from blossom to mature fruit simultaneously. Very Yummy, especially in pies! ^.^

Sorry Tsubashi-dono....  But Nejin-san is right on this one.
I goofed,... should've been Lingonberries.  ^___^'

Logans sound delicious, I'll grant you that.... but I crave for something a bit more,... au naturelle..... -v-;

QuoteOh. Right.

Resident Ninja Pirate's comment on the finalized logo is:
One thing though: It confuses me that the images and the text doesn't match. For example, "Mac Evangelists" is upper-left, while Tiger-tan is Lower-left, and so on. Err...

Thank you.  ^^

Well yeah, I cleared a similar concern over in the images comments, but the mismatching is intentional.  ^___^

Aside from the fact that the word order has to flow properly, it also made the girls seem a little,....... egoistic......... if they showered praise only upon themselves.  Seeing XP-tan declaring herself a "Windows XP Zealot" does little to instill a team spirit among all of them.  ^^;

QuoteFirst off, let me say I love the logo! I think it's perfect as-is, it really conveys the point

And it's Open Sauce, so by all means please add to it whenever you'd like.  ^.^

QuoteI guess so much old power and money can do that to anybody

But, then how do the Linux-tans get along so well-ish with them : ?


Oh that's easy!  ^__^
The thing is that the Linux-tans are too NICE -- and seeing their leader Linux-sama getting along well with the Great Mother Unix-sama inspires them to be equally patient giving peace a chance.

Given all the infighting, it doesn't always work (based on the temperment of the particular distro-tan), but they certainly put up with a lot more crap from pompous know-it-alls than your average person would withstand.  ^^;

QuoteAh, this club is run by the people for the people!

Or something like that :P

Too late!
I've already registered the club as a totalitarian monarchy, and designated you as Queen/Empress/Master-of-all-she-Surveys.  ^_________^


If you don't feel like founding the club,..... I suppose I could risk it and found it for you.  ^^;
Just be warned,... I attract a lot of troublemakers.....  -v-;

QuoteI was going to appoint you Secretary of Open Sourcery, and executive of public relations...

You can multi-task, right?



As long as you don't mind half-assed jobs, yeah sure....  ^.^;

QuoteThem fightin' words

I don't think Linux-sama would ever try to eat a headcrab O___O

That's a shame, you know....
They're a greeat source of potassium!  ^.^

QuoteEach char is on the oppisite end of the collum which bears their title,
eg. "Mac Evangelists" - Upper-Left, Tiger-tan - Lower-Left
Unix Disciples - Lower-Right, FreeBSD-chan - Upper-Right, etc

Though, I don't know. It's sort of amusing thinking of the -tans as the nearest title. Linux-sama a Mac Evangelist? Or XP-san a Unix Disciple? Lol ^v^
The only one that sorta works is Tiger-san, because plenty of Mac users like linux too ^.^

Nothing less to be expected from Tsubashi-dono!  ^o^

QuoteTrue, but M$ takes a much more anti-linux stance than Apple, by far ^.^

Fufu... yeah, like publishing a fake study every week claiming how much better security is for Vista than every other Linux distro known to man.....  ^__________^

Oh, but wait,... that's a topic best reserved for when the club's open.  ^___^


I know I have a ton of other things to comment on, right now (like C-chan's logo - nice work, C-chan!).  Hopefully I'll get around to them.  In the meantime...

QuoteI was going to appoint you Secretary of Open Sourcery, and executive of public relations...

You can multi-task, right?
Does this mean there are going to be Open Sourcerers?  *folds hands, deviantly*  Will they act as a form of SS?


QuoteDoes this mean there are going to be Open Sourcerers? *folds hands, deviantly* Will they act as a form of SS?

GAH!!!!!!!!!!  XvX


*twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch*  ^^x

Uh,... sorry to burst your paramilitary bubble, but no.  -v-'
Open Sourcerers would be more like members of Médecins Sans Frontières or Operación Milagro,... very easy to admire, but also very easy to target. ^^'

Up for the job still?  `v'


QuoteTrue, but M$ takes a much more anti-linux stance than Apple, by far ^.^

Probably because Apple knows they're pretty secure in their market. M$, however, is probably realizing a large number of Windows users are starting to wonder what else is out there...they see open source stuff as a threat so they're treating it as such.,..

QuoteAside from the fact that the word order has to flow properly, it also made the girls seem a little,....... egoistic......... if they showered praise only upon themselves. Seeing XP-tan declaring herself a "Windows XP Zealot" does little to instill a team spirit among all of them. ^^;

I agree now :) After all, we want unity! I'm sure XP-tan would evangelize Leopard-chan if it meant stealing someone away from...you know who... ;)

QuoteAnd it's Open Sauce, so by all means please add to it whenever you'd like. ^.^

Af'tah I paahk m'caar at ha'vad yarhd I mi' giv'er a try!

(Sorry, Open Sauce still makes me think of my native New England accent!)

QuoteOh that's easy! ^__^
The thing is that the Linux-tans are too NICE -- and seeing their leader Linux-sama getting along well with the Great Mother Unix-sama inspires them to be equally patient giving peace a chance.

Awww, they're so sweet! ^_^ especially given their...rocky history...

QuoteGiven all the infighting, it doesn't always work (based on the temperment of the particular distro-tan), but they certainly put up with a lot more crap from pompous know-it-alls than your average person would withstand. ^^;

I can imagine the Windows-wannabes would be particularly disliked ;)

The Slackwares would probably get along quite well...to a certain extent :P

QuoteToo late!
I've already registered the club as a totalitarian monarchy, and designated you as Queen/Empress/Master-of-all-she-Surveys. ^_________^


If you don't feel like founding the club,..... I suppose I could risk it and found it for you. ^^;
Just be warned,... I attract a lot of troublemakers..... -v-;

Just call me Bella the Great XD No, I guess we could have some kinda shared control, each of us in our own area of expertise (like our Mac Secrataries!)

And I always thought you were quite good at diffusing flamewars and stuff...!

QuoteOh, but wait,... that's a topic best reserved for when the club's open. ^___^

Yeah, did you want to start a thread or...?

I don't want a ton of bad publicity >__< but this is sort of a theory and discussion thread about OS-tan and it's kinda been hijacked XD

QuoteDoes this mean there are going to be Open Sourcerers? *folds hands, deviantly* Will they act as a form of SS?

What's up with all the Nazi references....O___o


Doggarnit, I can't go to sleep remembering this and that.  >__<

Anyway, just wanted to quickly say that yeah....

QuoteYeah, did you want to start a thread or...?

I don't want a ton of bad publicity >__< but this is sort of a theory and discussion thread about OS-tan and it's kinda been hijacked XD

....let's start a new thread for our club.  ^___^

To commemorate your transcendence into Linuxdom, please do the honors for us, Bella-dono!  ^v^

*skirts off responsibility, and sighs with relief*

Okay, that's all.
Now.... let's try this again, shall we?

G'night all.  -v-

*snore*  -__- Zzzz


QuoteDoes this mean there are going to be Open Sourcerers? *folds hands, deviantly* Will they act as a form of SS?
There will not. However, there WILL be Open Sorcerers. WORKING THE LINUX MAGIC! >w<


QuoteWhat's up with all the Nazi references....O___o

I'm afraid it was inevitable. Godwin's Law, you know ^__~


QuoteThere will not. However, there WILL be Open Sorcerers. WORKING THE LINUX MAGIC! >w<

Uhh,... yeah,... something like that.  ^^'

QuoteProbably because Apple knows they're pretty secure in their market. M$, however, is probably realizing a large number of Windows users are starting to wonder what else is out there...they see open source stuff as a threat so they're treating it as such.,..

Kind of also dug a whole with the uber high system requirements of Vista, since cash-strapped people are going to naturally gravitate towards cheaper and cheaper machines.  Case in point, the gPC comes in the gOS flavor and the more expensive Windows flavor, yet it was the gOS one that sold like hotcakes.  ^^

But again,... this is best reserved for our club.  ^___^

I agree now After all, we want unity! I'm sure XP-tan would evangelize Leopard-chan if it meant stealing someone away from...you know who...

Our collective punching bag?  ^^'

QuoteAf'tah I paahk m'caar at ha'vad yarhd I mi' giv'er a try!

(Sorry, Open Sauce still makes me think of my native New England accent!)

Oh noes!  We've been invaded by Bostonians!  O__O


Do you say "Soda", "Pop", "Cola", "Fizz", or "Carbonated Drink"?

QuoteI can imagine the Windows-wannabes would be particularly disliked

*imagines Linspire-tan, SUSE-tan, Xandros-tan and TurboLinux-tan being hurled out of the party by an angry horde*  ^___^

Just call me Bella the Great XD No, I guess we could have some kinda shared control, each of us in our own area of expertise (like our Mac Secrataries!)

That sounds like a great idea, Bella the Great.  ^___^

QuoteAnd I always thought you were quite good at diffusing flamewars and stuff...!

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^




*pats Bella on head*  ^.^

QuoteWhat's up with all the Nazi references....O___o

Believe me, I've been wondering the same thing myself....  ovO

QuoteI'm afraid it was inevitable. Godwin's Law, you know ^__~

Wondering Session Complete.  0v0

QuoteYeah, did you want to start a thread or...?

I don't want a ton of bad publicity >__< but this is sort of a theory and discussion thread about OS-tan and it's kinda been hijacked XD

Well, I already said this before, but....


*points her heroically towards "New Topic" button*


Quote from: "C-Chan"Uh,... sorry to burst your paramilitary bubble, but no. -v-'
Open Sourcerers would be more like members of Médecins Sans Frontières or Operación Milagro,... very easy to admire, but also very easy to target. ^^'

Up for the job still? `v'
I don't think I'm quite qualified to be an Open Sourcerer (or an Open Sorcerer).  But I would like to move that they be a department of MEWXPZLFUDAWV.

Quote from: "Tsubashi"I'm afraid it was inevitable. Godwin's Law, you know ^__~
Dear goodness!  It's true!


*C-chan's arm gets tired as he continues to point heroically towards "New Topic" button*

Oi,... where's Bella the Great when you need her....  X___X;

In any event, here's some material for our club to be.  ^___^
Aside from the Barcode Battler thing (which is funny as hell!), check what made it to #10 on the list:


Another thing I've been wondering is if we want to make this cooperation between Linux-sama, FreeB-chan, Tiger-san and XP-tan part of our forum lore, or just keep the unholy union relegated to our logo.  ^^'


I LMAO'd as hell at the Barcode Battler. Kudos. >w<


After seeing the Wiki article, I can kinda sorta maybe comprehend why it was popular in Japan.  Maybe if it were smaller,... and didn't hog up so many batteries......  Â¬Â¬


Still waiting on Bella the Great.  ^______^;


QuoteI'm afraid it was inevitable. Godwin's Law, you know ^__~

Oh yeah...

I remember first hearing of Godwin's Law with the little Linus Torvalds vs. GNOME developers row :P

QuoteKind of also dug a whole with the uber high system requirements of Vista, since cash-strapped people are going to naturally gravitate towards cheaper and cheaper machines. Case in point, the gPC comes in the gOS flavor and the more expensive Windows flavor, yet it was the gOS one that sold like hotcakes. ^^

As soon as they make a laptop version, I'm gonna be really interested...

QuoteOh noes! We've been invaded by Bostonians! O__O


Do you say "Soda", "Pop", "Cola", "Fizz", or "Carbonated Drink"?

Pop's mos'ly a mid-westan sayin'...i'd get ya odd looks 'round here. We say "soda" ;)

Quote*imagines Linspire-tan, SUSE-tan, Xandros-tan and TurboLinux-tan being hurled out of the party by an angry horde* ^___^

Imagine what they'd do LinuxXP-chan! XD

QuoteBWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^V^




*pats Bella on head* ^.^

No, a really thought trouble was a'brewing...

...but then you came and made sense of it...

QuoteI don't think I'm quite qualified to be an Open Sourcerer (or an Open Sorcerer). But I would like to move that they be a department of MEWXPZLFUDAWV.

If we get enough open source enthusiasts, for sure!

QuoteOi,... where's Bella the Great when you need her.... X___X;


I'ma 'fraid -//////-

Besides, I dunno what I should name the thread, how I should introduce it, etc...

QuoteIn any event, here's some material for our club to be. ^___^
Aside from the Barcode Battler thing (which is funny as hell!), check what made it to #10 on the list:


QuoteAnother thing I've been wondering is if we want to make this cooperation between Linux-sama, FreeB-chan, Tiger-san and XP-tan part of our forum lore, or just keep the unholy union relegated to our logo. ^^'

A little of each, I say...

I mean, all three are modern OS-tans, so I guess it's not unreasonable to think they have contact with each other. Perhaps the fact that they each want the same thing...for people to see that maybe the newest/flashiest/most popular(ish) system isn't always the best (for everyone)...would make them perhaps think a little better of one another than they did before.

That said, I doubt I see any drum circle singings of Kumbaya...



I'ma 'fraid -//////-

Besides, I dunno what I should name the thread, how I should introduce it, etc...

GAH!!!!  *collapses*  XvX


Oh alright........  I'LL found it....   -______________-


But if I get heckled, you'll be responsible for my safety now, ya here?! TvT


Guess I'll set it up here in the OS-tan fanfics, comics and stuff thread, since we do want to make the club half-"canon" per your previous suggestion.  That probably means we have to throw in the occasional artwork, mind you, or reference it in any future works.  If we change our minds, we can have one of our Mac Moderators move the thread elsewhere.  ^___^

And as for its name,.... pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.  -v-
"MEWXPZLFUDAWV Club", of course.  ^.^


In any event, still DESPERATELY trying to finish the Inkscape Tutorial, but am failing miserably yet again since I'm still playing around with more "pretty" pattern concepts (have already tried plaid and crosshatching).....  T___T'

So sorry if I have to leave it at that, but I'll reply again for sure.  ^___^



*trots off*


If the Barcode Battler had graphics (related to the appropriate bar codes) I would be all over that!  I have to admit, I'm attracted to really dumb games, but it does seem to have a Monster Rancher-like appeal.  It just lacks the graphics (and, possibly, a more energy-efficient system).

However, since the blank cards offer the option of drawing an illustration of the resulting character/boost...I would love the chance to design what sort of characters or items my purchases could become!

*sigh*  I guess I'm the sort of sucker that Barcode Battler is geared toward.

QuoteAnother thing I've been wondering is if we want to make this cooperation between Linux-sama, FreeB-chan, Tiger-san and XP-tan part of our forum lore, or just keep the unholy union relegated to our logo. ^^'
My first thought on this was, "Would XP-tan really conspire against her sister?"  Then, I figured a little bit of sibling rivalry couldn't hurt.