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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"
I'm currently also having trouble accessing this site from work, since there I have to use IE6.

uggh, IE6, until recently I've been having to use IE6 at the house on the weekend (a couple of weeks ago I downloaded Portable Firefox and Torpark to my Flash drive for whenever I'm using a computer that doesn't have Fx installed).  The ridiculous thing is it wasn't but three months ago my dad bought that new computer, so you think it would've at least come with IE7 installed *rolls eyes*.

This also reminds about how I got started using Fx.  Funny story really, the place where I was working three years ago had Fx as the default browser, I was hesitant at first, frustrated even, but it grew on me, I started to love it.  I stopped using it until I started college later that year and used Fx on the library computers.  So, long story short, I've used it ever since.

Anyway, I guess I should try and keep this Linux related so I would just like to ask if anyone here knows anything about this Symphony OS (I think I noticed one user here who has a Symphony-tan as his/her avatar).  It seems like another one of those OSes that's geared towards older computers (which is good cos I have a few of those, lol).  Also, I'd like to know if there is a distro of Linux that's not so dependent on an internet connection, because during the summer my computer most likely won't have internet access but I don't want to use Windows because I'd like to stay in practice using Linux.  I want to repeat, no hurry, I'm a pretty patient guy ^__^.

btw.  It's all good Fedora-tan, I know you've been busy.  It can't be easy taking care of all of what you have on your plate, but you've managed to do a great job keeping this all together.  All I really wanted to know is that the problem was something I wouldn't have to fix, heh.

The Choice of a New Generation.


For distributions that are not Internet-dependent, it might help to keep DVD distributions rather than CD ones, since they may be packed with more internal software repositiories (hence less downloading).  Ubuntu/Kubuntu are offered as DVDs as well, so you might consider burning a copy in case you want to stick with tried-and-true

For a slightly more robust Ubuntu-like environment, Linux Mint and SimplyMEPIS are packed with proprietary software, so you won't have to worry about hunting for libdvdcss.

Sabayon and Knoppix are others that could fit the bill.  ^__^

Don't know much about Symphony OS, other than its Knoppix-based so is probably very install-friendly.  I myself would like to know about another distros called Elive, which looks quite beautiful.  ^___^


Japanese / Asiatic languages have been setup on the server.

However, this is a bad point i didn't think of that earlier, because all asiatic charsets turned into west-european charset.

This means all new posts will be ok with the asiatic chars, but all old ones will display incorrectly.

- For forum :
I placed a backup on the old server here :
You can cut & paste your important posts in this forum if you think it worths it. Pitkin is currently making such transfer but i'm sure he'll appreciate a bit of help if you know you made interesting posts (in the translation thread for exemple)

- For wiki (if problem occurs, i didn't check yet) :
Since content didn't change much i assume, i can make a clean transfer from old server if needed. All recent changes would be lost. Else, same method as forum (cut & paste from backup)

- For gallery (if problem occurs, i didn't check yet) :
You are very welcome to report any problems to me or pitkin, we'll correct them. If problem lies in a personnal album, please see with the author if possible.

I'll have a special care for such charsets in future, i just got caught because i'm not used to have asiatic charsets on my servers :D

Sorry for any inconvenience ;026

Added after 2 minutes:

N.B. C-Chan location restored ^_^

It's the most important part anyway, isn't it :D


Quote from: "Fedora-Tan"
It's the most important part anyway, isn't it :D

haha, well done.

I just discovered we have Linux group on campus.  They'll be passing out free Ubuntu disks tomorrow, YAY!

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hopefully that's the DVD edition, so it'd save you the extra plastic.  ^.^

I love this article for some reason,....

Stretching the Education Dollar With Linux

Definitely makes financial and academic sense, to me anyway.  ^___^

QuoteN.B. C-Chan location restored  

It's the most important part anyway, isn't it

Now you're talking my language, Fedora-dono!  ^v^


Since i'm busy, i can't really help on newsgroups or forums but if you have any linux-related problems i can help by mail :)


Quote from: "Fedora-Tan"Since i'm busy, i can't really help on newsgroups or forums but if you have any linux-related problems i can help by mail :)

Yes, more tech support for the newbie (me)!

btw. we had a drawing at the Linux meeting tonight.  There was a guy who works for Mozilla there and was giving away free swag.  I got a new backpack (which I seriously needed), a ladies' medium Fx Tee (which I'm going to give to my sister if it fits her), a Fx button, and some Mozilla stickers. YAY!

The Choice of a New Generation.


QuoteSince i'm busy, i can't really help on newsgroups or forums but if you have any linux-related problems i can help by mail

Kewl, Fedora-dono lends his support for Linux troubleshooting.  ^__^
Don't really have much now -- or at least I ain't comfortable asking for help till I last learn a little more about the OS.  -v-

Any inconvenience I have to put up with at the moment I just allocate to the "Something I'll Probably Laugh About Later" pile (no flocking with tears back to Windows).  ^^

You did help me choose a nice ftp manager (Filezilla is sweet... reminds me of my old favorite CuteFTP.... ^.^), so I owe you big time!  Thank ye, oh Great Fedora-dono!  ^v^


Incidentally, the minor changes to Inkscape version 0.451 aren't as minor as I thought.  A definite recommended download for y'all.  ^.^

Yes, more tech support for the newbie (me)!

btw. we had a drawing at the Linux meeting tonight. There was a guy who works for Mozilla there and was giving away free swag. I got a new backpack (which I seriously needed), a ladies' medium Fx Tee (which I'm going to give to my sister if it fits her), a Fx button, and some Mozilla stickers. YAY!

Yowza!  Talk about a wonderful introduction to OSS.  ^___^
You have to hand it to Mozilla for advertising their products creatively.  ^.^

Incidentally, did you get your free Ubuntu CD/DVD?  'v'


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Incidentally, did you get your free Ubuntu CD/DVD?  'v'

Yeah, I forgot to mention I picked up an Edgy Eft Live CD, too bad it wasn't the disk straight from Ubuntu, though.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Awwww,... no DVD?  '___'

Oh well, at least you've got yourself a free backup.  ^^

BTW, it IS official....!  ^v^
One less squabble in the Linux community....  ^.^


BTW, in case you haven't seen these yet, they're freaking hilarious!  ^v^
Well worth the time i ttook me to get 32-bit Firefox running....!  ^____^

(at least the first 3 Novell videos, anyway.  -.-')


Yeah, the guy giving the presentation at the meeting last week played those videos.  I've always found the "I'm a Mac" commercials entertaining, but I found the claims made in the ads had more to do with software than hardware (Mac vs. PC?).  I had no doubt parodies were going to be made.  Funny stuff, but for some reason I just don't find them as funny as the originals.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Oh,... well, in that case, how about this commercial then (courtesty of fellow resident artist, Bella)..... ^__^

Not sure what else to write, but I'll go ahead and start a new series I call....

/C-chan's Weekly Good, Bad and Ugly Moments -- Linux Edition

The Good:  Managed to get Japanese Input working perfectly!  For some reason, I had an awful lot of trouble with this in Xubuntu -- I don't even recall SCIM being an option, as I had to jump hurdle after hurdle to get on-the-fly language flipping.  But now it was quite painless, and with a simply CTRL+SPACE I can switch between English and 日本語.  And not just any japanese, but about 15 different input formats (though Anthy seems to be the best for my purposes).  There's a radical search in there somewhere, but I haven't paid much attention to that yet.  The only problem is that the SCIM Kanji handwriting recognition tool Tomoe is not available from the Ubuntu repositories, and I can't get it installed via tarball yet (and I don't like Kanjipad...).  So until I can get that working, IME Pad is still something I miss in that respect.  Fortunately, there are some japanese sites that offer good kanji recognition applets (including a good one written in AJAX), so I have something to use in the meantime.  ^___^

The Bad:  I have no clue where the power management window in KDE is located.  @__@
I remember Xubuntu having a way to tell the computer's power button NOT to just turn off the computer outright, and don't know where I can do the same here.  -v-'
Tried kPowersave, but that's just mainly battery and screen management.  Probably could try editing in the etc/acpi folder, but I rather explore SAFE options first (safe from newbies, anyway).  ^^;

The Ugly:  GIMP is alright, but the floating windows do annoy me.  @__@
(same for the saving conventions, but oh well...)
In fairness, floating windows annoy me in Inkscape as well, although at least there the main toolbar is tied to the window.  -___-
Perhaps it's no surprise that I've taken a liking to Krita more, even if it does feel a little PaintShop-ish.  ^____^;


QuoteYeah, the guy giving the presentation at the meeting last week played those videos. I've always found the "I'm a Mac" commercials entertaining, but I found the claims made in the ads had more to do with software than hardware (Mac vs. PC?). I had no doubt parodies were going to be made. Funny stuff, but for some reason I just don't find them as funny as the originals.

I love those commercials too XD Although, the claims annoy me a bit...I'm running Windows, I haven't caught a virus since I don't know how long ago, no spyware, either...

QuoteOh,... well, in that case, how about this commercial then (courtesty of fellow resident artist, Bella)..... ^__^

Heehee, thanks for posting that...I wish somebody would level those two...Come on people, the world isn't all Mac and Windows... *Oh Linux woman...*

In case anyone wants to check out some more Mac vs. PC parodies...

Anyhow, back on topic, I've never tried Linux on my computer. I do however, have an old Win98 I'm thinking about bringing back into working order...If I cannot restore it, perhaps I'll convert it to a lightweight distro (are there any that run on a computer made in 1998?)


*cackles*  ^V^

Unless you want the newest version of KDE and Gnome, nearly all distros can function at some level with hardware as dated as 486's.  ^____^'
The Linux kernel was, after all, built in 1991, and (despite huge modifications to it) is still more or less the same thing that came from Linus' floppy.  ^.^

Damn Small Linux and Puppy Linux are very good UBER-lightweights that could do the trick, although Knoppix is a bit more heavyweight.  ^__^
Slackware too is confirmed to run on VERY old machines, but that's not particularly user friendly. -v-'

The first 3, btw, are available to download and burn into a LiveCD, so you can "try before buy" (so to speak, cause its free) or keep them around as rescue CDs.  ^___^

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got parodies to relish.... ^v^

*skips off to hyperlink*