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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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for me, that'd be a subtle sign to see a dentist. o__o;
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Maybe it's that. My relationship with my teeth would merit a tv series. Or a body image thread. ^^;


the last time i had a tooth-related dream it was likely due to my anxiety over finding a new, growing, touchable cavity in the back of my mouth. so yeah, if you're having tooth dreams, it may be related to your desire for dentistry. :0
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I had one last night; in it, for some reason, I was at my grandmother's house (Mom's side), when she was like "follow me; there's a garage sale not far from here", as she got in her car (For some reason, she didn't have room for me to ride with her, so I had to drive myself)...but in the couple of minutes it took to get into the car and start it up, she was completely gone; leaving me in the dust (Unusual for mom's family; usually they drive at like 0.25MPH when they're leading someone somewhere).


had an interesting one while at Ben's. don't remember anything except the ending scene, where we (me, i think Pent in trap, possibly my friend Jack, and some other friends, including people i didn't know) were in a mall and about to go into a store:

"SHUT UP I'M CANDY - A Poorly Designed Store for the Fabulously Wealthy"
white walls, deeply set in, entrance had glass doors? (opened, since the store was open), and shitloads of dangling neon plastic candy strings from the ceiling (plastic beads), with plastic floor sculptures to match, and for some reason a unicorn in the middle. the store was set up so that you had to walk down a white hallway and there was a wall (forming a T intersection) at the back with the sign on it. you'd walk down and then either side would open up to the store. another sign in the centre back read

it was marketed at men, with some unisex items.
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I remember you telling me about that one, and recall you saying something about you think you were a guy in it?


i think so? it was a few days ago and i didn't copy down those deets. :0
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The most recent dream I had involved debugging code.

This is my life now......


happy trails~

i think i dreamt about chocolate last night. i know i also had at least one scary dream and one funny dream last night, so i guess that's good. :\
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A colleague of mine also recently had a nightmare involving debugging code! We commiserated over it when she brought it up.

Our professor said something to the effect of 'So I'm managing to haunt peoples' dreams now?' and laughed maniacally.

Goujer (she/her)

I hope I never dream of debugging code.

For some reason I keep dreaming Metal Gear things and other sneaky conspiracy things. I think I might be playing too much Metal Gear Solid...


@Bella: Can't say I've had dreams like that, but I did once game a dream where I went about my morning routine of the era in great detail (I got up, I had a glass of orange juice, the news was on TV, and I was checking OSC from my laptop; distinctly remembering a spambot making a topic on free paperclips, and Stew getting in trouble for leaving a sarcastic comment in reply to it -w-; )

@Lego: I've had so many game-related dreams over the years. Never any about MGS, but I've had several for games like Pokémon, Diddy Kong Racing, Phantasy Star Online, etc., with even a few focusing on game collecting (Like one where I went to a garage sale and bought a bunch of NES games, including a sealed copy of Terminator 2...before I even knew there was a Terminator 2 game on NES).

I think the most lulzy one I can recall of the latter type, which I recently told Pit about, was one I had some 10 years ago (I still remember this, just for how absurd it was):
In it, I discovered some new game store somewhere, which I was browsing. On a shelf, I found a copy of Mega Man X (Which I didn't have at the time, and was trying to find a copy of)...but it had a sticker on it, similar to the "Not For Resale" sticker Sega put on pack-in copies of Sonic 2, that said "NOT MEGA MAN". Somehow, this fooled me and I didn't even try to buy it; as I began to browse further, finding more games I wanted, all with a similar sticker on them ("NOT MARIO RPG", etc. etc.), causing my frustration to increase. I don't recall anything else from it, but the absurd nature of the "NOT [game pictured on label]" sticker was something I found more amusing than anything when I woke up -w-;

Goujer (she/her)

In about 80% of my dreams I am a girl and the rest I'm a guy. Last night however I dreamed that I was a tranny trying to get into sea world to see Shamoo the Whale. I am really confused by this.


i'm sure you meant well Lego but can we refrain from using the T*y word it's very offensive to trans people
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Lego: Kinda reminds me of some strange dreams I've had in the past ^^;