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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That sucks :[
(Although, nice on the highlights)


@kodomo: thanks. i thought it was hilarious. -w-;
@stew: if it keeps breaking, and a new one would be a comparable price, i'd go for the new one. unlike me, you guys use programs and games which are easily transferable from computer to computer, sooo....
@bells: mulberry is a nice colour.
and i know there was some home remedy for flies somewhere, now where was it....
(if it's any consolation, though, ben's place is just like that >>;; )

saw Jersey Boys today. we had to drive 45 minutes just to get to a theatre with it, but it was totally worth it. apparently when i'm not drooling over crappy comedies my movie tastes run a bit on the old side, as the last movie i saw in theatres before this was Saving Mr. Banks with my mum and grandpa.

still, i loved it and would like to get a copy if i can manage to for $10 or less.
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Cool :3

All I did today was play The Stick of Truth -w-
(Good game so far; it's like a South Park version of Paper Mario)


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Fact: Caffeine highs, tiredness, and boredom are a bad combination. :P


Indeed, although some story ideas of mine were born from such situations -w-;


Except right now I'm thinking about a way to not very discretely roleplay girl/girl on a kid's forum.

I've done it before, and it was pretty funny. But in this situation I'm not surrounded by stupid homophobes, so meta-level humour is not the goal. Sadly all I can think about is the hilarity that resulted last time.

And you know what I mean by stupid homophobes? I mean people who have expressed a dislike of homosexual relationships, and yet can't take the hint that I'm roleplaying a homosexual relationship even after I had them make out. I wish I was kidding. I very seriously wish I was kidding.


Mmm :\

I wish I could go back to sleep; it's too early ;_;
(Also, doesn't help that my stomach is messed up)


i wonder why they would be so against it. religious reasons? :\

unrelated: beach today. fuck yeah. -w-
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111 times out of 10, it's because religion :/

Also, I'm jelous of you going to the beach; I'm stuck at work ;_;
But, there is an employee appreciation lunch today, so it's not all bad :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 25, 2014, 10:37:29 AM
111 times out of 10, it's because religion :/

Can't really put it better than this. That was both their excuses (to some degree) for being homophobic. One of them even said that all religions are against same-sex marriage. When told that, no, not all religions are against same-sex marriage, he said that all modern religions are Abrahamic. The other one doesn't support it because he thinks it's disgusting.

To be fair, one of them was a very articulate 9-year-old at the time, so I can't blame him too much for not getting the subtext. The other one is about my age, and this happened almost two years ago. He didn't seem to catch my subtext either, and I knew that a year prior to it, I'd have caught the subtext, but maybe not when I was nine. Then again with my "lets make it as obvious as I can" thing may have allowed me to realize that at least the two females were kissing one another at that age. I was also a similarly articulate 9-year-old, but I never really chatted with people on the internet until I was 13.


OSC seems to be made up of several people who were self-aware from a young age. i was already questioning authority, religion, and reality by age 5 or 6? i feel kinda proud. -w-

also, "all modern religions are abrahamic"


Various Shamanistic Religions
Native American Spiritual Practices
Aboriginal Mythologies

^none of these are Abrahamic in origin
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Exactly. He actually even said that Buddhism (and maybe a few others, but I know he said it about Buddhism) is an ancient religion.


...Wow. Just, wow *facepalm*

Also, indeed; I've questioned athority for as long as I remember, and religion since I was about 10 or so

On lunch now. Roast beef sandvich~ > w <


Of course, I'm a sad pathetic person because that person is nine and I knew that I wasn't well aware of non-Abrahamic religions then. Not going to lump either of you two in the same group as me, as either of you may have thought I was talking about the older one though.

I have been questioning my parents' invasion of privacy since I was ten, and religion to some degree since I was eleven. Then again, I wasn't raised by very religious parents. They're both Christians, but I was never taken to church. I'm currently reading the Bible (and have since last summer, but I'm a mega procrastinator), but I know that it's not something to take lessons from.