Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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spoon, because i've done it.

wwyp: america being taken over by a militia, or by the catholic church?
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Militia, some how I think we'd be better off.

WWYP: Winning a million dollars (or whatever your currency is) and getting it all at once, or in segments of about 10,000?
Simon was here :P


(better off? well, between the two choices, i guess you're right....)

payments, because they have plenty of services to get it in a lump sum later. and you get more money if you take payments vs. a lump sum because they take out less taxes over the long run.

wwyp: having teeth resistant to whatever food you give them (ie: no cavities/gum disease) or skin that's resistant to ailments (ie: no cuts/dry skin/etc).
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The former. Invincible teeth >:3

WWYP: Matt Smith or David Tennant?


David Tennant

WWYP: very hot or very cold
Simon was here :P


Very cold, My system can heat itself with the proper fuel and since I feed off of almost everything, I would not feel so cold...

WWYP: Living as a Zombie or (being rob j/k) living as A Vampolf?


vampolf, i like having free will.

wwyp: being stuck in the world of twilight or being stuck in 4chan city?
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If you mean the Legend Of Zelda twilight, then that, actually twilight regardless

WWYP: Spanish food or Chinese food?
Simon was here :P


Chinese food, since it's a bit more exotic

WWYP: New Coke or Pepsi Blue?


New Coke.

WWYP: splitting headache or a broken bone?
Simon was here :P


Quote from: Simonorged on March 25, 2013, 08:05:07 AM
If you mean the Legend Of Zelda twilight, then that, actually twilight regardless

i did not, i meant the barfass text that is Twilight/New Moon/etc etc.

headache does less damage, and if it were a bone the only way it wouldn't hinder what i do every day would be a broken rib. so headache. damn i wish i could find excedrine on the shelves.

wwyp: having every scab you ever got be permanent, or every scar you ever got to be 4 times as large and 4 times as dark. :\
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bigger scars please

WWYP: Be with some one you care about and be broke all the time
be with some one you hate and have tons of money.
Simon was here :P


see, the definition of "be with" is a bit unclear here, but if we were to say date, i'd go with the broke option, because while at first i'd be on board for the cash, i just couldn't devote myself like that. it makes my skin crawl to even THINK of being with someone i'm not attracted to. (not to sound shallow, but that's just the way it is, it's not a conscious decision.)

wwyp: subjecting yourself to invasive medical procedures a couple times a year or living the rest of your life not knowing a thing about your medical future?
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The latter, since that's pretty much how I live

WWYP: Being constantly interrupted when you're trying to do something, or having nothing to do at all?


nothing at all...

WWYP: a degree in something you love that wouldn't make you a lot of money, or a degree in something you hate that would have you set for life?

@choco: by "be with" I mean companionship.
Simon was here :P