What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Torrent an ISO?  It's perfectly legal.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: Red-Machine on June 15, 2011, 06:15:12 PM
Torrent an ISO?  It's perfectly legal.
protip: microsoft offers a iso download of windows 7.


That would probably be my best bet, since there likely isn't any software to bypass the need for a product key and I really don't want to spend $100+ on a new copy of Windows XP (It's not worth pouring that much money into, to be honest)


i got a key if you need one; windows xp pro.


Ok, You can PM it to me and I'll give it a shot later on


XP needs a key? Why have I never needed a key for my XP installs...?

NLite must've taken it out....


Some come with the keys embedded or that disabled. If not, disabling it is not very hard, nor is getting a key generator. There is in fact software and other ways to bypass the need for a key.


I'll have to do some research into that...unless somebody knows of some software off the top of their head that will do that; since the sites you search for this sort of thing at are very shady.


there is a way to program a activated key with xp, it is a msconfig exploit


late, and not very impressive..... ;^;
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yeah, this pc was made for vista. there's only one glitch, though: the built-in mic doesn't work. :\
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Here's the WEI scores on Asagi, for anybody curious

@Alex: msconfig exploit? Do tell


I think my "WEI" for this computer is 6.2 or so, due to the integrated Nvidia graphics. The rest was 7.something if I remember right.


poor speedy's falling behind..... ;^;
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