OS-tan theories and disscusion

Started by Bella, September 05, 2007, 06:34:57 PM

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QuoteThat sounds perfect! NT and 95 were trained from the start to fight against the competitors and I assume pillage their cities afterwards until they welcomed their new Windows overlords! Interacting with the 1.0 and 2.0-tans would have gotten in the way with that because aww... they are so sweet! However that exactly was why they were exiled- they couldn't carry out the scorched-earth tactics of their younger sister... And NT.

And, for the sake of prestige, a lot of elements of the old Microsoft era had to be disposed of or rewritten, to avoid embarrasment and blur Prior Art (so they can claim patents on technology stolen elsewhere).  That included any references to Altair, dealings with QDOS-tan, Xenix-sama's service, OS/2-tan's upbringing, and of course the old Windows-tans.  Maybe in a few more years, that trend might sweep up to more contemporary family members -- after all, no one wants to remember MS BOB-chan, and it seems about time to retire MSDOS-chan.

QuoteWith both pairs of Windows-tans not meant to meet each other, as well as that 3.1-tan (who was only kept for being the first popular Windows) and MSDOS-tan (did she still have a little influence remaining?) were seperated from both pairs, the times couldn't have been good for them. It is their loneliness that most likely changed them to the ways they are now.

It's really more the exile that has shaped them to be the way they are now (or more specifically, just 2.0-chan -- 1.0-chan literally never changes).  However, it was living alone and sidelined in the fledgling Windows empire that made 2.0-chan more vocal about the unnerving changes going on, and in doing so she might have inadvertently stepped on a few toes.  

At least MSDOS-chan still had leverage in that she was still a revenue source at the time, and could still protest and have her voice heard (somewhat) without fear of being kicked out.  But no one used 1.0-chan or 2.0-chan anymore,.... so their presence became more and more "annoying" overtime.

QuoteDid I mention that she fought some bootlegs?  Don't be fooled by 3.2-tan's dainty and cheerful appearance, she is tough and a skilled survivalist and takes pride in those things.

Certainly didn't doubt it.  She kinda reminds me a little of Meilin from Card Captor Sakura -- or at least a 3.1-sama version of her.  ^___^

Quote3.1-tan would end up mistaking 3.2-tan herself for a bootleg while 3.2-tan mistakes the other real Windows-tans as bootlegs! XD

Now you see why bootlegs are bad!  They cause family disunity!  ^.^

Probably should note that bootlegs simply don't exist among the Linux-tans.  You mention bootleg to them, and they just look down at their feet wondering what the heck you're talking about.  ^____^;

QuoteThat is epic! C128-tan risking her life against her younger sister who used to like her but has long gone crazy, while the other sisters call in an air raid against C65-tan's ship!

I'd like to add in a few things to that (for maximum sap!): Just before that air raid was called, C65-tan sees the error of her ways and frees C128-tan, not daring to hurt her only sister who has known her and cared for her.

That sounds like a nice way to refine the premise.  ^__^

I should probably clarify, though, that I don't see any of them fighting with their original armadas.  C65-tan's pirate ship is probably as ragtag as she is, and the other Commodore sisters can't afford to buy back any of their old company vessels, so they probably improvise.  No doubt using the Binteji Renmei's fishing boat, flying their Colors quilted together on the fly by the younger Vintage-tans, and arming it with something not much stronger than a potato cannon.  (cause cannon shells cost money, you know!)

The "air raid" is actually just their fancy term for getting Amiga-chan to convince Pilot-chan to help them defeat the crazy pirate girl once and for all.  The Lewis Guns are in the shop (have been stuck there for years) and there's no money for bombs, so Pilot-chan too has to improvise.  Probably with homemade "pom-poms", not necessarily lethal (but perhaps a bit disgusting).  ^^;

I'd like the scene to have a very light-hearted Studio Ghibli feel, although since C128-tan is locked away with nothing but the sounds to guide her (and with no knowledge of their prior skirmishes), she would think there's some horrible carnage going on.

QuoteCool! I like those ideas! Could I help you out and sketch them?

I still feel kinda bad that I seem to be making you do most of the hard work.  But yeah sure, I think that'd be great and I should at least make the effort to help you color map them.  ^^

QuoteActually, no I haven't. I'm such a phony!!

GAAAH!!  Xvx



Well if you're ever interested, it's a great (albeit underrated series) that might be available in a cheap bundles at your local retail entertainment store.  There's Saber Marionette J, J Again, J-to-X, and its prequel-sequel "R" (that's a little grittier).  ^^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"And, for the sake of prestige, a lot of elements of the old Microsoft era had to be disposed of or rewritten, to avoid embarrasment and blur Prior Art (so they can claim patents on technology stolen elsewhere).  That included any references to Altair, dealings with QDOS-tan, Xenix-sama's service, OS/2-tan's upbringing, and of course the old Windows-tans.  Maybe in a few more years, that trend might sweep up to more contemporary family members -- after all, no one wants to remember MS BOB-chan, and it seems about time to retire MSDOS-chan.
MS BOB-tan! How could I forget her?! She was the caretaker of 3.1-tan and 95-tan and OSR 2.1-tan! 3.1-tan and 95-tan do not speak of her anymore for being disgraceful to the company and OSR 2.1-tan was too young to remember her. MS BOB-tan wasn't exiled but ran away from home with the intent to never return. Oh, and OSR 2.1-tan also ran away from home because MS BOB-tan did.

And there's the possibility of retiring MS DOS-tan?!

The dealing with QDOS-tan I understand slightly: MS DOS is based off of QDOS which M$ bought from another company, but how does that translate into the OS-tan backstories?

It's really more the exile that has shaped them to be the way they are now (or more specifically, just 2.0-chan -- 1.0-chan literally never changes).  However, it was living alone and sidelined in the fledgling Windows empire that made 2.0-chan more vocal about the unnerving changes going on, and in doing so she might have inadvertently stepped on a few toes.  
Being exiled from a once caring family to live as a wanderer during the OS wars and not able to make any OS-tan friends because they were all busy fighting and/or trying to survive and had something against them just for being Windows-tans... I'm at a loss for words to express how terribly sad that is, but it were those things that left poor 2.0-chan mentally scarred and uhh... 1.0-tan is just oblivious at a first glance (but I'm sure that she was as frightened as 2.0-tan was)

I should have been a little more clear but whne I said "the times couldn't have been good for them", I was refering to 3.1-tan and MS DOS-tan for being sidelined so much (because well, the fact those were certainly not good times for 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan!)

At least MSDOS-chan still had leverage in that she was still a revenue source at the time, and could still protest and have her voice heard (somewhat) without fear of being kicked out.  But no one used 1.0-chan or 2.0-chan anymore,.... so their presence became more and more "annoying" overtime.
They wouldn't dare exile one of their money makers!

Now you see why bootlegs are bad!  They cause family disunity!  ^.^
Especially in the scenario that the Windows-tans were doing something in the outskirts of town and suddenly got seperated from each other, to find someone who only looks like one of their sisters but malicious! o_o

Probably should note that bootlegs simply don't exist among the Linux-tans.  You mention bootleg to them, and they just look down at their feet wondering what the heck you're talking about.  ^____^;
"Boots? But I'm wearing sandals!"
"Huh? What about my boots?"
"I'm wearing high-heels, hee hee!"

That sounds like a nice way to refine the premise.  ^__^

I should probably clarify, though, that I don't see any of them fighting with their original armadas.  C65-tan's pirate ship is probably as ragtag as she is, and the other Commodore sisters can't afford to buy back any of their old company vessels, so they probably improvise.  No doubt using the Binteji Renmei's fishing boat, flying their Colors quilted together on the fly by the younger Vintage-tans, and arming it with something not much stronger than a potato cannon.  (cause cannon shells cost money, you know!)
I forgot that the other Vintage-tans would be involved! After all, two of the Commodore-tans and their stepsister are in the Binteeji Renmei! ^^;

Even if the confrontation uses entirely improvised weapons and such, it is still epic! And I'm sure that a potato cannon could still inflict moderate damage against an old wooden ship ;012

The "air raid" is actually just their fancy term for getting Amiga-chan to convince Pilot-chan to help them defeat the crazy pirate girl once and for all.  The Lewis Guns are in the shop (have been stuck there for years) and there's no money for bombs, so Pilot-chan too has to improvise.  Probably with homemade "pom-poms", not necessarily lethal (but perhaps a bit disgusting).  ^^;
What Lewis Guns and these homemade pom-poms?

I'd like the scene to have a very light-hearted Studio Ghibli feel, although since C128-tan is locked away with nothing but the sounds to guide her (and with no knowledge of their prior skirmishes), she would think there's some horrible carnage going on.
Yaaaar! The troublesome girl got hauled to the brig!

After the whole conflict gets resolved for the better, is there the possibility of the other Commodore-tans joining the Binteeji Renmei?

I still feel kinda bad that I seem to be making you do most of the hard work.  But yeah sure, I think that'd be great and I should at least make the effort to help you color map them.  ^^
That is okay! You've helped me out many times with difficult things so I am just happily offering to return the favor!


GAAAH!!  Xvx



Well if you're ever interested, it's a great (albeit underrated series) that might be available in a cheap bundles at your local retail entertainment store.  There's Saber Marionette J, J Again, J-to-X, and its prequel-sequel "R" (that's a little grittier).  ^^
Yeah, I don't watch a lot of anime aside from what's on Cartoon Network and Toonami (with a few exceptions). I KNOW I am missing out on some really great stuff like Saber Marionette which I am interested in :( (anime DVDs are hard to come by in my area and I cannot buy anything online)

Aurora Borealis

Preconcept sketches of VIC20-tan and C128-tan!

VIC20-tan has a "military lolita" look to her as a way to combine military style with a dainty and feminine look- I decided on elements from the "lolita" fashion that is highly popular in Japan because the VIC20 was first released in Japan. (I tried to draw her in a kimono-like outfit at first but it just didn't work)

C128-tan wears something more casual but I am at an almost complete loss for how to draw her outfit :(

Still needs color-mapping, addition of details and logos (which I failed to add on C128-tan. Although on VIC20-tan, the trim at the bottom of her jacket is in the colors of the rainbow VIC20 logo)



I admit, I was expecting to work solely on the Zerosanity Xmas comic during the weekend, and as you can imagine I didn't because the C-chan sucks.  But this time it was for a good reason.... ^^

When I saw your sketches based on their modern-day attire that I described, I absolutely LOVED them.  But in addition to that, inspiration finally hit me like a lightning bolt!   ^o^

Not wanting to let it slide this time -- and realizing that some of my best works were done on the fly, without any planning -- I dropped everything and worked on the picture of VIC20-tan and C128-tan that was coming to me literally in a vision!

I was rusty, had to use a base image to kickstart the anatomy and skirt folding, spent an unhealthy amount of time experimenting with color mapping, and [as usual] haven't added any shading yet.

But thanks to you, I think I finally have what could very well be her final appearance!  ^o^

Maybe the colors do need some more work, but I think they're original.  The top portion of her, from the tunic onwards, is colored after the original VIC-20 unit.  The cute fixings in her lower body are based off the Commodore logo.  

While I said before that only her Brodie Helmet was leftover from her old Commodore days, I was sufficiently impressed with your "military lolita" approach that I decided that her tunic IS also a leftover from her combat days (and even added some ammo pouches and an insignia to her right arm).  No doubt she used to wear slacks and strapped boots in typical "doughboy" style, but has since switched to something more dainty and feminine (although the bayonet sheath under her skirt, and the M1903 Springfield rifle on her shoulder, is a good way to keep the pedobears away).

I'm sure her eyes speak for themselves as far as her personality goes.  Physically, though, she's still technically a child-type and is lonly 143cm (hence why he rifle looks so much bigger than it is).

If you'd like to help me with some shading, I've attached the Sauce.  I think it'd be great, since I'll be able to work on C128-tan immediately (w/ a special C65-tan "cameo").  ^______^

Added after 39 minutes:

QuoteMS BOB-tan! How could I forget her?! She was the caretaker of 3.1-tan and 95-tan and OSR 2.1-tan! 3.1-tan and 95-tan do not speak of her anymore for being disgraceful to the company and OSR 2.1-tan was too young to remember her. MS BOB-tan wasn't exiled but ran away from home with the intent to never return. Oh, and OSR 2.1-tan also ran away from home because MS BOB-tan did.

Fufufu... more pages of OS-tan history get written.  ^___^

OSR 2.1-sama's story could probably be a very interesting one.  No doubt she wouldn't have survived a day all alone in such a hostile environment at the time, if not for her uncanny ability to think outside the box.  ^^

QuoteAnd there's the possibility of retiring MS DOS-tan?!

Well in RL, MS-DOS has been retired years ago.  It's only natural that, sooner or later, her presence (and reminder of the past) will start to grow more inconvenient, especially now that she offers nothing of value to the post-Vista generation.

QuoteThe dealing with QDOS-tan I understand slightly: MS DOS is based off of QDOS which M$ bought from another company, but how does that translate into the OS-tan backstories?

Quite simply,....

    - M$ adopted the newborn QDOS-chan.
    - M$ played with her for a few days.
    - M$ made two clones off of her and shuttled them away.
    - M$ dumped her, now that they had what they really wanted.

And she's fended for herself ever since -- and with no one to develop her further, her growth and mind were horrifically stunted. Even DRDOS-tan (then CP/M-tan) wouldn't acknowledge her until many years later, when she started thinking for herself and stopped viewing her "daughters" as competition.

QuoteBeing exiled from a once caring family to live as a wanderer during the OS wars and not able to make any OS-tan friends because they were all busy fighting and/or trying to survive and had something against them just for being Windows-tans... I'm at a loss for words to express how terribly sad that is, but it were those things that left poor 2.0-chan mentally scarred and uhh... 1.0-tan is just oblivious at a first glance (but I'm sure that she was as frightened as 2.0-tan was)

Well true there were things that frightened 1.0-san (explosions and stuff), but she did it more as a fear of 2.0-chan's sake (or that of her family portrait) rather than for her own.

QuoteEspecially in the scenario that the Windows-tans were doing something in the outskirts of town and suddenly got seperated from each other, to find someone who only looks like one of their sisters but malicious!

Sounds like a tactic the virus-tans would use.  ^__~

Quote"Boots? But I'm wearing sandals!"
"Huh? What about my boots?"
"I'm wearing high-heels, hee hee!"

BWAHAHAHA!!!  That's right.  ^.^

QuoteI forgot that the other Vintage-tans would be involved! After all, two of the Commodore-tans and their stepsister are in the Binteeji Renmei! ^^;

Even if the confrontation uses entirely improvised weapons and such, it is still epic! And I'm sure that a potato cannon could still inflict moderate damage against an old wooden ship

Fufufu... Indeed, but I think they wouldn't have used potatoes after all, since the vintage-tans would be on a tight budget and adverse to wasting staple food.

On the other hand,... there could be a surplus of papaya on hand....  ^.^

QuoteWhat Lewis Guns and these homemade pom-poms?

A Lewis Gun is an old-fashioned machine gun that used to be very popular as improvised biplane gun mounts:


Although the X-Star isn't a biplane, Pilot-chan did modify it slightly to make use of that gun (pulled off one of her old biplanes before she had to sell it).

Unfortunately, it's been broken for a while, and with the replacement parts as expensive as they are, she's still trying to earn enough money to buy them.

Actually, nevermind the pom poms (I think I was thinking of something else).  With such a rickety pirate ship, she doesn't need explosives -- just really heavy things to drop below.  Perhaps some of the garbage bags Amiga and FreeDOS-chan puppy-eyed her into taking away.  And if she ever runs out,........ she could always just drop PCDOS-chan.  ^^;

QuoteAfter the whole conflict gets resolved for the better, is there the possibility of the other Commodore-tans joining the Binteeji Renmei?

Well C128-tan finally finds her long-lost little sister, so there's no need for her to wander the world.  

VIC20-chan might be stubborn, but she might find she gets along well with Pilot-chan (and perhaps a few others like ITS-sama or Amstrad-tan).  Plus VIC20-chan is unusually revered by the Linux-tans (especially the older ones protecting the Binteji Renmei), and probably warms up to the feeling of being wanted again.

QuoteThat is okay! You've helped me out many times with difficult things so I am just happily offering to return the favor!

As always, thank you very much for that, and for all your hardwork!  ^__^

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Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!  AURORA-HIME, YOU'RE WONDERFUL!!!!!  ^V^

I admit, I was expecting to work solely on the Zerosanity Xmas comic during the weekend, and as you can imagine I didn't because the C-chan sucks.  But this time it was for a good reason.... ^^

When I saw your sketches based on their modern-day attire that I described, I absolutely LOVED them.  But in addition to that, inspiration finally hit me like a lightning bolt!   ^o^

Not wanting to let it slide this time -- and realizing that some of my best works were done on the fly, without any planning -- I dropped everything and worked on the picture of VIC20-tan and C128-tan that was coming to me literally in a vision!
Thanks! Although still looking forward to the ZS Xmas special, I really really like work you've done on VIC20-tan! And even better that the present day designs for VIC20-tan and C128-tan came to you so quickly! (I confess that I really struggled to think of something x__x)

I've seen some fantastic works from you that were drawn without any planning, like the C64+Amiga portraiture!

I was rusty, had to use a base image to kickstart the anatomy and skirt folding, spent an unhealthy amount of time experimenting with color mapping, and [as usual] haven't added any shading yet.

But thanks to you, I think I finally have what could very well be her final appearance!  ^o^

She's so cute!! I'd want to glomp her but seeing that bayonet and gun, I'm keeping my distance...

Maybe the colors do need some more work, but I think they're original.  The top portion of her, from the tunic onwards, is colored after the original VIC-20 unit.  The cute fixings in her lower body are based off the Commodore logo.  

While I said before that only her Brodie Helmet was leftover from her old Commodore days, I was sufficiently impressed with your "military lolita" approach that I decided that her tunic IS also a leftover from her combat days (and even added some ammo pouches and an insignia to her right arm).  No doubt she used to wear slacks and strapped boots in typical "doughboy" style, but has since switched to something more dainty and feminine (although the bayonet sheath under her skirt, and the M1903 Springfield rifle on her shoulder, is a good way to keep the pedobears away).
Good call on keeping her military tunic! The fact that she still has her helmet and tunic really help with the military-chic/military lolita look that was intended! The mismatched shoes and socks actually work out very nicely! And if Something Awful-tan and the other members of the Fashion SWAT beg to differ, VIC20-tan's got that bayonet and big gun! :D

I'm sure her eyes speak for themselves as far as her personality goes.  Physically, though, she's still technically a child-type and is lonly 143cm (hence why he rifle looks so much bigger than it is).
She tough and cute! She's small but with a big attitude and gun to boot!

If you'd like to help me with some shading, I've attached the Sauce.  I think it'd be great, since I'll be able to work on C128-tan immediately (w/ a special C65-tan "cameo").  ^______^
Sure! I'll help!

Fufufu... more pages of OS-tan history get written.  ^___^

OSR 2.1-sama's story could probably be a very interesting one.  No doubt she wouldn't have survived a day all alone in such a hostile environment at the time, if not for her uncanny ability to think outside the box.  ^^
The reasons that OSR 2.1-tan left are really sad. Having not yet outgrown the need for MS BOB-tan, she did not find her to be annoying and liked her so she was devestated when MS BOB-tan left for being a failure. Since OSR 2.1-tan was to bring USB support to the Windows family but did not do a good job at it, she left because she failed what she was supposed to do and while being a wanderer, she was hoping to stumble upon encountering MS BOB-tan again.

Incidentally, OSR 2.5 was still not very good at USB support either. Now I wonder why OSR 2.5-tan left...

Well in RL, MS-DOS has been retired years ago.  It's only natural that, sooner or later, her presence (and reminder of the past) will start to grow more inconvenient, especially now that she offers nothing of value to the post-Vista generation.
Well, that's sad and it's a bummer that not very many of the Windows-tans will miss her when she does get kicked out, but on the bright side, she'd be able to join the Binteeji Renmei and reunite with PC DOS-tan, Windows 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan!

Quite simply,....

    - M$ adopted the newborn QDOS-chan.
    - M$ played with her for a few days.
    - M$ made two clones off of her and shuttled them away.
    - M$ dumped her, now that they had what they really wanted.

And she's fended for herself ever since -- and with no one to develop her further, her growth and mind were horrifically stunted. Even DRDOS-tan (then CP/M-tan) wouldn't acknowledge her until many years later, when she started thinking for herself and stopped viewing her "daughters" as competition.
Oh my gawd! That is just awful of them! Using a poor little girl at her expense for their own gain to get rid of her soon after! That is just so wrong! No wonder why that is kept a secret!

I didn't know that QDOS-chan's physical and mental growth were severely stunted! I thought she just a little scatterbrained and was so short for being a very minimalist DOS!

It's also a shame that it also took so long for DR DOS-tan to acknowledge and start caring for her because the damage to QDOS-chan was already long done. Glad that DR DOS-tan changed her ways but I wish I could have said better late than never.

QuoteWell true there were things that frightened 1.0-san (explosions and stuff), but she did it more as a fear of 2.0-chan's sake (or that of her family portrait) rather than for her own.
Ohh.. She was mainly scared of what was happening to 2.0-chan!

Sounds like a tactic the virus-tans would use.  ^__~
You're right! And there are plenty of Windows virus-tans around to take advantage of seperation and all the bootlegs! o_o

Fufufu... Indeed, but I think they wouldn't have used potatoes after all, since the vintage-tans would be on a tight budget and adverse to wasting staple food.

On the other hand,... there could be a surplus of papaya on hand....  ^.^
Don't want to waste staple food! Something less pratical like papaya would be a good alternative!

A Lewis Gun is an old-fashioned machine gun that used to be very popular as improvised biplane gun mounts:

Those are cool!

Although the X-Star isn't a biplane, Pilot-chan did modify it slightly to make use of that gun (pulled off one of her old biplanes before she had to sell it).
She is resourceful and not only a great pilot, but also a great plane mechanic!

Unfortunately, it's been broken for a while, and with the replacement parts as expensive as they are, she's still trying to earn enough money to buy them.
That's going to be tough...

Actually, nevermind the pom poms (I think I was thinking of something else).  With such a rickety pirate ship, she doesn't need explosives -- just really heavy things to drop below.  Perhaps some of the garbage bags Amiga and FreeDOS-chan puppy-eyed her into taking away.  And if she ever runs out,........ she could always just drop PCDOS-chan.  ^^;
That did sound weird to me because when I think of pom poms, I think of those things that the cheerleaders use! ;012

And if she runs out of trash to drop, she can drop someone who talks trash! Okay, so Pilot-chan is the trash-talker but I'm sure that PC DOS-tan may be as well because of her own hardship, sharp wit, sharp tongue and cynicism! (and besides, Pilot-chan is the pilot!)

Well C128-tan finally finds her long-lost little sister, so there's no need for her to wander the world.
Yeah! When C128-tan will have succeeded in her life-long goal as a wanderer, being able to reunite with and befriend C65-tan, they can finally settle down in the Binteeji Renmei!

VIC20-chan might be stubborn, but she might find she gets along well with Pilot-chan (and perhaps a few others like ITS-sama or Amstrad-tan).  Plus VIC20-chan is unusually revered by the Linux-tans (especially the older ones protecting the Binteji Renmei), and probably warms up to the feeling of being wanted again.
I knew it would take more time for VIC20-tan to be willing to join but be able to find some friends. Hmm... *attempts to establish a connection*

Pilot-chan is cynical and may have endured similar hardships, ITS-sama was a rebel, Amstrad-tan I'm not sure about though. Was she another rebel? And her reverence among the Linux-tans is really interesting but I'm stumped!

Got to work on the VIC20-tan picture and got most of the shading done! Here is revision 1:

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Oooh,... outta time, but just wanted to say thank you for helping me shade VIC20-chan!  Indeed, seeing your contribution, there was no doubt in my mind that you knew right away the kind of deep shading that would be needed, since the light source is coming from slightly behind her.  ^.^

I updated the revision just a little, to deepen some of the shading a bit (especially on her face and legs), where very little light reaches them.  All in all, though, since you're graciously working on this, I'll try to focus on whipping up C128-san as fast as I can.  ^.^

Thanks again!  I'll respond to the other stuff soon!  ^___^

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QuoteVisi On-tan


technical details:
-a short-lived but influential GUI OS
-made and priced for high-end corporate workstations, also able to work with IBM PC compatibles running MS DOS
-ported to other OSes, such as C/PM or Unix (and has a Unix-based development environment)
-never popular due to high cost (up to $7,500) and minimum requirements (512 KB of RAM,a 5 MB hard drive) and slow performance
-influenced the development of Windows
-advanced for its time with many modern GUI features, even some that did not become commonplace until years later
-did not include a graphical file manager though
-was a huge success at its first demonstrations in 1982
-was supposed to be released in the summer of 1983 but wasn't released until December. Was already being declared vaporware
-during development, VisiCorp was under 'corporate civil war'
-recieved largely negative reviews after release, some claimed VisiOn to be 'the end of operating systems'
-Visi On sold to another company in 1984, never heard from again

character descriptions and backstory: A diva, aristocrat and business woman. In her youth she never mingled with the home users or home computer OS-tans. However, she did work with the Unices, DR-DOS-tan and MS-DOS-tan and admired Lisa-tan (another very high-end business OS).

She was a great success before her official release, in her first appearance to the public in 1982 and her future looked very promising. She was expected to make her official debut in the summer of 1983 but was delayed until December. During that time, people were already counting her out before she had a chance (which angered her a lot). Also during this time, her company was under a civil war which was emotionally scarring to her.

When she finally made her official release, the people were unimpressed and she got a lot of negative reviews. Despite being advanced in most ways, she was slow, demanding and picky. Another cause of her demise was the announcement of Windows in late 1983, which was said to have driven many of Visi On-tan's customers away. She was sold to another company in 1984 but was not heard from again or just no one cared. (however she is still alive)

And the worst part... *GASP* She has a vendetta against Windows 1.0-tan! (who herself was unremarkable and unsuccessful but still was a factor in the highly advanced Visi On-tan's demise, adding insult to injury here) Oh yeah, she's not fond of the other Windows-tans either. While her dislike for the Windows-tans does not runas deeply as OS/2-tan's hatred for them, Visi On-tan still got screwed over pretty badly! She strongly admires the Anti$oft Coalition.

Visi On-tan is however, friendly with the Unices as well as DR-DOS-tan. (I can also imagine her being friendly with IMSAI 8080-tan; a fellow formerly powerful business woman who suffered a similar fate to her) She also likes and has empathy for MS-DOS-tan (who back in the good ol' days was powerful, confident and influential, now these days just that shy little girl no one really notices anymore and is the unofficial house servant of the M$ Family) and wants to help her but cannot when all of those Windows-tans are there too!

personality-wise, she is disgruntled, homesick (but knowing that she can never return to her parent company) and thinks the everything and almost everyone has conspired against her. However she does cheer up in the company of those she is friendly with, knowing that there are still a few people who care.

I'm not sure if she would be in the CIOST or a wanderer. Her personality makes her fit in with the CIOST pretty well, but she is or at least was a diva who wouldn't consider fighting- she'd have one of her security people do that for her. But living on her own, she may have toughened up over the years and has learned to fight.

And a really obscure Commodore-tan, Commodore 65-tan!

technical details:
-a prototype that was to be improved version of the Commodore 64
-development started in 1990, cancelled in 1991
-meant to have backwards compatibility with the C64 as well as have advanced features like those of the Amiga
-was never officially released, but the C65 prototypes were sold on the open market after Commodore's demise in 1994
-has a 3.54 MHz processor (much faster compared to the C64's 1 MHz)
-128 KB RAM expandable to 8 MB
-used Commodore Basic 10.0
-an internal 3.25" floppy drive was to be implemented but never was

character details: Appearance-wise, she has some resemblance to C64-tan but the biggest differences include the fact that C65-tan is considerably taller (I'd say in the upper 5' range), very clunky, and dressed like a pirate. She'd be dressed like a pirate because the C65 was never officially released but the prototypes were sold on the open market. She'd also be very determined and stubborn, still getting out into the world despite her disadvantages and not letting them get her down. She is seen as an inspiration to some, others... as insane. For affiliation, most likely a wanderer.

Oh wow, a few news characters! And very interesting ones at that!

Visi On-tan seems pretty interesting, and it's cool that the A$C has FINALLY gotten a new member! Good find, as I had never heard of this OS, nor would have thought of half the things you did.
And I love her design, too.

As for C65-tan...yours and C-Chan's design is PURE WIN! I love the Military Lolita look, it's awesome (I am a fan of both Military and Lolita looks, BTW). Cool character backstory, as well!  ;010

QuoteSo most of the time, server farms are better than mainframes!

But mainframes are awesome! :P

QuoteFufufu! Why does everyone think UNIX-sama is some kinda monster? ^___^'

I mean,... okay she is a little.... *dodges boots*.... but in the case of EXEC-sama, there are two primary drivers in play:

1) EXEC-sama is older than Grandma CTSS even! Her efforts to vanquish Multics-sama and GECOS-sama notwithstanding, UNIX-sama still acknowledges a small bit of respect to her elders. ^________^

2) UNIX-sama is old as well. You know, "birds of a feather", having something more in common than with the other "kids". This is also the reason why, prior to GENIAC-chan, she'd spend most of her time having long conversations with ITS-sama, who at least is old enough to remember magnetic tapes. ^__^

You make me wonder...would Unix-sama have ever met CTSS-sama...? Cause it's been said that Unix and CTSS shared more similarities than Unix and Multics, in some cases....

Would make for a ton of sap, as Unix-sama would be meeting the one person who was, for all intents and purposes, more akin to her than Multics-sama was; yet cared for Multics-sama with all her heart and was crushed to see what Unix-sama did to her...maybe it's because CTSS-sama died in 1973 (still quite early in Unix-sama's life), but I've never really thought of their interactions until now.

QuoteFufu... reading the encyclopedia entry, I kinda figured she'd be a huge Lisa-tan admirer. I imagine she and Lisa-chan would be like old-fashioned aristocratic friends -- elegantly and courteously poking fun at eachother over fine tea and pâtisserie.

Actually, that could add an element of modern despair (oh noes! here comes more sap!)....

She views Lisa-chan as her senior and always admirered her strength -- but seeing her now in the state that she's in is rather devastating, and only strengthens her resolve that the entire world is conspiring against her.

Add again the fact that Windows 1.0-chan is not only NEAR her, but actually a close friend to Lisa-chan, and that's enough to send the poor Visi-tan's brain reeling.
Oh, I can see the two as buddies...both were ambitious and influencial, but failures all in all...

QuoteWell the CIOST is getting a little full....

And since she does sound a lot like an older OS/2-sama, and strongly admires the A$C,... hell, why not induct another member? ^___^

She's in the company of OS/2-sama (a fellow Windows resenter), has the older TRSDOS-chan to reminisce about the good ol' days, and can achieve her MSDOS-chan fix with PCDOS-chan. ^.^

AND... she has clerical experience, so already that makes her useful in the ever-underfunded A$C.

Awesome! A new A$C member!

But considering how many "independant" OS-tans are out there, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of them.

QuoteWhere to start...In a berzerk fit of rage she nearly killed her mother, she has the habit of whacking people with her metal staff, throwing books, and throwing boots! Oh, and she doesn't take compliments very well.

But we all know that she is very nice compared to the likes of Festering Hate-tan, who is (currently) THE most malicious malware-tan and is a zombie with the need for REVEEEEEEEEENGE!

I think that Unix-sama would actually be a rather resonable individual...maybe reading the history of Unix made me realize that Unix-sama probably would have begun life with the best of intentions, and would have felt a great deal of guilt for some of the things that she did.
I think her attitude (especially currently) would be akin to Ben Linus (bet you missed my outta nowhere Lost references, huh?). She's quite normal and calm; even if she's plotting something against you, she acts with a great deal of courtesty. But the minute she feels the need to act you better watch out--I figure she'd be quite in touch with her Id; which means a would-be agresser would get a fairly pure form of RAGE on her part :P

Course, I'm sure she has her nice side; we did speculate quite extensivly on who her friends would be, and the list is very extensive...

OMG, I just phychoanalized Unix-sama...

*gets flute cracked over head*

I spoke too soon...

QuoteSo she does have respect for some of her elders! I wasn't sure if she would because of a lot of bad experiences she had with them (although CTSS-sama and EXEC-sama are harmless

In my comic I hope to explain some of her distain toward Multics-sama and GECOS-san...

QuoteIn addition to that, it's also important to assume that OS/2-sama, deep down inside, also doesn't want to risk formenting a hatred towards them either, or worse, be hated by them for what she wants to do to their family. 1.0-chan especially could become hysterical if she sees OS/2-tan hurt any of her children, even if she hardly knows them.
And I was about to ask why OS/2-san never approched Win1.0 or 2.0-chan... :..(

In the original preconcept stories I posted [buried somewhere in this thread], I suggested that the two were still around after NT-san and 95-an were born. But given the direction the company was already going in, the NT and 95 were pushed into training, indoctrination and conditioning almost immediately. Since mixing with their NON-belligerent relatives would've been counterproductive, it's likely neither pair was made to meet one another, except perhaps in some random passing along some random hallway. Especially in NT-san's case, she was not related at all and had less of a need to call them "mother" and "onee-san".

Ahhh, this clears up a problem I forsaw; I was going to include a cameo of OS/2-san and NT-chan in a comic with VMS-sama (circa 1990/91).

But it's funny you should mention "conditioning"; I do suppose that those MS engineers could have done just about whatever they want to any of the Windowses. I wouldn't be surprised if NT-san saw VMS-sama and didn't even really recognize her -__-

QuoteThat sounds perfect! NT and 95 were trained from the start to fight against the competitors and I assume pillage their cities afterwards until they welcomed their new Windows overlords! Interacting with the 1.0 and 2.0-tans would have gotten in the way with that because aww... they are so sweet! However that exactly was why they were exiled- they couldn't carry out the scorched-earth tactics of their younger sister... And NT.

With both pairs of Windows-tans not meant to meet each other, as well as that 3.1-tan (who was only kept for being the first popular Windows) and MSDOS-tan (did she still have a little influence remaining?) were seperated from both pairs, the times couldn't have been good for them. It is their loneliness that most likely changed them to the ways they are now.

I do suppose that NT-san would have been brought up to recognize 3.1-san as her only mother-type figure, though...

QuoteQuite simply,....

- M$ adopted the newborn QDOS-chan.
- M$ played with her for a few days.
- M$ made two clones off of her and shuttled them away.
- M$ dumped her, now that they had what they really wanted.

And she's fended for herself ever since -- and with no one to develop her further, her growth and mind were horrifically stunted. Even DRDOS-tan (then CP/M-tan) wouldn't acknowledge her until many years later, when she started thinking for herself and stopped viewing her "daughters" as competition.

That sum crazy crap going on.

Sad, though, it makes me think there's a reason behind QDOS-chan's rather quirkey mantallity :..(

All this talk of source code theif n' stuff makes me think of a recent story I read about biotech companies patenting human genes. It turns out 1/5 of the human genome has been patented--yes, your genetic makeup is officially 1/5 "owned", and scientists have to cough up money to work on these portions of genes. We're partially closed-source as it were XD

This kinda made me think about the open/closed source OS-tan analogy. I suppose closed-source OS-tans would have their entire genetic sequence owned, while OSS ones would allow anybody to work/test/modify their genes.

Also, I was reading about the Unix Wars (research for my comic), and I came to a realization; before the Unix Wars, Bell Labs' Unix source code was practically free for anybody to modify and redistribute, and the magnetic tapes with Unix on it were being sent around the world. But in 1983, when Bell System broke up, AT&T could then sell Unix as a product; it clamped down on all source code exchange and tape distribution, which greatly harmed Unix' development.

Which makes me think...I know we suppose Unix-sama's physical problems stem from an emotional cause, but now it seems like the Unix Wars would have had an acutal, physical, effect on her up-until-then good health.

In other news, I'm thinking about making an Emacs-tan or kun, cause, y'know, it's such a famous Unix program. But I have next to no ideas, aside from her/him being something of a helper to the Unixen. Any thoughts?[/quote]


Sorry, can't join in quite yet, and afraid I have to do a Post-n-Go for such an important character as C128-san. ^___^

*posts and goes*

Commodore 128-tan.
Was for many years the youngest TRUE Commodore-tan, until the appearance of C65-tan.
Still has her old military uniform, except for her coat and heeled shoes.
Is carrying a plushie of C65-tan, although I wasn't sure of her hair and kerchief color scheme.
C128-san has relatively muted colors, per the scheme of the original hardware.
She DOES carry a firearm, although she conceals it better than her military lolita "big" sister.
OBVIOUSLY still needs to be shaded and stuff. ^^;

And that's about all for now....


Oh, and Sauce attached.

C ya soon! ^-^



Wow, got quite a lot of ground to cover here....  -v-

QuoteShe's so cute!! I'd want to glomp her but seeing that bayonet and gun, I'm keeping my distance...

That.... wouldn't.... be.... such.... a bad.... precaution.  ^^'

On the one hand, she doesn't mind being called cute (in fact, she dresses that way to kinda... encourage that).  On the other hand, life as a Wanderer was/is hard, and really hasn't done anything to diminish the kind of perpetual edginess she used to experience while in the service.

Good call on keeping her military tunic! The fact that she still has her helmet and tunic really help with the military-chic/military lolita look that was intended! The mismatched shoes and socks actually work out very nicely! And if Something Awful-tan and the other members of the Fashion SWAT beg to differ, VIC20-tan's got that bayonet and big gun!

Thank you.  ^__^
Interestingly-enough, I intended the mismatched shoes for C64-chan originally, but pulled them out the last minute since it didn't seem to look quite right on her boots (although I compromised by leaving her coat lining a bit mismatched.  Which reminds me,... might be crazy to say this, but perhaps this picture sits the precedence for a "reimagining" of a full-sized PET-chan and C64-tan.  

Don't know,... already putting off the Zerosanity XMAS comic a bit too much... ^.^;

QuoteShe tough and cute! She's small but with a big attitude and gun to boot!

Now you see why she'd get rather well with Pilot-chan.  Both are similar in height, appearance, marksmenship, and temperment.  ^__^'

Incidentally, OSR 2.5 was still not very good at USB support either. Now I wonder why OSR 2.5-tan left...

Well those WERE more competitive times for the Softies.  Based on our earlier discussion about winning or losing, I suppose they would've encouraged an obsession for winning by any means necessary.  And if you were a loser now, you were a loser forever, no matter what.  ^^

Maybe OSR 2.5-sama left believing that mindset.  And after a few years wallowing in misery, she realized [perhaps with a little help from 2.1-sensei] tnat it really wasn't the end of the world, and started piecing together her life back.  Now, like C65-tan (minus the insanity), she's confident that she can do anything -- even compete head-to-head with a superior OS like Hacchan.  ^___^

Well, that's sad and it's a bummer that not very many of the Windows-tans will miss her when she does get kicked out, but on the bright side, she'd be able to join the Binteeji Renmei and reunite with PC DOS-tan, Windows 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan!

True that.  ^^
But try to keep that to yourself, though.  It's PRECISELY because she might be happier getting kicked out that certain mean-spirited, chair-throwing people might insist she be kept around in perpetuity. @__@

Oh my gawd! That is just awful of them! Using a poor little girl at her expense for their own gain to get rid of her soon after! That is just so wrong! No wonder why that is kept a secret!

Meh.  Same old story repeated countless times since.  She just happened to be one of the first.  -v-

It's actually fortunate that she does fully understand or even care about what's said about her in print -- otherwise, it'd be insult to injury to find out how often she's been denied the credit for being the predecessor of MSDOS and PCDOS, who are themselves wrongfully credited for being the first "DOSes".

QuoteI didn't know that QDOS-chan's physical and mental growth were severely stunted! I thought she just a little scatterbrained and was so short for being a very minimalist DOS!

Chicken and the egg scenario, my dear.  ^^

Is it that she's physically and mentally stunted because she is a minimalist DOS, or is it because she was never evolved beyond being a minimalist DOS that she remained physically and mentally stunted?  `v'

QuoteIt's also a shame that it also took so long for DR DOS-tan to acknowledge and start caring for her because the damage to QDOS-chan was already long done. Glad that DR DOS-tan changed her ways but I wish I could have said better late than never.

Chalk up another bit of sap for the Binteji Renmei.  Each member has something in their past that haunts them, and certainly someone as hands on and workaholic as DRDOS-tan would have tons of things she's not proud of.  This is probably a source of contention with some of her daughters -- I can't imagine that PCDOS-tan or DOS/V-tan or perhaps even PTSDOS-tan wouldn't have argued with her at least once.

QuoteDon't want to waste staple food! Something less pratical like papaya would be a good alternative!

Note to say papaya doesn't have its health benefits.  ^.^


But by GAWD, the smell!  >x<

QuoteShe is resourceful and not only a great pilot, but also a great plane mechanic!

Oh no,... on the contrary, she's a mediocre mechanic and the reason why she takes so long building things.  It used to be that she'd have her own deck crew that would take care of stuff like that.

Now that she's on her own, she realizes the full impact of neglecting her studies.  ^___^;

And if she runs out of trash to drop, she can drop someone who talks trash! Okay, so Pilot-chan is the trash-talker but I'm sure that PC DOS-tan may be as well because of her own hardship, sharp wit, sharp tongue and cynicism! (and besides, Pilot-chan is the pilot!)

BWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!  I honestly hadn't thought of it that way!  That's a good one, Aurora-hime.  ^.^

Yeah! When C128-tan will have succeeded in her life-long goal as a wanderer, being able to reunite with and befriend C65-tan, they can finally settle down in the Binteeji Renmei!

Not sure if C65-tan would want to stay put for TOO long, but C128-tan is certainly gracious and passive enough to settle down.  It would certainly help to have another adult-type to help out with heavy tasks.

QuotePilot-chan is cynical and may have endured similar hardships, ITS-sama was a rebel, Amstrad-tan I'm not sure about though. Was she another rebel? And her reverence among the Linux-tans is really interesting but I'm stumped!

ITS-sama is also an excellent marksmen -- probably better than Pilot-chan and VIC20-chan -- who also manages to keep her head cool.  Combined with her age and wisdom, they could see her as a kind of senior of sorts.  

Amstrad-tan is strong and athletic, and just a tad bit foul-in-the-mouth as well (albeit too laced with heavy British slang to be fully comprehensible).  She could take very well with their level of brusque humor.  ^^'

Oh, and didn't you know?  Linus' first computer was a VIC-20.  ^__^

Perhaps if it weren't for VIC20-chan, the Linux-tans as we know them may have never existed.  ^.^

As for C65-tan...yours and C-Chan's design is PURE WIN! I love the Military Lolita look, it's awesome (I am a fan of both Military and Lolita looks, BTW). Cool character backstory, as well!

Um,... the Military Lolita one is VIC20-chan.  C65-tan is the loony pirate girl.... ^^'

QuoteYou make me wonder...would Unix-sama have ever met CTSS-sama...? Cause it's been said that Unix and CTSS shared more similarities than Unix and Multics, in some cases....

Would make for a ton of sap, as Unix-sama would be meeting the one person who was, for all intents and purposes, more akin to her than Multics-sama was; yet cared for Multics-sama with all her heart and was crushed to see what Unix-sama did to her...maybe it's because CTSS-sama died in 1973 (still quite early in Unix-sama's life), but I've never really thought of their interactions until now.

Tsk tsk,... if figures the Queen of Sap would have THAT on her mind. ^^

From our previous discussions, I assumed the two were never destined to meet -- perhaps CTSS-sama, like EXEC-sama, was confined to live in a particular place, allowed to be visited by only prescreened people (usually high class or royalty), and only rarely allowed the luxury of traveling at all (let alone by herself).  All this despite protestations to the contrary -- but then these were far different times, so she simply put up with these stuffy ol' rules.

Under those circumstances -- perhaps motivated by the dreadful news of MULTICS-sama's defeat (would the year be right?) -- maybe she would have snuck out in secret, veiled in heavy "hag-like" clothing to avoid detection.  Maybe she would have spent a night (or nights) trying to seek out the unknown girl who inflicted so much physical and emotional harm to Multics-sama.  

In fact, despite her usual demeanor,  it might have occured to CTSS-sama at one point to commit something,... perhaps,... not nice,... vengeful even,... poisonous literally...

But upon meeting the young UNIX-sama (who wouldn't have known who she was), CTSS-sama would have been immediately conflicted.  

QuoteI think her attitude (especially currently) would be akin to Ben Linus (bet you missed my outta nowhere Lost references, huh?). She's quite normal and calm; even if she's plotting something against you, she acts with a great deal of courtesty. But the minute she feels the need to act you better watch out--I figure she'd be quite in touch with her Id; which means a would-be agresser would get a fairly pure form of RAGE on her part :P

Course, I'm sure she has her nice side; we did speculate quite extensivly on who her friends would be, and the list is very extensive...

Speaking of conflicted, you seem to appreciate the intricacies of "UNIX-sama-ism".  ^____^

Good going, Bella-hime.  ^.^

But it's funny you should mention "conditioning"; I do suppose that those MS engineers could have done just about whatever they want to any of the Windowses. I wouldn't be surprised if NT-san saw VMS-sama and didn't even really recognize her -__-

Well, if you think of it as Gunslinger Girl-style conditioning, then yes that could be a possibility.  Even more tragic for VMS-sama, since she can't recreate her true family without forcing some kind of "reconditioning".

One could almost say this has motivated her to emphasize technological development within the CIOST.

QuoteI do suppose that NT-san would have been brought up to recognize 3.1-san as her only mother-type figure, though...

Correct.  As far as M$ is concerned, 3.1-sama is the Beginning.  Even MSDOS-chan's origins are a bit muddied in this respect, so it's not uncommon, especially among young users these days, to assume 3.1-sama PREDATES MSDOS-chan.  ^^;

Ignorance is Strength, after all.  ^__~

All this talk of source code theif n' stuff makes me think of a recent story I read about biotech companies patenting human genes. It turns out 1/5 of the human genome has been patented--yes, your genetic makeup is officially 1/5 "owned", and scientists have to cough up money to work on these portions of genes. We're partially closed-source as it were XD

Well I have a hard time believing that because human genome projects are centered around only a small sample set of DNA.  Especially with environmental factors (e.g., radiation) altering our DNA in subtle ways, the mapping of MY genes is not guaranteed to be of much relevance to yours.

Besides, the fact that they're rushing to patent this stuff only shows that they're not at all interested in using it for anything productive -- and people with only money in their head do not a good scientist make.  `__'

For all we know, there claims to ownership of human genes has as much functional relevance as having a star registered in your name.

This kinda made me think about the open/closed source OS-tan analogy. I suppose closed-source OS-tans would have their entire genetic sequence owned, while OSS ones would allow anybody to work/test/modify their genes.

Correct -- I'm kinda getting a sense of deja vu, so I think we discussed this at one point.  ^.^

This little OS-tan world of ours certainly presents an interesting philosophical premise: how would family relationships work out in a world where cloning is literally a fact of life rather than a freakish rarity.  It would not be rare for someone with the power and resources of UNIX-sama to legally recognize THOUSANDS of clones as her legitimate daughters and grandaughters and great grandaughters, and thus cast herself as a kind of Super Matriarch.

Also, I was reading about the Unix Wars (research for my comic), and I came to a realization; before the Unix Wars, Bell Labs' Unix source code was practically free for anybody to modify and redistribute, and the magnetic tapes with Unix on it were being sent around the world. But in 1983, when Bell System broke up, AT&T could then sell Unix as a product; it clamped down on all source code exchange and tape distribution, which greatly harmed Unix' development.

Which makes me think...I know we suppose Unix-sama's physical problems stem from an emotional cause, but now it seems like the Unix Wars would have had an acutal, physical, effect on her up-until-then good health.

That is a good point -- definitely one backed by empirical research.  I like it!   C-chan approved!  ^___^

In other news, I'm thinking about making an Emacs-tan or kun, cause, y'know, it's such a famous Unix program. But I have next to no ideas, aside from her/him being something of a helper to the Unixen. Any thoughts?

Well you know my thoughts on him in the other thread.  ^.^

[attachment deleted by admin]

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Bella"
Oh wow, a few news characters! And very interesting ones at that!

Visi On-tan seems pretty interesting, and it's cool that the A$C has FINALLY gotten a new member! Good find, as I had never heard of this OS, nor would have thought of half the things you did.
And I love her design, too.
Yeah, it's about time that the A$C gets a new member! I at first thought that the A$C was closed to new members so I originally thought that Visi On-tan would be in the CIOST or be a wanderer, but the CIOST may be getting full.

Besides, her being with someone else who has had bad experiences with the Windows-tans [OS/2-tan] is perfect! And that she can talk about old stuff with TRS DOS-tan and be a friend to her (TRS DOS-tan really could use a friend!) , and not to mention the thrill of being in such a crazy group and simply knowing that she is wanted by someone...

Visi On-tan's life turned around for the better when she joined the A$C, even though she (along with the rest of the group) gets in a LOT of trouble!

Oh, I can see the two as buddies...both were ambitious and influencial, but failures all in all...
Lisa-tan and Visi On-tan also suffered some similar fates.

I think that Unix-sama would actually be a rather resonable individual...maybe reading the history of Unix made me realize that Unix-sama probably would have begun life with the best of intentions, and would have felt a great deal of guilt for some of the things that she did.
I think her attitude (especially currently) would be akin to Ben Linus (bet you missed my outta nowhere Lost references, huh?). She's quite normal and calm; even if she's plotting something against you, she acts with a great deal of courtesty. But the minute she feels the need to act you better watch out--I figure she'd be quite in touch with her Id; which means a would-be agresser would get a fairly pure form of RAGE on her part :P

Course, I'm sure she has her nice side; we did speculate quite extensivly on who her friends would be, and the list is very extensive...
I agree!

In my comic I hope to explain some of her distain toward Multics-sama and GECOS-san...
Wait a minute... GECOS-san was Unix-sama's mentor, right? If so, why would she feel disdain towards her? (Was GECOS-san abusive or something?)

But it's funny you should mention "conditioning"; I do suppose that those MS engineers could have done just about whatever they want to any of the Windowses. I wouldn't be surprised if NT-san saw VMS-sama and didn't even really recognize her -__-
I think that conditioning would explain why NT-tan is unaware of her relations with OS/2-tan and VMS-sama (why NT-tan and her daughters are treated like sisters to the DOS-based Windows-tans), and why NT-tan and 95-tan both are unaware of 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan.

I do suppose that NT-san would have been brought up to recognize 3.1-san as her only mother-type figure, though...
I think that seems right. It was conjectured that 3.1-tan was once cheerful and loved the young NT-tan (who admired 3.1-tan and her beauty, reflecting on how NT started at version 3.1 and had a 3.1-like GUI) but lost a lot of her enthusiasm because NT-tan and 95-tan were always paired together for training.

Quote from: "C-Chan"Sorry, can't join in quite yet, and afraid I have to do a Post-n-Go for such an important character as C128-san. ^___^

*posts and goes*

WOOOOOOOOOW! She's beautiful! (And heck a lot more detailed than my sub-par preconcept sketch!) She definantly has that mature look (which her outfit also helps establish) that makes her look like the big sister of the Commodore-tans despite being the second youngest!

I also really like how you did the eyes. I just might change the eye style that I have used all this time (my art style hasn't changed all that much in three years, aside from vast improvements in proportions and shading)

Is carrying a plushie of C65-tan, although I wasn't sure of her hair and kerchief color scheme.
CUUUUUUUTE! C128-tan lovingly holding that plushie of C65-tan shows that she really does care for her younger sister, even if she is a pirate that has long gone insane! ^_^

The color scheme is very close to what I finally decided on (although her bandana is also beige). Her hair is dark purple as well as her eyes.

That.... wouldn't.... be.... such.... a bad.... precaution.  ^^'

On the one hand, she doesn't mind being called cute (in fact, she dresses that way to kinda... encourage that).  On the other hand, life as a Wanderer was/is hard, and really hasn't done anything to diminish the kind of perpetual edginess she used to experience while in the service.
At least I don't have to worry about her shooting or stabbing me for calling her cute!

Thank you.  ^__^
Interestingly-enough, I intended the mismatched shoes for C64-chan originally, but pulled them out the last minute since it didn't seem to look quite right on her boots (although I compromised by leaving her coat lining a bit mismatched.  Which reminds me,... might be crazy to say this, but perhaps this picture sits the precedence for a "reimagining" of a full-sized PET-chan and C64-tan.  
Adding in PET-chan and C64-tan would further increase the very high levels of awesomeness of the picture! Although... it does come at the cost of further postponing the ZS Xmas special... Tough call :(

Don't know,... already putting off the Zerosanity XMAS comic a bit too much... ^.^;
Hmm... You could do that after finishing the ZS Xmas special. We're most of the way there!

Now you see why she'd get rather well with Pilot-chan.  Both are similar in height, appearance, marksmenship, and temperment.  ^__^'
Of course!

Well those WERE more competitive times for the Softies.  Based on our earlier discussion about winning or losing, I suppose they would've encouraged an obsession for winning by any means necessary.  And if you were a loser now, you were a loser forever, no matter what.  ^^

Maybe OSR 2.5-sama left believing that mindset.  And after a few years wallowing in misery, she realized [perhaps with a little help from 2.1-sensei] tnat it really wasn't the end of the world, and started piecing together her life back.  Now, like C65-tan (minus the insanity), she's confident that she can do anything -- even compete head-to-head with a superior OS like Hacchan.  ^___^
OSR 2.5-tan in a sappy story... I'm tempted to draw that! A short but motivational comic! ^_^

True that.  ^^
But try to keep that to yourself, though.  It's PRECISELY because she might be happier getting kicked out that certain mean-spirited, chair-throwing people might insist she be kept around in perpetuity. @__@
That's cruel!

Meh.  Same old story repeated countless times since.  She just happened to be one of the first.  -v-
I didn't think such scenario was that common! The OS-tan world can be a cruel place, just like the real world!

Chicken and the egg scenario, my dear.  ^^

Is it that she's physically and mentally stunted because she is a minimalist DOS, or is it because she was never evolved beyond being a minimalist DOS that she remained physically and mentally stunted?  `v'
Uhh... Can I use a lifeline to answer that?

Chalk up another bit of sap for the Binteji Renmei.  Each member has something in their past that haunts them, and certainly someone as hands on and workaholic as DRDOS-tan would have tons of things she's not proud of.  This is probably a source of contention with some of her daughters -- I can't imagine that PCDOS-tan or DOS/V-tan or perhaps even PTSDOS-tan wouldn't have argued with her at least once.
And I thought that DR DOS-tan was perfectly nice :(
But surely she has a lot to regret back when she and each of her daughters saw each other as competition.

Speaking of DR DOS-tan, what would her relation be to GEM-tan? They are from the same company, and GEM is DOS-based!

But by GAWD, the smell!  >x<
Even worse-smelling than papayas are Durians! Foul stuff!

Oh no,... on the contrary, she's a mediocre mechanic and the reason why she takes so long building things.  It used to be that she'd have her own deck crew that would take care of stuff like that.

Now that she's on her own, she realizes the full impact of neglecting her studies.  ^___^;
Ohh... Didn't think about that! Hopefully she is shaping up and learning  mechanics on her own now that there is almost no one to help her! (of course she could hire MenuetOS-tan to help her! And even better is that MenuetOS-tan is generous enough to allow large discounts to the Vintage-tans :D )

BWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!  I honestly hadn't thought of it that way!  That's a good one, Aurora-hime.  ^.^
I love throwing around wisecracks whenever I can! :D

Not sure if C65-tan would want to stay put for TOO long, but C128-tan is certainly gracious and passive enough to settle down.  It would certainly help to have another adult-type to help out with heavy tasks.
C65-tan could stay a wanderer but visit the Binteeji Renmei often or even by a part-time member! Although her years as a wanderer have turned her insane (although her insanity decreases after the reunion), she has gained a liking for travel and work.

ITS-sama is also an excellent marksmen -- probably better than Pilot-chan and VIC20-chan -- who also manages to keep her head cool.  Combined with her age and wisdom, they could see her as a kind of senior of sorts.
And a role model!  

Amstrad-tan is strong and athletic, and just a tad bit foul-in-the-mouth as well (albeit too laced with heavy British slang to be fully comprehensible).  She could take very well with their level of brusque humor.  ^^'
Cool! ;012

Oh, and didn't you know?  Linus' first computer was a VIC-20.  ^__^

Perhaps if it weren't for VIC20-chan, the Linux-tans as we know them may have never existed.  ^.^
That's right- I actually was about to guess that. Also, OpenBSD's creator first used a VIC-20!

Would make for a ton of sap, as Unix-sama would be meeting the one person who was, for all intents and purposes, more akin to her than Multics-sama was; yet cared for Multics-sama with all her heart and was crushed to see what Unix-sama did to her...maybe it's because CTSS-sama died in 1973 (still quite early in Unix-sama's life), but I've never really thought of their interactions until now.
And to think that CTSS-sama could have been a good grandmother figure to Unix-sama if it weren't for what she did to Multics-sama.

It was mentioned that Unix-sama is fond of EXEC-sama, who is like the grandmother Unix-sama never really had!

From our previous discussions, I assumed the two were never destined to meet -- perhaps CTSS-sama, like EXEC-sama, was confined to live in a particular place, allowed to be visited by only prescreened people (usually high class or royalty), and only rarely allowed the luxury of traveling at all (let alone by herself).  All this despite protestations to the contrary -- but then these were far different times, so she simply put up with these stuffy ol' rules.
That's what I was thinking too. Certainly suits the times.

Under those circumstances -- perhaps motivated by the dreadful news of MULTICS-sama's defeat (would the year be right?) -- maybe she would have snuck out in secret, veiled in heavy "hag-like" clothing to avoid detection.  Maybe she would have spent a night (or nights) trying to seek out the unknown girl who inflicted so much physical and emotional harm to Multics-sama.  

In fact, despite her usual demeanor,  it might have occured to CTSS-sama at one point to commit something,... perhaps,... not nice,... vengeful even,... poisonous literally...

But upon meeting the young UNIX-sama (who wouldn't have known who she was), CTSS-sama would have been immediately conflicted.  
Whoa... CTSS-sama sneaking out to attempt to assassinate Unix-sama? o_o

Correct.  As far as M$ is concerned, 3.1-sama is the Beginning.  Even MSDOS-chan's origins are a bit muddied in this respect, so it's not uncommon, especially among young users these days, to assume 3.1-sama PREDATES MSDOS-chan.  ^^;

Ignorance is Strength, after all.  ^__~
Oh my gawd >__<

I thought it would be obvious to everyone that the command line OSes generally came before the GUI OSes! (there are a few obscure exceptions though, such as Free DOS [first released in 1998] and Tinfoil Hat Linux [first released in 2002] )

Correct -- I'm kinda getting a sense of deja vu, so I think we discussed this at one point.  ^.^

This little OS-tan world of ours certainly presents an interesting philosophical premise: how would family relationships work out in a world where cloning is literally a fact of life rather than a freakish rarity.  It would not be rare for someone with the power and resources of UNIX-sama to legally recognize THOUSANDS of clones as her legitimate daughters and grandaughters and great grandaughters, and thus cast herself as a kind of Super Matriarch.
That is crazy! But Plan 9-sama recognizes Plan B-tan and Octopus-tan (two of her clones) as real family!

Also, I was reading about the Unix Wars (research for my comic), and I came to a realization; before the Unix Wars, Bell Labs' Unix source code was practically free for anybody to modify and redistribute, and the magnetic tapes with Unix on it were being sent around the world. But in 1983, when Bell System broke up, AT&T could then sell Unix as a product; it clamped down on all source code exchange and tape distribution, which greatly harmed Unix' development.

Which makes me think...I know we suppose Unix-sama's physical problems stem from an emotional cause, but now it seems like the Unix Wars would have had an acutal, physical, effect on her up-until-then good health.
Nice research! And I agree that would have physically affected her. Few Unices were unaffected by the Unix Wars!


Wait a minute... GECOS-san was Unix-sama's mentor, right? If so, why would she feel disdain towards her? (Was GECOS-san abusive or something?)

Well, GECOS-sama wasn't exactly the sweetest or even the most decent instructor in the world.  If anything, her motivation for training UNIX-sama was to get back at her old nemesis MULTICS-sama -- once that little inconvenient fact was revealed, UNIX-sama may have wanted to express her displeasure of being used.

I think that seems right. It was conjectured that 3.1-tan was once cheerful and loved the young NT-tan (who admired 3.1-tan and her beauty, reflecting on how NT started at version 3.1 and had a 3.1-like GUI) but lost a lot of her enthusiasm because NT-tan and 95-tan were always paired together for training.

Correct.  Everything was honky-dory with only NT-tan around -- but enter 95-tan and the gushing of attention towards her by all parties (even Father), and the realization came to 3.1-sama that she was no longer it.  There's an ever-lasting feeling trying to wriggle past all the layers of her own lesser conditioning that perhaps history was repeating itself to her own detriment.

WOOOOOOOOOW! She's beautiful! (And heck a lot more detailed than my sub-par preconcept sketch!) She definantly has that mature look (which her outfit also helps establish) that makes her look like the big sister of the Commodore-tans despite being the second youngest!

Well it's a bit unfair comparing it to your sketch, since I spent days on this trying to finalize the right kind of look and color scheme, going through a number of less appealing versions.  In that case, it's also way better than my own sub-par preconcept sketch I drew of her last year. ^__~

Glad you think she's very beautiful, though -- it occurred to me that I've yet to draw genuinely mature women (slight exception perhaps being Amiga-sama in her gala dress), so now seemed like an excellent opportunity.  C128-san may have been firm and professional while she was in the service, but she was also mature and motherly, and the only one out of the old guard that treated the young cadet Amiga-chan with any welcoming spirit.

Long retired from the service, C128-tan has only matured further and grown even more kindly than before, perhaps a result of her search for her long-lost little sister.

I also really like how you did the eyes. I just might change the eye style that I have used all this time (my art style hasn't changed all that much in three years, aside from vast improvements in proportions and shading)

I like to experiment with eyes a lot, and don't mind changing styles frequently for different characters.  The keen, catlike appearance works very well with VIC20-chan, but C128-san clearly needed something softer and more doe-like, but with its own slight edge.  It's really not much different from the Haruhi-style I use, except perhaps for a little more eyelash, a larger pupil, and that semi-glossy jutting in the center of her iris.  You'll know what I mean when you check the Sauce.  ^.^

Speaking of Sauce, don't worry about shading her as I'll take care of that this time.  You have an epic comic ending to work on.  ^___^

QuoteCUUUUUUUTE! C128-tan lovingly holding that plushie of C65-tan shows that she really does care for her younger sister, even if she is a pirate that has long gone insane!

The color scheme is very close to what I finally decided on (although her bandana is also beige). Her hair is dark purple as well as her eyes.

Got it!  Already fixed the colors in my own Sauce.  ^___^

I imagine the picture is taken a few years into the future, after C65-tan has already been found and C128-san already knows she's a pirate.  That's why I wouldn't mind adding PET-chan and C64-tan to this picture either, since by then they'll have all been reunited.

Would certainly present an excellent opportunity to show off PET-chan's eyes,... ironically, the most intimidating of the bunch. ^_________^


Oh shoot, I'm outta time now, but I'll continue this later. Don't go away!  ^.^


QuoteCommodore 128-tan.
Was for many years the youngest TRUE Commodore-tan, until the appearance of C65-tan.
Still has her old military uniform, except for her coat and heeled shoes.
Is carrying a plushie of C65-tan, although I wasn't sure of her hair and kerchief color scheme.
C128-san has relatively muted colors, per the scheme of the original hardware.
She DOES carry a firearm, although she conceals it better than her military lolita "big" sister.
OBVIOUSLY still needs to be shaded and stuff. ^^;

Oooh, I love her! The eyes are really neat, as well as her outfit and plush, as well as her stockings....we don't see enough characters with pantyhose :P

QuoteTrue that. ^^
But try to keep that to yourself, though. It's PRECISELY because she might be happier getting kicked out that certain mean-spirited, chair-throwing people might insist she be kept around in perpetuity. @__@

Don't mention Steve Ballmer! You'll get us all F#$%ing Killed!

QuoteITS-sama is also an excellent marksmen -- probably better than Pilot-chan and VIC20-chan -- who also manages to keep her head cool. Combined with her age and wisdom, they could see her as a kind of senior of sorts.

Amstrad-tan is strong and athletic, and just a tad bit foul-in-the-mouth as well (albeit too laced with heavy British slang to be fully comprehensible). She could take very well with their level of brusque humor. ^^'

Oh, and didn't you know? Linus' first computer was a VIC-20. ^__^

Perhaps if it weren't for VIC20-chan, the Linux-tans as we know them may have never existed. ^.^

Oh wow, now I have to add VIC20-chan in my comic at some point :D

QuoteUm,... the Military Lolita one is VIC20-chan. C65-tan is the loony pirate girl.... ^^'

Sorry, the Midwest clearly scattered my brain O__o

QuoteTsk tsk,... if figures the Queen of Sap would have THAT on her mind. ^^

From our previous discussions, I assumed the two were never destined to meet -- perhaps CTSS-sama, like EXEC-sama, was confined to live in a particular place, allowed to be visited by only prescreened people (usually high class or royalty), and only rarely allowed the luxury of traveling at all (let alone by herself). All this despite protestations to the contrary -- but then these were far different times, so she simply put up with these stuffy ol' rules.

Under those circumstances -- perhaps motivated by the dreadful news of MULTICS-sama's defeat (would the year be right?) -- maybe she would have snuck out in secret, veiled in heavy "hag-like" clothing to avoid detection. Maybe she would have spent a night (or nights) trying to seek out the unknown girl who inflicted so much physical and emotional harm to Multics-sama.

In fact, despite her usual demeanor, it might have occured to CTSS-sama at one point to commit something,... perhaps,... not nice,... vengeful even,... poisonous literally...

But upon meeting the young UNIX-sama (who wouldn't have known who she was), CTSS-sama would have been immediately conflicted.

Well, I know CTSS-sama would have died in 1973, so I suppose the Multics/Unix-sama showdown would have occured in 72 or early 73 (shortly before CTSS-sama's death)...I also support the idea CTSS-sama would have been quite confined, as far as I know CTSS never left MIT.

But I don't believe CTSS-sama would have had the heart to try to kill Unix-sama. Even if she did hurt the person closest to her, I figure her attitude would be very live and let live...(and she would have known Multics-sama had it coming, in a way).

QuoteSpeaking of conflicted, you seem to appreciate the intricacies of "UNIX-sama-ism". ^____^

Good going, Bella-hime. ^.^

Thank you ^///^

QuoteWell, if you think of it as Gunslinger Girl-style conditioning, then yes that could be a possibility. Even more tragic for VMS-sama, since she can't recreate her true family without forcing some kind of "reconditioning".

One could almost say this has motivated her to emphasize technological development within the CIOST.

Lemme put it this way--I wouldn't put ANYTHING past MS >____<
But yeah, I don't think NT-sama will ever be able to find out the truth... -___-

QuoteWell I have a hard time believing that because human genome projects are centered around only a small sample set of DNA. Especially with environmental factors (e.g., radiation) altering our DNA in subtle ways, the mapping of MY genes is not guaranteed to be of much relevance to yours.

Besides, the fact that they're rushing to patent this stuff only shows that they're not at all interested in using it for anything productive -- and people with only money in their head do not a good scientist make. `__'

For all we know, there claims to ownership of human genes has as much functional relevance as having a star registered in your name.

Waaah! I can send you the article :P

But you make good points; still, when research into deadly diseases is being impeded by these patents, they do seem very harmful.

QuoteCorrect -- I'm kinda getting a sense of deja vu, so I think we discussed this at one point. ^.^

This little OS-tan world of ours certainly presents an interesting philosophical premise: how would family relationships work out in a world where cloning is literally a fact of life rather than a freakish rarity. It would not be rare for someone with the power and resources of UNIX-sama to legally recognize THOUSANDS of clones as her legitimate daughters and grandaughters and great grandaughters, and thus cast herself as a kind of Super Matriarch.

Good point...I just think that they'd view it as the way they "reproduce" and not give much though to it @___@

QuoteThat is a good point -- definitely one backed by empirical research. I like it! C-chan approved! ^___^

Thanks again!

QuoteYeah, it's about time that the A$C gets a new member! I at first thought that the A$C was closed to new members so I originally thought that Visi On-tan would be in the CIOST or be a wanderer, but the CIOST may be getting full.

Besides, her being with someone else who has had bad experiences with the Windows-tans [OS/2-tan] is perfect! And that she can talk about old stuff with TRS DOS-tan and be a friend to her (TRS DOS-tan really could use a friend!) , and not to mention the thrill of being in such a crazy group and simply knowing that she is wanted by someone...

Visi On-tan's life turned around for the better when she joined the A$C, even though she (along with the rest of the group) gets in a LOT of trouble!

I wonder if we'll find more A$C members... ;)

QuoteHmm... You could do that after finishing the ZS Xmas special. We're most of the way there!

True dat! I wants my Unixen, and I wants them NAU!!!

QuoteWell, GECOS-sama wasn't exactly the sweetest or even the most decent instructor in the world. If anything, her motivation for training UNIX-sama was to get back at her old nemesis MULTICS-sama -- once that little inconvenient fact was revealed, UNIX-sama may have wanted to express her displeasure of being used.

So true; unlike CTSS-sama who saw her life's work as being to raise Multics-sama, GECOS-san would have seen caring for Unix-sama as nothing but a job and an opportunety to find a good pawn.

QuoteCorrect. Everything was honky-dory with only NT-tan around -- but enter 95-tan and the gushing of attention towards her by all parties (even Father), and the realization came to 3.1-sama that she was no longer it. There's an ever-lasting feeling trying to wriggle past all the layers of her own lesser conditioning that perhaps history was repeating itself to her own detriment.

Oh my gawd...that is one screwed up bunch, I'd be fun to do a Windows family comic, in a sick kinda way O___o


Hello ladies.  ^^
Ecstatic to report that I am now the proud owner of an Acer Aspire One.  As much as it hurts to say it, I have to give credit where credit is due: this wonderful little machine simply blows the EeePC out of the water (the 700 series), and honestly seems like a FAR better value than the current competition.  Cheap, small, sleek, responsive and fast-booting -- the customized version of Linpus Lite clearly shows better time investment to it.  And while the OS is technically locked, unlocking it (and getting access to the repo) is stupidly easy -- and speaking of Repo, the Fedora repository is PACKED!  And better than packed, it's reasonably up-to-date -- enough to offer Inkscape 0.46!  @o@

Best of all, the Easy Mode desktop is customizable -- not by default, but at least it's FAR more hacker friendly than the Xandros Easy Mode ever was.  Within an hour or two, I put everything I ever needed into a laptop within Linpus Lite -- it's just INCREDIBLE!!!!!!  *v*

Now,... why am I saying all this?  ^^;

Cause maybe I played with ONE-chan a little too long,... so now I'm behind on drawing again.  -v-'

In fairness, I did do a little shadework on the Aspire One to test it out -- working in Inkscape on a 9 inch screen (1024x600 resolution) definitely offers much in the way of breathing room.  ^.^

[Shaded Commodore 128-tan and VIC20-tan attached below.]

Will need to beg for another extension on my raincheck, but I definitely guarantee a response by tomorrow.  If anything, because now I can enjoy 15 second boot-ups.  ^___^

[attachment deleted by admin]

Aurora Borealis

Congratulations with your new One! Those really are impressive!

I'm especially impressed by that 15-second boot time! o_o Daaaaaaarn that's fast! My computer on the other hand, takes 2 freaking minutes to boot! x_x


Still running out of time, but promised I'd finish this, so.... C-chan GO!!!!!!  ^V^

QuoteAdding in PET-chan and C64-tan would further increase the very high levels of awesomeness of the picture! Although... it does come at the cost of further postponing the ZS Xmas special... Tough call

QuoteHmm... You could do that after finishing the ZS Xmas special. We're most of the way there!

QuoteTrue dat! I wants my Unixen, and I wants them NAU!!!

Fufu!  The experts have spoken.  ^___^
Very well, I'll shall mop up what's left of the two Commodore girls (much faster now since Aurora-hime graciously offered to do VIC20-chan's shading) and resume work on the XMAS comic!

Although I think that's the 35th time I proclaim that.  I sucketh mucheth as of late....  ^_______^;

QuoteOSR 2.5-tan in a sappy story... I'm tempted to draw that! A short but motivational comic!

Hmmm,... well if you do want to do that one day, I think it'd be great to write it from the POV of OSR 2.1-sama, as if writing about her younger sister in her memoirs.  Though a bit long-winded, her old-fashioned prose would do much to help make the story of 2.5-sama's rise-from-the-ashes more inspiring and fun to read.  ^___^

Kinda cute too to end the memoirs with her taking a break to reply (rather hastily) to one of 2.5-sama's letters,...... which just so happens to be a very familiar one from one of the original 4komas... ^.^

QuoteAnd I thought that DR DOS-tan was perfectly nice
But surely she has a lot to regret back when she and each of her daughters saw each other as competition.

Oh sure she has a lot to regret and she is a lot nicer than she was before.  However, she's also a bit proud and may not necessarily concede that everything she did in the past was bad -- this is why she might get into scuffles with some of her more vocal daughters.

Ironically, she loves and cares for QDOS-chan PRECISELY because she harmed her the most out of all her children, yet QDOS-chan is mentally incapable of showing anything but love to her mother.  The guilt is to the point where she actually wishes QDOS-chan talked back like PCDOS-chan -- but as long as that's not possible, DRDOS-tan simply does her best to make up for her so-called "parental negligence".

QuoteSpeaking of DR DOS-tan, what would her relation be to GEM-tan? They are from the same company, and GEM is DOS-based!

Good question... GEM-chan is your girl, so I leave you to decide her relationship (blood-related perhaps?). @.@

But I do know that DRDOS-chan has always been supportive of GEM-chan, and is most certainly primarily responsible for her current rehabilitation.  ^__^

QuoteEven worse-smelling than papayas are Durians! Foul stuff!

OMG!!!!!  @________@

How did you get acquainted with the fruit?  ^^

Ohh... Didn't think about that! Hopefully she is shaping up and learning mechanics on her own now that there is almost no one to help her! (of course she could hire MenuetOS-tan to help her! And even better is that MenuetOS-tan is generous enough to allow large discounts to the Vintage-tans )

Course, then there'd have to be a way for Pilot-chan to know someone who knows someone who can ask MenutOS-san for some favors.  ^_______^


Actually,.... didn't we say Altair-san COULD join the Binteji Renmei soon?  ^__^

QuoteThat's right- I actually was about to guess that. Also, OpenBSD's creator first used a VIC-20!

Amazing what that spunky little sharpshooter has started.  ^___^

Actually, Linus' second computer was a Sinclair QL, the younger sister(?) to ZX Spectrum-tan.  Never really thought of making a QL-tan, although the OS name for the machine is rather,... interesting,... in a conflicting kinda way.  ^^;


QuoteWhoa... CTSS-sama sneaking out to attempt to assassinate Unix-sama?  

But I don't believe CTSS-sama would have had the heart to try to kill Unix-sama. Even if she did hurt the person closest to her, I figure her attitude would be very live and let live...(and she would have known Multics-sama had it coming, in a way).

Well it was a quick "what if" I threw out, but definitely agree now that might not be the way to go.  CTSS-sama had seen enough madness in her life to perpetruate more of it herself.  

However, it stands to reason that any contact CTSS-sama had with UNIX-sama before her death must have been without UNIX-sama's knowledge.  As far as the UNIX-sama was concerned, she was simply chatting with a kindly "old lady".  ^^;

QuoteOh my gawd >__<

I thought it would be obvious to everyone that the command line OSes generally came before the GUI OSes! (there are a few obscure exceptions though, such as Free DOS [first released in 1998] and Tinfoil Hat Linux [first released in 2002] )

Nah,... a lot of my associates thought of DOS as that text menu that appears right before Windows Safe Mode, or that little shell window that you get when you type "cmd" in XP's Run Prompt.  Interestingly-enough, I've used my drawings (and yours/Bella's) to teach a very,..... "memorable" history about computers OSes, to help rectify that sacrilege.  ^___^'

Oooh, I love her! The eyes are really neat, as well as her outfit and plush, as well as her stockings....we don't see enough characters with pantyhose :P

Funny,... you're right.  I think I can count in one hoof the number of pantyhose-laden characters that are out there.  @@

2K-tan (occasionally)
Musix-tan (but they're purple)
AtariTOS-tan (or are they long socks?)

QuoteOh wow, now I have to add VIC20-chan in my comic at some point

Oh, that'd be sweeter than mole-asses!  ^V^
*squeals with joy*

But you make good points; still, when research into deadly diseases is being impeded by these patents, they do seem very harmful.

The real harm is not so much in the impediment of for-profit research, but rather in barring REAL research by REAL people and institutions actually willing to help people.  At least that's how it would be like if the software industry can analogize the healthcare one.  ^___^'

QuoteGood point...I just think that they'd view it as the way they "reproduce" and not give much though to it @___@

Precisely, it'd be almost invisible to them. ^__^

Maybe a matter of philosophical discussion every once in a while (by OS-tans who have nothing better to do), but other than that it's not treated as strange at all.  ^-^

QuoteOh my gawd...that is one screwed up bunch, I'd be fun to do a Windows family comic, in a sick kinda way O___o

Nah,... I'd say there's bigger fish to fry.  Or at least I wouldn't dwell on the canon figures for TOO long, else we invite the wrong kind of company.... -v-;

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Fufu!  The experts have spoken.  ^___^
Very well, I'll shall mop up what's left of the two Commodore girls (much faster now since Aurora-hime graciously offered to do VIC20-chan's shading) and resume work on the XMAS comic!
Will you still add in PET-chan and C64-tan? If you have the time to?

Still, I'm looking forward to the completion of that picture and continuation of the ZS Xmas comic! :D

Although I think that's the 35th time I proclaim that.  I sucketh mucheth as of late....  ^_______^;
I don't know... I wasn't keeping count! ;012

QuoteHmmm,... well if you do want to do that one day, I think it'd be great to write it from the POV of OSR 2.1-sama, as if writing about her younger sister in her memoirs.  Though a bit long-winded, her old-fashioned prose would do much to help make the story of 2.5-sama's rise-from-the-ashes more inspiring and fun to read.  ^___^
Ooooh! That's a really neat approach to the story! I like it!

As well as her encounters with OSR 2.5-tan that changed both of their lives for the better, I also hope to include:

- 2.1-tan talking about MS BOB-tan; who was hers, 3.1-tan's and 95-tan's caretaker
- MS BOB-tan running away and OSR 2.1-tan being devestated by that
(although I stated that OSR 2.1-tan was too young to remember MS BOB-tan, but maybe because of the parallels of hers and OSR 2.5-tan's stories, maybe she suddenly remembered!)
- OSR 2.1-tan's fondness of hi-tech gadgets being put to use as she was to introduce USB support to Windows
- How she ran away because of her failures, thinking that was the only way to go.
- The first competition between OSR 2.5-tan and 98-tan! OSR 2.5-tan loses and leaves too because of the competitive and "if you lose, you are a loser for life!" mentalities that had become common in their family
- Scenes of OSR 2.5-tan alone as a wanderer and wallowing in misery, barely having enough money to support herself
- The OSR 2 sisters reunite, OSR 2.1-tan helps OSR 2.5-tan get her life back together and restore her confidence!

Kinda cute too to end the memoirs with her taking a break to reply (rather hastily) to one of 2.5-sama's letters,...... which just so happens to be a very familiar one from one of the original 4komas... ^.^
Nice! I like that it is a light-hearted way to end this sappy comic, and that it is true to both characters and of course I like the throwback to that OSR 2.5-tan 4Koma series!

Oh sure she has a lot to regret and she is a lot nicer than she was before.  However, she's also a bit proud and may not necessarily concede that everything she did in the past was bad -- this is why she might get into scuffles with some of her more vocal daughters.
I see.

Ironically, she loves and cares for QDOS-chan PRECISELY because she harmed her the most out of all her children, yet QDOS-chan is mentally incapable of showing anything but love to her mother.  The guilt is to the point where she actually wishes QDOS-chan talked back like PCDOS-chan -- but as long as that's not possible, DRDOS-tan simply does her best to make up for her so-called "parental negligence".
Oh my gawd... The sap! The irony! The sadness of it all... too powerful for me to express in words :(

I know! I will draw a DR DOS-tan + QDOS-tan group picture! *adds to queue*

Good question... GEM-chan is your girl, so I leave you to decide her relationship (blood-related perhaps?). @.@
She could be DR DOS-tan's sister! And to DR DOS-tan's daughters, she is auntie GEM-chan! :D And because Atari TOS-tan is GEM-tan's twin sister, that'd make her auntie TOS-tan! But don't call her that though. That will make her feel old and she does not like that at all!

But I do know that DRDOS-chan has always been supportive of GEM-chan, and is most certainly primarily responsible for her current rehabilitation.  ^__^
Yup! Although GEM-tan has suffered a lot (physically and mentally), she is one of the much luckier Vintage-tans; having a very supportive sister, being open-sourced, being with her neices, being close friends with Amiga-tan and also becoming Lisa-tan's best friend!  

GEM-tan was confined to a wheelchair for being too weak to walk but little by little with the help of her friends, she was able to muster up the strength to be able to walk again and she is very grateful for all the help she has gotten and returns the favor by helping the other Vintage-tans, especially those that really really need it (i.e: Lisa-tan, QDOS-tan, Windows 1.0-tan, 2.0-tan, Altair-tan)

OMG!!!!!  @________@

How did you get acquainted with the fruit?  ^^

On the "Top 10 mist disgusting candies ever" list on Listverse (one of my favorite websites!):
Durian candy is #2 on the list.

Course, then there'd have to be a way for Pilot-chan to know someone who knows someone who can ask MenutOS-san for some favors.  ^_______^


Actually,.... didn't we say Altair-san COULD join the Binteji Renmei soon?  ^__^
Why, yes! Since Altair-tan's hobbies are making calculators (and other small electronic gadgets) and model rockets, it is very likely that she has consulted MenuetOS-tan at some point. And since MenuetOS-tan is still only a beta OS and she still has a lot to learn, helping out Altair-tan would be valuable training for her and the two could become friends! (which both girls really do need)

Incidentally, that is kind of the same reason why MenuetOS-tan and OSR 2.1-tan know each other!

Amazing what that spunky little sharpshooter has started.  ^___^

Actually, Linus' second computer was a Sinclair QL, the younger sister(?) to ZX Spectrum-tan.  Never really thought of making a QL-tan, although the OS name for the machine is rather,... interesting,... in a conflicting kinda way.  ^^;


Hmm.... *takes notes*

- QL= Quantum Leap
- Released in 1984 by Sinclair Research
- ZX Spectrum's successor, aimed at the hobbyist and small business markets but failed
- Hardware looks very similar to the ZX Spectrum
- Capable of multitasking
- Rushed into production and development, was buggy. Also originally unable to accommodate all of its firmware (part of it shipped as an external cartridge)
- Percieved as a toy (due to its resemblance to the ZX Spectrum), did poorly in the business markets
- Sinclair's computer products were acquired by Amstrad in 1986, QL discontinued
- Still, several companies continued development for the QL after its discontinuement

I don't have a lot of ideas for QL-tan yet, but I know for sure she strongly resembles ZX Spectrum-tan, is "Quantum Leap"-inspired, tries to be professional  but has childish habits that get in the way. She is also prone to rushing things and is extremely scatterbrained.

Nah,... a lot of my associates thought of DOS as that text menu that appears right before Windows Safe Mode, or that little shell window that you get when you type "cmd" in XP's Run Prompt.  
What exactly is that Run Prompt in XP? I mean, there's no way it could be DOS since XP is based off of NT! ;013

Interestingly-enough, I've used my drawings (and yours/Bella's) to teach a very,..... "memorable" history about computers OSes, to help rectify that sacrilege.  ^___^'
Awesome! Now your associates know about the OS-tans and all of the backstories that have been made! :D

Funny,... you're right.  I think I can count in one hoof the number of pantyhose-laden characters that are out there.  @@

2K-tan (occasionally)
Musix-tan (but they're purple)
AtariTOS-tan (or are they long socks?)
AtariTOS-tan wears long socks. However, you forgot OS/2-tan!