OS-tan Collections

OS-tan discussions => OS-tan Talk => Topic started by: Wombatslove on January 26, 2008, 06:43:23 PM

Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: Wombatslove on January 26, 2008, 06:43:23 PM
I was wondering where are Moe anthropomorphisms of VMs?

VMs are among the oldest applications for computing. They are getting a large resurgence due to affordable multi-CPU systems and abundant memory.

The popular ones on the market are VMware, Microsoft's Virtual PC, Bochs, Parallels, AIX and FreeVPS etc.

I would think VM programs would be personified as a hostess of a hotel. They can again with various OS-tan families, but keep them each isolated from each other. This is because VMs normally cannot see each other or know that they are within a virtual space.

I suppose you could twist VM concept on being like the Matrix. The OSs are hook-up to main rig, each OS is given a portion of main rig's power and memory. The OS themselves are unaware that their own isolated world is really fake.  

Any other suggestions?
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: Bella on January 27, 2008, 11:35:43 AM
Hmmm...I'm quite a VMist, but I've never thought of doing a VM-tan.

I agree they'd be some kinda mediator between different OS-tans...but trust me, my Homeko (the hostess) known when I'm cavorting with another OS in the VM (due to the ram being used) :P

*thinks about a VirtualBox-tan...*
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: Kami-Tux on January 27, 2008, 01:03:28 PM
Oh believe me, there are applications which eat all the RAM on a virtual memory system without emulating an OS...
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: NejinOniwa on January 27, 2008, 03:41:54 PM
*nod nod*
SupCom:FA is a worse RAM-hog than any other existing thing on the planet. I think. And even if you have a quad-core CPU, it's gonna hog all of its power when it runs at maximum. By Hael, that game's got GREAT capacity for drawing resources...
...but it pays off. -w-
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: C-Chan on January 27, 2008, 04:56:38 PM
Waahoo!!!!!!!  Someone proposed a VM-tans!!!  ^___^

The C-chan demands a VirtualBox-tan!!
Or short of that....

A QEMU-tan....
A Xen-tan...
A DOSBox-tan....

Ooh, the possibilities are endless.  ^__^


Kinda leaning towards hotel and inn owners myself -- only because it would lend the OS-tan world an additional RPG-like quality.
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: Siya on January 27, 2008, 11:37:34 PM
*Wheels in*

Did I just hear a can of new ideas being opened?  *__*
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: Wombatslove on January 28, 2008, 11:17:05 AM
Well for the record, I am using VMware Server. (It is free!)

I was able to run four different VMs at the same time, thanks to my Q6600. :)

I was running 95, 98SE, ME and 2000 at the same time all under Vista 64 as the real OS.

Talk about a trip down memory lane.
Title: How about VM-tans?
Post by: tan-1 on September 30, 2010, 09:50:26 PM
i never had any luck with VM software