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favorite games

Started by Chocofreak13, February 14, 2009, 06:56:08 AM

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Okay, after some thinking I decided I left out a pretty crucial game the first time around, so here's a revised list:

Bard's Tale I & II, Street Fighter II, Galaga, Legend of Zelda, Super Street Fighter II, Sonic Spinball, Shining Force, WWF No Mercy, Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, Deception III: Dark Delusion, Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto IV, Legacy of Kain (series), Elder Scrolls (series), Super Smash Bros. (series), Metal Gear Solid (series), Tekken 3, and Ratchet & Clank (series).

The Choice of a New Generation.


BoF III, Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, Disgaea, Azumanga Daoih Advance, Digimon Worlds II & III


Kill or think? Games with both ideas are my favorites
Grand Theft Auto saga (since GTA2 to GTA4) I like to kill cops
command and conquer saga(from tiberium dawn to red alert 3, but generals is my favorite).

On macintosh, marathon, quake, and simcity 2000.
I miss and love you Mac Os 8/9 tan , KILL STEVE FOR ME PLEASE, HE DID IT!
Powerbook 3400(2006-2009) MacOS 9 always lives in our souls


QuoteGrand Theft Auto saga (since GTA2 to GTA4) I like to kill cops

Well you just got on my bad side <_< I cirtanly hope thats in a completly fictional way.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Well, in GTA i do like to go on a killing spree to get max cops and then jump from a really tall building with guns blasting, but that's more when i get bored and want to kill my character in a cool way...
The killing in GTA doesn't really float my boat and is definately not the main reason i play it...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


dont get me wrong, I love GTA. I cant say how much time ive spent playing GTA 4, but make no mistake, I never once went on a innocent/cop killing rampage. The only time cops died is when it was required for the mission. Hell, the game is alot easier to play when you play it like that, cus you dont have a constant wave of police after you causing you problems.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QuoteThe killing in GTA doesn't really float my boat and is definately not the main reason i play it...

For me it's not about killing cops either, although that seems to be the case for a lot of people I've discussed GTA with.

GTA III and IV are probably my faves in the series largely because of their setting, but it's also because they were each innovators at the time of their release.  While Vice City introduced a good deal of new features and was inspired by two of my all-time favorite movies (Scarface and Carlito's Way), just didn't quite capture the same gritty feeling I had playing GTA III for the first time.  I can't say anything about San Andreas because I haven't played it yet, but GTA IV was awesome.  While it didn't give me the same feeling as GTA III, GTA IV was a helluva story.  I mean, GTA IV had a really eclectic cast of characters each with fairly interesting origins (with the possible exception of Brucie, who is often more of a pest than anything else >__<).  Anyway, all that aside, I still do indulge in the occasional killing spree in GTA.  Often I'm just trying to see how much "I" the AI has, and how high of a wanted level I can attain and still be able to escape (or in the case of a six star wanted rating, how long I can survive).  My preferred method for sprees involve finding a nice perch and sniping until I get the law's attention.  Blowing shit up is also fun, but it causes things to escalate far too quickly.  Anyway, I never save after such escapades because they usually end with me being caught or dying, and I prefer to keep my weapons/money.

Quotedont get me wrong, I love GTA. I cant say how much time ive spent playing GTA 4, but make no mistake, I never once went on a innocent/cop killing rampage. The only time cops died is when it was required for the mission. Hell, the game is alot easier to play when you play it like that, cus you dont have a constant wave of police after you causing you problems.

Refer to above, I'd say most people are goofing off when doing such things (that is, not something they're likely to save).  Generally it's something I do when incredibly bored and/or encountered with an extremely frustrating mission (like the Bank Heist >__<).  During normal gameplay I try my best to avoid law enforcement (which is pretty difficult if you ever find yourself taking a friend out for a drink).

The Choice of a New Generation.


True, so true... Most of my killings in GTA are traffic accidents...

As for GTA IV, as far as i know it's not released for the PC, so it'll be a while before i'll play that... And GTA San Andreas is worth a try, it has a really huge world and also the missions don't bore that fast...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Heh, dispite how people play him niko is prolly my favorite GTA character because he seems to have a concious and moral. I play him like his character is depicted, someone that doesnt like all the killing, but has to do it to survive.

as for the AI.. the AI is usually retarded. If you steal a helicopter and get a wanted rating, you can just hover off shore and police cruisers will just keep driving into the water.  how intelligent is that?  Id love to see one of those games where they put more effort into the AI, actually made them act like real cops, rather then a bunch of random cop bots all converging on the same spot. Game difficulty would go through the roof if you had to fight police that acted as a unit, used cover, etc..

Added after 3 minutes:

bah, I disliked san andreas. I disliked the whole theam to it. The others all have a mob war feel to them. If you like mafia movies they are interesting.  San Andreas puts you in the shoes of some gang banger punk on the streets of an LA knock off. No interest in that. I hate rap movies or games that make acting like as shit head seem cool. At least mobsters are professional.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Well, i can agree with that, but GTA SA had a nice big world i love to roam in...

And difficulty will indeed be hard with a capital H if the AI was mor like that in F.E.A.R. ;010
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Game difficulty would go through the roof
Modern games = Difficult.

Not gonna happen.


QuoteTrue, so true... Most of my killings in GTA are traffic accidents...

Well, I wasn't actually referring to traffic accidents.  One of the cool things about GTA IV is that once you get some friends (in game, not online) you can actually hang out with them.  One of the more interesting (or annoying) things you can do is actually go get hammered with them.  Realistically, this produces a big problem for your motor skills (you actually stumble out of the bar and start speaking incoherently with your friend/date - it's funny as hell), and obviously this also causes a problem with your ability to drive.  If you drive drunk, cops will notice and will pursue you like they would for any other infraction (you get a one star wanted rating).  Luckily you can actually ride a cab in this game (if you have enough to afford it, which isn't much actually), but it takes awhile for you to muster the ability to hail a cab when you're drunk, of course, there's also the issue of a cab actually being around when you need it.

QuoteHeh, dispite how people play him niko is prolly my favorite GTA character because he seems to have a concious and moral. I play him like his character is depicted, someone that doesnt like all the killing, but has to do it to survive.

Indeed, I'll try not to spoil the details for Smokey's sake, but when it came to the main story that's generally how I made decisions.  For example, here's the decisions I remember making (and why):

    Ivan: Alive (Vlad pissed me off)
    Cherise: Alive (Even though she cheated, I didn't think Dwayne would really be happy if she was dead - I was right)
    Playboy X or Dwayne: Playboy X (he was an alright guy, but he didn't seem very loyal when he asked me to kill Dwayne)
    Clarence: Dead (I can't remember why I killed him even though I never liked Francis)
    Derrick or Francis: Francis (I liked the McReary's but I thought Francis was a hypocritical, sanctimonious bastard, making him the oddball out)
    Darko: Alive (Even though Niko really wanted it, I didn't think it would really make him feel any better)
    Revenge/Money: Revenge (I felt this decision was a good deal different than the Darko one, I really hated Dimitri for one thing, but also given that he is a total rat bastard, I had a feeling if I didn't kill him then, he'd end up killing me later)

    For me, random killing sprees were, for lack of a better term, "non-canon".  I wasn't really thinking about Niko or the story at that point, it was just a departure - like playing online.  Now that I think about it, there's a crime I do indulge in quite often without even a thought about it in GTA - theft.  I'm always stealing cars - if I like it, I take it.

    Quoteas for the AI.. the AI is usually retarded. If you steal a helicopter and get a wanted rating, you can just hover off shore and police cruisers will just keep driving into the water. how intelligent is that? Id love to see one of those games where they put more effort into the AI, actually made them act like real cops, rather then a bunch of random cop bots all converging on the same spot. Game difficulty would go through the roof if you had to fight police that acted as a unit, used cover, etc..

    True, but let's not forget that you don't have access to helis earlier in the game.  Say what you will about the AI, but they still make for a very devastating mob to overcome.

    The Choice of a New Generation.


    AI is hard anyways to handle in a great big environment and in large groups...
    I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
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    Thanks Fedora-sama
    Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


    you have access to helis as soon as you make the second island. just gotta steal them from the heli tours :P  As for the driving drunk.. i normaly took the helis for dates/hang outs, and you fly alot better then you drive, and the cops dont really chase you :p  cus "THAT HOW WE ROLL! CUS WE ARE FUCKING ALPHA!"

    Thats some red army shit right there.
    "YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

    Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


    Red army is cool....
    Sorry for being a commy bastard... ^_^
    I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
    [Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
    Thanks Fedora-sama
    Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^