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OS-tan Theory Revival

Started by Chocofreak13, January 01, 2012, 11:39:37 PM

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Aurora Borealis

That makes sense, since A/UX-tan was her mentor, and System 6-tan presumably picked up some mannerisms and word choices from her.

Glad you like the preview, and I'll be looking forward to seeing more info on TX-0 and those recently-discovered systems. Hopefully we can get an article written for TX-0-tan. I added her, and a few other mainframes to the list on the wiki.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on September 01, 2012, 12:50:49 AM
@Bella: Labels originated with System 4.2 on color Macs, IIRC.

Another Classic Mac feature not in OSX is the "Print Window" feature
Command Shift 4 Space?

Aurora Borealis

I've never heard of that shortcut until just now, but it's neat, and makes screenshots of the active window much easier!

However, Print Directory/Print Window is printing the window contents and not making a screenshot. On the other hand, I don't know if a screenshot feature ever was in the Classic Mac OS.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on September 01, 2012, 01:45:57 AM
I've never heard of that shortcut until just now, but it's neat, and makes screenshots of the active window much easier!

However, Print Directory/Print Window is printing the window contents and not making a screenshot. On the other hand, I don't know if a screenshot feature ever was in the Classic Mac OS.

I had known about Microsoft investing $150 million in Apple to bail them out
Classic Macs could take screenshots, yes.
This most likely replaced the print function, since with a screenshot you have more control on what you do with the picture and with print, well, it only prints.

As for the last quote from the previous page, Apple reportedly had $1.2 billion in cash in the bank.. It didn't really save them. Their second quarter from that year ALONE claims a revenue of $1.6 billion. Microsoft bailing them out is just a tech legend.

"CUPERTINO, Calif. April 16, 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. today announced financial results for the Company's fiscal 1997 second quarter ended March 28, 1997. Revenues for the quarter were $1.6 billion," - an Apple quarterly report.

My guess was they could see the lawsuit was never going to be "won" so they just decided to settle it and get what they could.


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on September 01, 2012, 01:31:29 AM
That makes sense, since A/UX-tan was her mentor, and System 6-tan presumably picked up some mannerisms and word choices from her.

Exactly what I was thinking. ; )

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on September 01, 2012, 01:31:29 AMGlad you like the preview, and I'll be looking forward to seeing more info on TX-0 and those recently-discovered systems. Hopefully we can get an article written for TX-0-tan. I added her, and a few other mainframes to the list on the wiki.

Well, I imagine that TX-0-tan was well-liked/regarded in her day (especially by the DEC clan), with the exception of a few (LINC-tan comes to mind - but then again, LINC-tan doesn't get along with many people!). My personal theory is that SAGE-tan was actually the one who managed to "erase" TX-0-tan from the history books, since she would have hated TX-0-tan and blamed her for their mother's death, and to SAGE, there would have been no better vengeance than making her become all but forgotten.

However, this theory requires subscribing to the view that SAGE-tan is actually very powerful and managed to consciously manipulate large portions of OS-tan society - which, as far as I know, isn't a widely-held interpretation of the OS-tan universe.


As for those newly-discovered MIT systems, I present the ARC-1 and Lincoln Labs L-1 computers.

From what I can tell, the ARC-1 and L-1 were both small computers, from around the same era as the TX-2 (so, late 50s/early 60s). The ARC-1 was, apparently, used in medical research, monitoring electrical activity in the brain or something like that. The L-1 was a 10-bit computer created by Wes Clark at Lincoln Laboratory - Clark was a creator of the LINC computer, which originated in the same institution as the L-1.  The L-1 is described as being very small (4 cubic feet), taking simple instructions and being used for analysis of radio-frequency engineering data. According to Computer Engineering: A DEC View of Hardware System Design, DEC engineers originally considered using the L-1 computer as the basis for a system called the "DC 12" - better known by its production name, the PDP-5. So the L-1 very nearly became the inspiration for the PDP-5 (and subsequently, PDP-8), but the LINC was chosen for that great honor instead. Also, this book says that "Some of the ideas studied in the LINC and L-1 were used in other DEC machines, including ... the PDP-4". So there may be a LINC - L-1 - PDP-4 connection there too.

As for the ARC-1 and L-1's possible relation to other MIT computers, I offer you this tantalizing snippet from The LINC was Early and Small, a paper that's (sadly) hidden behind a paywall:
QuoteThe LINC represents one of the earliest attempts to put the stored program computer into the form of a general instrument for laboratory use. In a deliberate departure from the technology of Timesharing then just beginning nearly two decades of development, the LINC was designed for use by individual experimenters and thus anticipated features of the modern personal computer and personal workstation. Built at M.I.T. in 1962, its immediate forebears were the TX-O, ARC-1, and L-1 computers, in turn direct descendents of the M.I.T. Whirlwind and MTC computers. Of course the LINC in its day was neither personal computer nor personal workstation but simply the LINC. The LINC was an outgrowth of interactions between two M.I.T. groups of scientists and engineers: the Communications Biophysics Laboratory interested in the quantification of neuro-electric activity, and the Lincoln Laboratory Digital Computer Group engaged in the development of advanced computers. Twelve LINCs were placed initially in biomedical research laboratories across the country under a unique NIH/NASA-sponsored evaluation program. Ultimately more than 1200 LINC or LINC variants were manufactured commercially for worldwide use. The basic system design went on to influence the design of the DEC PDP-4 and PDP-5 computers, which in turn helped to pave the way to the PDP-8.

This implies that the MTC and Whirlwind influenced the L-1, ARC-1 and TX-0, which influenced the LINC - which, as we know, served as a basis for the PDP-5 and PDP-8 computers.

Now we just have to see if we can convert this information into any sort of workable personification. An ARC-1-tan is going to be difficult to make, but we just might have enough for an L-1-tan.


:::revival initiated:::

Okay, guys. With the next installment of MR@S we'll see some stuff that definitely will freak some people's headcanons out major beatup style.

(i hope.)

But first off,
Aurora can you sticky this thread? Since we've got all pieces of theory so handily summed up in the first page, it's invaluable for those looking to read up on theory works (or updating their heads like I just did). If we happen to make a new one to take its place (as unlikely as it may seem atm) we'll do something about that, but until then I'd say this would be pretty important.

But anyway, I'll continue my post on this matter when the chapter is out.


Two theories:

-Awhile back I was telling Pent about some thoughts I had in regards to OS-tans and how they interact with their human handlers, hardware and software, particularly when it comes to granting 'magical' favors or protection to these companions.

This is pretty much limited to head-canon right now (though it'll probably show up in my stories at some point). Basically, how I view it is: in addition to their various self-defense spells, and whatever little spells they use in their day-to-day lives, they have a certain sorcery abilities that they use in whatever job they're assigned to - ie, magic that's related to business stuff, keeping track of information, collecting data from scientific experiments, etc. And that their human users and/or program-tans can ask them to invoke these particular practical-spells, which may not be possible with their more, I guess you'd say reflexive security spells and whatnot.

Taking Multics-tan as an example, she's an OS-tan who was built to have heavily-integrated security skills - so her self-defensive magic goes right down to the core of her very being. On the other hand, she's a general-purpose timesharing system-tan, which means that she can be taught a variety of practical-spells (sometimes she might be asked to help with business or government assignments, or academic or scientific stuff), and it's assumed that she'll be able to be able to serve thousands of users with her magic. Hence her very high power levels.

Unix-tan, on the other hand, wasn't born with the sort of self-defensive skills that Multics-tan was - she had to steal part of it from Multics, and learn the rest. In the beginning, she was much weaker as far as timesharing system-tans go - only able to provide magical services to tens of users, not hundreds or thousands like the more powerful timesharing system-tans - but at the same time, was very magically-flexible, meaning that she could learn many practical magical applications. Her daughters inherited this skill set, hence the large numbers of Unices who are built for very narrow uses - some control telephone systems, others are involved with networking, power spacecraft, etc, etc.

As a third example, many modern OS-tans (not naming names) have large practical-magical skill sets, but are notoriously poor at security magic, to the point where they need purpose-built antivirus-tans to assist them in staving off maleware-tans.

I could probably say more about this, but I'm going to stop rambling now and move on to the second thing I've been pondering lately......

-Making some Database Management System-tans. This was originally sparked by a conversation with a friend on dA about hypothetical DBMS-tans, as well as the fact that I've been meaning to make a Multics Relational Data Store-tan since forever. Anyway, this raises interesting questions about their role in the OS-tanverse - I'm guessing they'd be the custodians of all kinds of information, and may even draw some kind of psychic sustenance from the accumulation of data.

Aurora Borealis

Sounds great! I'd like to think about what kind of magic groups of characters, or individuals have specifically.

Another factor affecting an OS-tan's power levels, even their capacity, is if they can live up to their potential or if it's wasted. The most unfortunate case would be Kitchen Computer-tan, who never was able to show off what power she had.

Amiga, RISC OS and OS/2 are among those who were designed to be very powerful, but didn't get to live up to their full potential, or their capacity. It's known that Amiga-tan has very powerful magic abilities which she doesn't live up to in part because of self-esteem issues.

On the flip side, there is VIC-20-tan, who was born frail and with very limited magic ability, but was able to push herself well above her original capacity. Then there's QNX-tan, who was an average Unix-like, but became one of the most powerful OS-tans ever because of QNX's success in the embedded market and being used in nuclear power plants.

C128-tan would have been very powerful, and one of the most advanced 8-bit computer-tans. Since the C128 was mainly used for backwards compatibility and didn't have much native software for it, so she rarely got to use her abilities to their full capacity. On average she may be less powerful than C64-tan, whose original magic capacity was lower but had the opportunities to fulfill it and push it higher. (see the impressive hardware and software extensions for the C64, and the games and demos that maximized the C64's capabilities)

And how about the effects of third-party extensions that add extra functionality to an OS? System 6 may be one of the best examples of this, with third party extensions that add the functionality of System 7 (ability to use more than 8MB RAM, use a custom desktop wallpaper, use virtual memory). Windows 3.1 may also be a good example, with an extension for it that adds functionality from 95. Or to hardware, since extensions are what made the VIC-20 and ZX81 useable. Could this be represented with extra magical spells, or cybernetic enhancements?


That is an interesting idea, on the extensions

My idea is maybe it would fall under additional magic spells; allowing one to preform tasks they normally would be incapable of (As an example, a 3rd party mod that allows Windows 98, 98SE, and ME to run software that would otherwise only run on Windows XP or higher). Cybernetic enhancements could also work as an explanation, depending on the story.


Humans and Codespace

As you might have noticed, I've been throwing humans into codespace recently. There are various ways of doing this, but it all revolves around tagging along with a system for the ride. There is also, for the devious coder, the possibility of making a program or system to operate as a portal under the same principle.

Ultimately, codespace exists in four varieties. Linked space, or the Internet; Locked space, closed networks that are not connected to the rest of the world; Coded space, more or less temporary bubbles of codespace conjured by Sorcery; and Pseudospace, parts of human space that have been heavily injected with code and magic to the point where it acts more like codespace than human space.

While this may seem confusing, these categories do not have anything to do with Closed/Open status of codespace. Any of them can be either open or closed, depending on the creator's wish (though why one would have an Open/Locked space, I can't bother figuring out) and the methods used in its conception.

As the general rule goes, one cannot jump directly from one category of codespace to another. It is generally impossible to establish a connection between them, as they are not connected in any way except for their ties to human space. One must exit codespace and reenter from human space when switching categories, or "jumping networks".
Pseudospace is a bit of a special case since it's still technically a part of human space. Generally, pseudospace isn't identified as pseudospace until the code saturation gets high enough for it to start interfering too much for connections to be bridged. However, as most pseudospace locations are places of special significance to computers, there generally exists plenty of terminals and other natural connections; internet uplink is practically mandatory, and a locked space network isn't unusual either. As such, pseudospace normally allows normal operation on the connected networks, but wireless/3G broadband and other such things have a tendency to fail. It is also impossible to fully leave the pseudospace without actually exiting into human space and leaving its physical boundaries; i.e, one cannot enter from pseudospace into linked space and then exit at a different location. For example: you enter the internet from a pseudospace location in Paris. This allows you to access and trawl data as you please, but you cannot physically transfer your body to any other exit point than the same one in Paris you entered through.

Humans entering codespace tend to suffer a variety of symptoms. Most commonly they will suffer from shortness of breath and asphyxiation, due to much of the air having been replaced with lines of code instead. Masks are recommended. More sensitive individuals may experience panic, claustrophobia or paranoia. This has been attributed to their interpretation of the local code as speech or other sensations they are familiar with, since it tends to become badly distorted due to not being so at all.

There's a multitude of local symptoms that change between networks, but those two are the most common. As a general rule, the symptoms get stronger as the code saturation rises. This means that Closed space is harder to handle than Open space (because whatever encryption is in place will increase the saturation as it is yet another construct in the local code); while the rest commonly depends on local conditions. Linked space has several hotspots of extreme code saturation levels, while being almost empty elsewhere; locked space vary from network to network, as do pseudospace; coded space generally is very heavily saturated but can be altered by its creator.

If unaware of the existence and properties of code, humans in codespace will experience it somewhat like a form of radioactivity (though symptoms are seldom permanent). On the other hand, if they are made aware of it, they may develop a rudimentary grasp of its application. Of course, having no code pool to draw power off, they cannot reliably use Sorcery by themselves. They can however assist other Sorcerers, as well as tap power from willing allies and controlled enemies. They may also, if they are in codespace, attempt to use the local code as a power source. While generally slightly more difficult to control, this works pretty much in the same way.

TL;DR - Humans can go into codespace, but will have a hard time adapting (oxygen masks recommended). There are 4 kinds of codespace; Linked, Locked, Coded and Pseudospace. Humans can use code magic if provided with a code pool by allies, or tapping controlled enemies - alternately they may use the local code for the purpose. Twilight Sparkle is best pony. You cannot jump between different codespace categories of networks, as they are not connected; Pseudospace is special, but carries its own restriction of not being able to exit at any other node than the one inside the pseudospace you entered from.



@Nej: Sounds good. ^^

You mentioning humans using code magic .... I was considering the possibilities of humans being able to invoke certain kinds of magic, but the way I view it, it's more along the lines of asking an OS-/app-tan to perform a spell for them.

Actually, this idea could provide an interesting metaphor for interactive/real time vs. batch processing - with interactive OS-tans being able to fulfill spell requests in real time, while batch process-using -tans have to have spells written out before they can perform them. This also bring up the possible place of recording mediums in the OS-tan universe, such as punched cards, magnetic and paper tape, etc.... *imagination goes into overdrive*

@Aurora: Tbh, I would assume that 3rd party extensions are just new spells - the only time I'd consider cybernetic enhancement in OS-tan improvement is in the case of system overhauls, etc.


Well, that's usually the case since few humans have the patience to learn the various intricacies of code magic. Much less try and dig deeper into it, but, as they say, exceptions make the rule... You'd still have to find a more or less willing teacher, which might not be the easiest thing, but hey. If you're in the position where you're trying to steal magic from computers, you're probably either a huge DnD fan who went off the deep end and accidentally the jackpot, or already a prominent computer scientist/programmer/coder and all, which would give you a pretty decent grasp on how coding works in the first place.
It's rather like when Artemis Fowl steals magic from the fairies. It's a foreign substance in his body, since he's a human, so he has a hard time using some of it and coping. But it works. Similarly, humans attempting to procure a code pool of their own for spell usage would certainly find a few...interesting side effects waiting for them.

Storage mediums being used as spellbooks - now that's an idea. I'll dig into that later.
As for interactive/batch processing spells, isn't that just a copy/paste from how Spell Scrolls (batch) vs ordinary casting (interactive) works? Just about any RPG worth its name does this in its magic system somewhere.
I'm more of the mind that batch spells are more ritual-like in their execution, since they are a bunch of commands bundled together - they would require greater preparation and time to cast. Whereas your average interactive spell is cast just as you expect it to be.


Hm, that's an interesting way of looking at it and lines up pretty well with how I would envision it - only a relative handful of highly competent (or obsessed) programmers/hackers would be able to manipulate code.

I'm glad you like my storage mediums = spellbook idea, it literally just hit me as I was typing up that reply, haha.

Yeah, spell scrolls vs regular spellcasting is more or less what I was getting at, just put in more OS-tanny terms. And yes, that's exactly how I envision batch spells too... it's good to know we're on the same letter of the same page in this regard. :D


Whoa guys I had a crazy idea....

Assuming that OS-tans have certain practical spell skill-sets ("networking" spells, "programming" spells, data-collection spells, etc) that are put to use in business and work settings, how do we fit OS-tans that have been "retired" from work, but still exist in operational condition into this? I'm thinking that maybe vintage "hobbyist" OS-tans are kept around not just for study (for instance, allowing people to examine their magical powers and spellbooks, etc) and historical value, but also put into competitions and reenactments and stuff, to show off who has the best spells/fighting skills....

What I'm saying is, old OS-tans for the most part have very low work value, but are probably still very valuable for historical and recreational purposes.

BUT WAIT, I just had another crazy idea! What if the Benteji Renmei exists to keep older OS-tans from having to partake in these zany antics to keep themselves afloat? Surely, kind-hearted Amiga-tan thought it was undignified for her elders to have to live out their retirements entertaining and educating people with their ancient magic and tales from the old days. So, with the help of Unix-sama she created a place where they could live free from pressure to  prove their worth to those ungrateful human bastards.

This could also tie into how we view and personify OPERATIONAL vs. NON-OPERATIONAL systems.... for instance:
-There are many operational PDP-8s in existence, PDP-8 replicas have been built, and original PDP-8s are still used in certain pieces of industrial equipment today. So PDP-8-tan is portrayed as alive and volunteering as historic/hobbyist system AND still contributing to society as a worker (I imagine she probably has a job in a metal shop, or something of that sort). She is alive, a hobby system, and a working system.
-The PDP-1, on the other hand, hasn't been used for any practical applications in decades. There is still at least one working PDP-1 in existence however, at the Computer History Museum. So PDP-1-tan is portrayed as being a historic system who helps educate the public about old OS-tans. She doesn't hold down a job anymore, however. She is alive, and a hobby system.
-Multics is open-sourced, meaning it could be operational again if the right emulation software was created. Multics-tan is depicted as being alive, but more-or-less retired and not really contributing, either as a hobby-system or a worker. She's alive, but completely retired.

Aurora Borealis

Sounds good. Also remember that Amiga was just one of co-founders the Binteeji Renmei; the others were Apple II, Lisa, GS/OS and their first recruits were Windows 1.0 and 2.0, but I know what you mean. I think that goal of freeing less operational OS-tans from having to be studied would have come later; their first goal was finding displaced OS-tans and help them survive the OS Wars!

Of course, some of the Vintage-tans are sociable enough that they wouldn't mind doing re-enactments and entertaining people, such as Atari ST-tan, C64-tan and Spectrum-tan. But not requiring all vintage-tans to be entertainers to prove their worth is great for the more timid and reclusive such as Adam-tan, Lisa-tan and RT-11-tan.

I like that distinction between hobby and working, hobby only and completely retired. When updating the articles for each of the Vintage-tans or any other long-discontinued system that's still alive, something about their status should be added.

I'm stuck trying to figure this out, but one question at a time, what vintage and historical systems are alive, hobbyist -and- working?