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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Good. Honestly I understand why people preemptively break up to save their significant other from heartache, but I feel like that kind of decision is inherently illogical and comes from a place of emotion rather than rationality. As long as we're imperfect, mortal beings we'll do and say and go through things that will cause our significant others to suffer, whether it be something we do consciously (betrayal or neglect) or something which occurs to us that we have no control over (for instance illness or life circumstances that separate a couple). If everyone wanted to spare their significant others from pain, there wouldn't be a single relationship left on earth — as all relationships, no matter how long or happy or healthy or lucky, will eventually be ended by somebody's passing ...

I don't mean to sound grim or hopeless, just saying that pain will always be a part of relationships. Of course we shouldn't engage in behaviors that we consciously know will cause our mates suffering, but we can't be expected to completely avoid it because bad things still happen.


Indeed :\

So, I've turned in my 2 weeks notice at Pizza Hut today. Also, paid car insurance, set foot in the local Gamestop for the first time since I left the company (On a mission to obtain Disgaea D2, since I saw they had it cheaper than Amazon and found I still had some store credit >w>; ), and had a nice roast beef sandvich for lunch :3


This reminds me of when I had my first (and only) boyfriend. He broke up with me for possibly similar reasons (his father died a while prior), but I was an eleven-year-old brat at the time who couldn't understand such things and wasn't happy with just being friends. My poor reaction is part of the reason why I don't bother with relationships, even with my consistent feelings of "I want to be really close to this person" with anyone who shows kindness towards me.

My romantic attraction is only bound by the rules of "no incest" and "no one too much younger than me." Anyone else is fair game. I have never admitted any specific crushes to any of the people whom I have crushed on.

In other not as important news...

argh stupid Windows 2000 VM trashing my usb drive.

Good thing I had backups of what I had that was really important on that drive.

I'm nervous about running the registry edit to restore briefcases to Windows 8.1, as if I seriously fuck up the computer with the method, I'm not getting another one in the near future, so I tried to put one from my Windows 2000 VM on my USB drive, and it corrupted the drive (which had no issues running on Windows 2000 prior to this). Then it changed my briefcase into a normal folder when I tried to put it in the shared folder. Thankfully Windows NT 4 has proven itself capable of moving briefcases to Windows 8.1 with no issue, and this time was no exception. I thought that, since I already had a legitimate use for running Windows 2000, it'd also be useful for generating briefcases as a side thing.

In the meanwhile, hello unconventional and somewhat practical use of Windows NT 4. It will become practical and essential to get more empty briefcases if I need more if the IT department decides to upgrade the school computers from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 (which is probably going to happen, seeing as one of my teachers had an early upgrade for some reason near the end of last year), as using a Windows 7 at my school is/was the primary way for me to get briefcases.


Mmm; sort of like one of my sister's exes, who left her after he nearly got killed in a freak accident where he was electrocuted; saying something about not wanting her to be hurt over him he breaks up with her. Still baffles me to this day :\

I wish I could find someone, but I know that will never happen so long as I remain in this dump...but there's no way for me to get out in a reasonable amount of time; the best I can get with being able to get out by next summer is just slightly outside and not to exactly where I want to be ;_;

@Duko: I haven't used the briefcase in a long time ^^;


I find them exceptionally useful, as I find it important to have backups of my writing and related things, and the briefcase makes it easy to backup my writing. ^_^


I just got a massive box of stuff from her. My heart cannot take much more...

Here's what I got:

A MASSIVELY AWESOME Columbia winter coat that doubles as raincoat when you take out the inner bit

Lady Gaga "The Fame" CD

Nightmare Before Christmas Collector's Edition

NBC Wallet

A ton of her ID cards from when she was in HS

A pack of extremely spicy gum (I had mentioned in passing once that I wasn't allowed to have gum in the house due to draconian parental units)

A personalized love note.

She is too good for me..
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Nice :3

Bleh; I'm up too early, plus I barely slept last night, and I have to be at work in a few hours ;_;


@Cockle: Your girlfriend sounds awesome. :D

@Pent: Sounds like a normal morning to me. The school day starts ungodly early here (7:45 am) and the bus arrives a little over an hour earlier than that.

I got up a bit later than I wanted to as I'm not relying on my dad to get me up before the year starts, though yesterday and the day before I was on target.


Wow. TBH, I've never been much of a morning person; on certain occasions, getting up early isn't too bad, but I hate it when I have to do it regularly :\
(At least it's generally only once a week now)


I'm off to have all 4 wisdom teeth yanked at 8:45 AM. Yay~
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Pent: Meanwhile, I am kind of a morning person. Once I'm awake, I'm awake, but when I get up is when I get up. I also tend to stay up late because I'm in the middle of something and I don't wanna stop. With my phone, it got easier to stop.

@Cockle: Ouch. Hope it goes well.


I like staying up late and getting up whenever; versus having to go to bed stupidly early or barely sleeping before I have to get up


I can get by on 7 hours of sleep on weeknights and not sleep in class. I make up for it by staying up late and getting up whenever on weekends.

Odin Yggdrasil

Okay I must have nodded off around 9PM last night, far earlier than my usual 1AM.

Yet I still woke up at like 4AM and had to go back to sleep before waking up at 7:30AM to go to work.

And the world won't stop spinning wheeee...

Maybe I shouldn't drink so much tea on the job...

Though I did put in a 12 hour day followed by a 10 hour day. Might have something to do with it.


I'm doing better, by power of donut :3

Hope I can sleep in tomorrow,  though :/