OS-tan theories and disscusion

Started by Bella, September 05, 2007, 06:34:57 PM

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QuoteFufu... kinda reminds me a little of the story of OSC, no? ^^;

Hehee...yeah...but I guess both have a pretty good ending.

QuoteThat is so amazing. ^_____^

Another really great article I found (I think I may have posted it before, I forget)


It's about the 20-some year chain of events that lead to Linux, more specifically, Slackware. Not a very technical read, but very fascinating how so many influences and ideas gave rise to the OS (group) we know today,

QuoteSorry, impossible. She gets hurt everytime her hair is cut, and shaving it off completely is akin to a death sentence. The HUGE Rapunzelian hair references the high complexity of the old UNIVAC computers she ran on (you know, vacuum tubes, punch cards, all that cool 1950's stuff). ^^
Aside from keeping it long, the vintage-tans also have to help comb and groom her hair almost daily, which has become something of a daily chore. And the fact that she can contribute little more than just interesting stories and the 'voice of experience", the more hotblooded and impatient among the vintage-tans consider this to be a less-than-desirable chore.

So no $5000 trips to the salon for her, eh? Her hair makes an interesting reference to the EXEC's complexity. I almost want to do something a bit like that with ITS-tan (since ITS was highly dependent on it's hardware, too).
But, gosh, I don't envy her caretakers O____O

QuoteFufu... serves you right. ^___^
In my preconcepts, I always had Exec-tan in mind and even a hypothetical ancestral Colossus-sama, not to mention DOS/360 and other permament Mainframe-tans. Which is why I was always careful to call the Goddess the "Mother of all Modern OSes", since she only changed history but didn't quite start it. ^.^

I think Multics-sama would want to steak claim to the title "Mother of all Modern OSs"
And, yes, I am trying to get the Goddess to smite me.

QuoteA lot of the really really REALLY ancient OS-tans (EXEC included) I figured are quiet and good-natured. Conservative-minded and superstitious maybe, but not stuffy or bellicose like the ensuing generation.

Fits them well, I think. Early on things were pretty calm; when Multics and Unix and the new generation of OSs came about it seems things got a little more cutthroat; then came the great OS wars on a minicomputer level; then there was the PC wars.... ;026
Yeah, it's pretty much been bedlam up until recently, since everyone seems to have settled into their own market. But I somehow sense Linux could be cookin' trouble for some in the home computer market ;) I should note, the best kind of trouble.

Quote*has image of medieval-style apprenticeship and stares at UNIX-sama with pity* ^^;

Not to mention her early days working as a...WTF?! Helper in a patent office?!
*I read Unix was used in 71' at a patent office...I'm not sure to what extent, though*

QuoteYou can see now why I envision pre-UNIX war UNIX-sama as having a certain GodFather-like quality to her. ^______^;

Oh man. Now you're comparing Unix-sama to the Godfather (I suppose your talking about the movie)?

I knew it! She's a true, blue, New Jerseyite!!! (yeah, I'm playing off the terrible gangster stereotype of the state)

QuoteA light Red-Orange approximates natural red, no? '__'
I definitely would go for orange eyes at least. ^^

No, more like a dark, but realistic bright red...kinda hard to explain...

QuoteWell that's not quite what I meant. Power-wise, they all become "goddesses" when they become members of the Guild. However, unless (like z/OS) they're bred and raised for the position, no one is born with that power automatically (or at least this has never been broadly publicized).

Size-wise, Mainframe-tans can be any size they want, but due to the size of the Guild facility it's more convenient to stay as giants. In the rare event they need to venture out into the "Desktop" world (aka the "mortal" world), they can reduce themselves to a more portable size (or at least use an avatar).

Oh, I see...

QuoteFufufu... the same can be said about Greek/Norse/Egyptian/Chinese/Indian/Mayan/etc mythology, and precisely that's what I base the whole Mainframe-tan principle on. As in our RL past, the world was filled to the brim with Gods and Goddesses of every kind, from Goddesses of War and Harvest, to Gods of Insomnia and Ear Wax. True, the majority of OS-tans would have been Goddesses; but don't forget in our world the OS-tans are more the celebrities, leaders and figures of legend, whereas users, programs and hardware are more the general population.

Also like in RL, as the role of "Goddesses" became obsolete, their number has reduced to the point where there's literally only a skeleton crew managing the Guild and carrying on the tradition.

Yeah, that is a RL parallel...

QuoteFufufu... if you did that, I couldn't get away with just having a single Amiga-tan. ^^;

Between Kami-Tux and you, I agree that one Minix-tan would work. That'd certainly be neat how she's gained so much power, to the point where she'd be impervious to any illness. She's probably indestructible!

Save the Minix-san, save the world! (<Outdated Heroes reference, folks)

QuoteSorry,... AtariDOS-tan would've fit the role P-E-R-F-E-C-T-L-Y, but I've yet to draw her beyond the sketching phase. She will cameo in the Zerosanity Christmas special, though, so if you're willing to wait a little while longer. ^^

Otherwise, ORIC-chan isn't a bad choice either. If I recall, she doesn't have a color drawing does she? ^.^

Hmmm...maybe I will...There's a couple others in the pic, including...*OMG* Miggy-sama!

I can always work on Miggy while I wait to see her...

I see Oric-chan as a bit mischievous and tomboyish, with short black hair and orange-brown eyes. And wearing a backwards baseball cap ;)


I normally do nothing but lurk, but I now feel the need to give out some information...

First of all, FYI, OpenSTEP was just a renamed NeXTSTEP, and OpenStep (pay careful attention to the case!) was the API, which is currently being used in OS X (in modified form), and in something called GnuStep...

CTSS was Open Sourced back in 2004, but after some talk about getting it to work on an emulator, nobody seemed to really care...

EXEC lives! Big stuffy 'dinosaur' company Unisys still manufactures and sells machines for two ancient mainframe lines. One of them, the so called 'Clear Path Dorado Series' springs from the old UNIVAC line, being compatible with the Univac 1108, or so I hear. The OS, OS 2200, is just a modernized EXEC 8. Since the CPU's used in these machines are single-chip microprocessors, I would say that EXEC is not completely unfamiliar with modernity.

The other mainframe architecture, by the way, the 'Libra Series Servers' is derived from the Burroughs Large Systems architecture, running MCP, another ancient (1961) and innovate OS.

Radically different machines. They'd make an odd couple. Alas, it does seem that Unisys intends to eventually abandon the old hardware architectures...

As for GCOS (Still supported by Groupe Bull, though they've apparently decided to stop making the CPUs), one interesting tidbit that you did not mention is that it was probably one of Multics biggest enemies, since they both ran on the same hardware and were supported by the same company. Eventually GCOS won, which is why the last Multics system was shut down in 2000 while Bull is still selling GCOS mainframes.


Hey! ;hi I'm always glad to see some visitors to our conjectury part of the forum ;010

QuoteFirst of all, FYI, OpenSTEP was just a renamed NeXTSTEP, and OpenStep (pay careful attention to the case!) was the API, which is currently being used in OS X (in modified form), and in something called GnuStep...

Exactly what I suspected...

QuoteCTSS was Open Sourced back in 2004, but after some talk about getting it to work on an emulator, nobody seemed to really care...

Wow...this I didn't know.

If anything, this makes CTSS-san's story even sadder; She could have been brought back, but no one cared enough to do so :..|

QuoteEXEC lives! Big stuffy 'dinosaur' company Unisys still manufactures and sells machines for two ancient mainframe lines. One of them, the so called 'Clear Path Dorado Series' springs from the old UNIVAC line, being compatible with the Univac 1108, or so I hear. The OS, OS 2200, is just a modernized EXEC 8. Since the CPU's used in these machines are single-chip microprocessors, I would say that EXEC is not completely unfamiliar with modernity.

The other mainframe architecture, by the way, the 'Libra Series Servers' is derived from the Burroughs Large Systems architecture, running MCP, another ancient (1961) and innovate OS.

Radically different machines. They'd make an odd couple. Alas, it does seem that Unisys intends to eventually abandon the old hardware architectures...

I don't think anyone doubted she didn't live ;)

But some more interesting things I didn't know. I wonder what a MCP-tan would be like....

QuoteAs for GCOS (Still supported by Groupe Bull, though they've apparently decided to stop making the CPUs), one interesting tidbit that you did not mention is that it was probably one of Multics biggest enemies, since they both ran on the same hardware and were supported by the same company. Eventually GCOS won, which is why the last Multics system was shut down in 2000 while Bull is still selling GCOS mainframes.

Oohoohoo....GCOS's rivalry with Multics could be worked into an incredibly important part of young Unix-sama's backstory (as she was quite a rival with Multics-sama as well).

Perhaps GCOS-tan sparked, even fueled, some of the young Unix-sama's hatred of Multics-sama (cause nobody's born with that sort of bitterness). One could even theorize GCOS-tan was key in getting the two relatives into a battle; If that's so, I think she's just taken on a rather sinister air (I always imagined her as a bit cold and distant, especially to an enemy)

Despite all of GCOS-tan's help in her creation, I suppose after Unix-sama's success in the fight, the two would have had a falling out . What she did to Multics-sama was always a lingering regret of hers (maybe not if even on a conscious level)...

JohnQMetro, I have to say you really know your stuff about historic OSs. You've really given me some interesting ideas for OS-tan backstory...I hope we see more of you in the future!


Wow!  Bella-san's usual winnage, plus some very valuable knowledge that can be used to flesh out some of our older gals.  Somehow I can't suppress the urge to sing "Johnny B Goode" right about now.  ^____^

Unfortunately, currently busy-as-a-bee (yet again,... this is getting boring... T__T) so no time to pour out replies like I usually do.  But when I return fresh and eager, you can bet I'll have more than a few things to say about many things, especially now that I know that EXEC-tan's usefulness can be bumped a little further.  ^^

Oh, and thanks to anyone who's left some kind comments here and in the other art threads.  ^^

*slaps raincheck notice on thread and trots off*


QuoteWow! Bella-san's usual winnage, plus some very valuable knowledge that can be used to flesh out some of our older gals. Somehow I can't suppress the urge to sing "Johnny B Goode" right about now. ^____^

Johnny B Goode? Johnny B Goode? The epic rivalries, the inter-corporational intrigue and horrific blood feuds make me think more along the lines of O Fortuna

(for those who don't know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_fortuna )

Oh yeah. And VMS-sama's heritage (via RSX-11) comes from some OS from the 1959 that nobody's ever heard of: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sys.pdp10/msg/51870e4fc2d88da5?output=gplain


Now now, I'm talking about our new good friend Johnny Q.  ^^

In any event, I'm back, but only intermittently.  Not sure how much I can respond to tonight before I collapse over my EeePC, but I'll try my best.... -v-

*types away furiously*




QuoteAnother really great article I found (I think I may have posted it before, I forget)


It's about the 20-some year chain of events that lead to Linux, more specifically, Slackware. Not a very technical read, but very fascinating how so many influences and ideas gave rise to the OS (group) we know today,

I couldn't read all of it, but so far it looks very cool.  ^^
I'm gonna start seriously posting some of these links at the Wiki so that we don't forget them for reference purposes.  (and hey! what better way to honor an OS-tan than to download her, or her source code?  ^___^)

QuoteSo no $5000 trips to the salon for her, eh? Her hair makes an interesting reference to the EXEC's complexity. I almost want to do something a bit like that with ITS-tan (since ITS was highly dependent on it's hardware, too).
But, gosh, I don't envy her caretakers O____O

Forget the caretakers,... don't envy me, who has to eventually draw her someday.  ^____^;

Aside from the hair, I still don't have much of a grasp of how she would look like.  For some odd reason, I keep envisioning her as a grandmotherly Mahoro (which sounds redundant, doesn't it?  O___o).

QuoteI think Multics-sama would want to steak claim to the title "Mother of all Modern OSs"
And, yes, I am trying to get the Goddess to smite me.

Haha!  Unix-sama's gonna smite ya!  ^v^
See?  I seek salvation by simply calling Multics-sama the "Grandmother of all Modern OSes".

*sighs with overconfidence*

Learn from a pro, kid.  ^____^

QuoteFits them well, I think. Early on things were pretty calm; when Multics and Unix and the new generation of OSs came about it seems things got a little more cutthroat; then came the great OS wars on a minicomputer level; then there was the PC wars....
Yeah, it's pretty much been bedlam up until recently, since everyone seems to have settled into their own market. But I somehow sense Linux could be cookin' trouble for some in the home computer market I should note, the best kind of trouble.

I take it that cool rock song that's played at the end of "V for Vendetta" would probably fit the bill for that kind of.... "best kind of trouble".  ^.^

QuoteNot to mention her early days working as a...WTF?! Helper in a patent office?!
*I read Unix was used in 71' at a patent office...I'm not sure to what extent, though*

Oh dear gawds.  ^^'
On the other hand, even the greatest minds in recent history probably started their life's journey working in fast food restaurants, and/or sweeping floors.  ^.^'

QuoteOh man. Now you're comparing Unix-sama to the Godfather (I suppose your talking about the movie)?

I knew it! She's a true, blue, New Jerseyite!!! (yeah, I'm playing off the terrible gangster stereotype of the state)

I take it I'm not helping in diminishing the New Jersey references here, no?  ^______^;

QuoteNo, more like a dark, but realistic bright red...kinda hard to explain...

Well if it is realistic-looking, than clearly it's a Bella-san specialty.  ^.^
(although ironically, you want to make your own hair pink).  ^v^;

QuoteYeah, that is a RL parallel...

If I ever do flesh out these stories, you're gonna eventually find out that a lot of them are deeply rooted in current and historical events and/or lore.  Why else why I be so hesitent about publishing 2.0-chan's story during the 90's period, when it's clearly going to rattle more than a few cages (aside from being very sad and cruel, of course).

QuoteBetween Kami-Tux and you, I agree that one Minix-tan would work. That'd certainly be neat how she's gained so much power, to the point where she'd be impervious to any illness. She's probably indestructible!

Save the Minix-san, save the world! (<Outdated Heroes reference, folks)

*draws blank at TV reference*  '___'

The only character who I've made physically indestructible is RISC OS-tan, although now I wonder if I might've been premature in doing that.  ^^;

QuoteHmmm...maybe I will...There's a couple others in the pic, including...*OMG* Miggy-sama!

I can always work on Miggy while I wait to see her...

I see Oric-chan as a bit mischievous and tomboyish, with short black hair and orange-brown eyes. And wearing a backwards baseball cap

*eyes sparkle with glee*

I really really REALLY want to give you a hug now!  *v*

But yeah, almost forget that, in case you don't want to wait, the adorable QDOS-chan is a vintage-tan who's still abnormally-young-looking and playful to boot (although not so much with toys as much as broken junk).

In any event, just to recap on Johnny Q's contributions and impact to the OS-tan world thereof:

    - CTSS-tan LIVES!!!!  ....................But no one seems to have noticed.  ^^'
    However, I reckon much sap potential exists for her because of this.  Imagine a scenario where lowly DSL-kun finds her and discovers she's his ancestor?  That is, assuming she's actually "alive" in the conventional sense of the word.  ^___^;

    - EXEC-tan is still being actively maintained!  I worried that I was unfairly keeping her characer alive while killing off a hole bunch of others, but now it makes perfect sense.  ^^

    - GCOS-tan has much potential now as a "sinister" character as Bella-san described.  ^.^
    My question now is,... what's to become of GCOS-tan now in modern times?  Clearly she made enemies with the wrong family, and its doubtful if she's CIOST material.  ^___^
    Perhaps we can have her live the cloistered life of a long-term Guild member, wondering day in and day out why she ever fought tooth and nail to live like an omnipotent slave?  ^^;
    Or more simply,... we can just make her a "loner".   ^___^

QuoteOh yeah. And VMS-sama's heritage (via RSX-11) comes from some OS from the 1959 that nobody's ever heard of: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.sys.pdp10/msg/51870e4fc2d88da5?output=gplain

Either way you look at it, the past is really proving to be so much more interesting than Windows-Mac intrigues.  Had you not chosen to thik outside the box, you would have missed out on so many precious buckets of sap.  ^___^


QuoteI couldn't read all of it, but so far it looks very cool. ^^
I'm gonna start seriously posting some of these links at the Wiki so that we don't forget them for reference purposes. (and hey! what better way to honor an OS-tan than to download her, or her source code? ^___^)

Good idea....

QuoteForget the caretakers,... don't envy me, who has to eventually draw her someday. ^____^;

Aside from the hair, I still don't have much of a grasp of how she would look like. For some odd reason, I keep envisioning her as a grandmotherly Mahoro (which sounds redundant, doesn't it? O___o).

Yeah, I have trouble with the physical aspects of older OS-tans as well...

QuoteI take it that cool rock song that's played at the end of "V for Vendetta" would probably fit the bill for that kind of.... "best kind of trouble". ^.^

Tehee...yes, something along the lines of that ;)

QuoteI take it I'm not helping in diminishing the New Jersey references here, no? ^______^;

No, you ain't.

I just can't get over it, the whole "NJ style of programming" thing...XD

QuoteWell if it is realistic-looking, than clearly it's a Bella-san specialty. ^.^
(although ironically, you want to make your own hair pink). ^v^;

Yeah, imagine that...though I don't have the gall to dye my hair in RL ;)

I think my more "realistic" style of drawing is rooted more in my "western-style" artwork more than anything....

QuoteIf I ever do flesh out these stories, you're gonna eventually find out that a lot of them are deeply rooted in current and historical events and/or lore. Why else why I be so hesitent about publishing 2.0-chan's story during the 90's period, when it's clearly going to rattle more than a few cages (aside from being very sad and cruel, of course).

Oh, fine way to get a sap enthusiast as I to cease and desist! I wouldn't have even thought of 2.0-chan till you brought her up, but now you've got me curious. But I shan't ask!


Quote*draws blank at TV reference* '___'

The only character who I've made physically indestructible is RISC OS-tan, although now I wonder if I might've been premature in doing that. ^^;

Isn't RISC uncrackable or uncorruptable or something? I dunno if Minix-sensei would be quite as powerful, but she certainly wouldn't suffer from any diseases or whatever...

Quote*eyes sparkle with glee*

I really really REALLY want to give you a hug now! *v*

But yeah, almost forget that, in case you don't want to wait, the adorable QDOS-chan is a vintage-tan who's still abnormally-young-looking and playful to boot (although not so much with toys as much as broken junk).

No, I may just go with Oric-tan (or wait and see if AtariDOS would fit). I mean, I have little to no idea about the history of Oric and all, but isn't that what the Vintage-tans are all about: totally unknown and forgotten OS-tans?

Quote- CTSS-tan LIVES!!!! ....................But no one seems to have noticed. ^^'
However, I reckon much sap potential exists for her because of this. Imagine a scenario where lowly DSL-kun finds her and discovers she's his ancestor? That is, assuming she's actually "alive" in the conventional sense of the word. ^___^;

Like I said in my thread, she has the potential to be brought back to life but I don't think release of source code warrants this (even though this breaks the rule with Multics-sama, but let us hope the Multicians can deliver)

Quote- GCOS-tan has much potential now as a "sinister" character as Bella-san described. ^.^
My question now is,... what's to become of GCOS-tan now in modern times? Clearly she made enemies with the wrong family, and its doubtful if she's CIOST material. ^___^
Perhaps we can have her live the cloistered life of a long-term Guild member, wondering day in and day out why she ever fought tooth and nail to live like an omnipotent slave? ^^;
Or more simply,... we can just make her a "loner". ^___^

Good question....

Yes, usually I'd say she had a right to be a rival to Multics-sama (it's business!), but if she got Unix-chan involved... : |

As for current affiliations...it could be a bit funny if she was the "odd woman out" in the CIOST...The Guild is a good idea, too...

Aurora Borealis

Sorry I haven't posted here in some time. I just haven't been able to keep up with all of these newly-made-but-represent-OSes-considered-ancient-by-todays-standards OS-tans. I don't know much about them but they are interesting and beautifully-drawn!

I am also curious about this 2.0-chan sap story! Especially the cruel parts! I want to know! 0__0 (I thought that life would have improved for her in the 90's because MS was doing so well)


The impression I get is that the GCOS/Multics rivalry had nothing to do with Unix. Rather, what happened is that in 1970, the same year when the original Multics partnership collapsed, Honeywell picked up GE's computer department, and with it, the GE mainframe line, it's OS, GECOS-III (our GCOS), and what was left of the Multics project .

Multics was designed to run on GE mainframes, and after renaming GECOS-III, GCOS-3, the Honeywell execs apparently decided they liked it less than Multics. In the early 70's, the plan was to cut GCOS-3 down to an emulation later hosted on Multics, and make Multics the OS for their big mainframes.

As you can probably imagine, the people in the computer department inherited from GE were pretty upset. Their OS was to be killed off by an academic interloper! In the internal politics that followed, GCOS-3 was saved, but Multics remained as an internal competitor.

The final demise of Multics at Honywell/Bull is something that took many years. From what I have read, the main problem for Multics was the developers and technologists hired to work on Multics were outnumbered by the GCOS people. As a result, Multics was unable to make headway against GCOS in the political fight, and was finally canned when Honywell decided to trim it's product line.

Some clarifications: The Multics enemy I'm talking about is GECOS-III/GCOS-3/GCOS-8, which dates from 1968, and is still supported and sold by Bull.

GCOS-4, GCOS-6, and GCOS-7 were completely different operating systems produced by Honeywell/Bull. Apparently, they just really liked the name 'GCOS'.

GECOS-II was the predecessor of GECOS-III. There was no GECOS-I, or GCOS-5.


QuoteSorry I haven't posted here in some time. I just haven't been able to keep up with all of these newly-made-but-represent-OSes-considered-ancient-by-todays-standards OS-tans. I don't know much about them but they are interesting and beautifully-drawn!

Thanks! I bet it is hard to keep up with our giant, rambling posts and all ;)

QuoteI am also curious about this 2.0-chan sap story! Especially the cruel parts! I want to know! 0__0 (I thought that life would have improved for her in the 90's because MS was doing so well)

See what you've started, C-Chan? :P
2.0-chan was rather coldly thrown out of the family by the 90's, I believe:

(scroll down a ways)

I'm also going to randomly conjecture that the cruel part of her story has something to do with her being essentially the weakest, most singled-out member of the Windows family during the OS wars, and therefor having a proverbial target on her back for every M$ enemy in the land : |

QuoteThe impression I get is that the GCOS/Multics rivalry had nothing to do with Unix. Rather, what happened is that in 1970, the same year when the original Multics partnership collapsed, Honeywell picked up GE's computer department, and with it, the GE mainframe line, it's OS, GECOS-III (our GCOS), and what was left of the Multics project .

Again, I'm stunned by your knowledge of OS history!

I think the Unix/Multics battle doesn't really have a RL equivalent, as Unix slowly conquered the market. I guess how I tied GCOS into it, however, is simply though GCOS being used to develop Unix and it's programs before it was self-supporting...just a bit of creative license ;)

We take a lot of creative license 'round here.

QuoteMultics was designed to run on GE mainframes, and after renaming GECOS-III, GCOS-3, the Honeywell execs apparently decided they liked it less than Multics. In the early 70's, the plan was to cut GCOS-3 down to an emulation later hosted on Multics, and make Multics the OS for their big mainframes.

As you can probably imagine, the people in the computer department inherited from GE were pretty upset. Their OS was to be killed off by an academic interloper! In the internal politics that followed, GCOS-3 was saved, but Multics remained as an internal competitor.

Hmmm...so Multics nearly did away with GCOS...?

*I sees great OS-tan story potential*

QuoteThe final demise of Multics at Honywell/Bull is something that took many years. From what I have read, the main problem for Multics was the developers and technologists hired to work on Multics were outnumbered by the GCOS people. As a result, Multics was unable to make headway against GCOS in the political fight, and was finally canned when Honywell decided to trim it's product line.

Wow...every day I keep finding out more and more why the Multicians are so passionate about their OS ;)

QuoteSome clarifications: The Multics enemy I'm talking about is GECOS-III/GCOS-3/GCOS-8, which dates from 1968, and is still supported and sold by Bull.

GCOS-4, GCOS-6, and GCOS-7 were completely different operating systems produced by Honeywell/Bull. Apparently, they just really liked the name 'GCOS'.

GECOS-II was the predecessor of GECOS-III. There was no GECOS-I, or GCOS-5.

I read about that on Wikipedia. Damn those people in charge of OS naming at Honeywell/Bull XD

I'm going to guess GECOS II/III/8 will be the same -tan, at different ages (which is the usual protocol)

As for GECOS 4, 6, and 7...Hmmm...I dunno. I read GCOS 6 was a minicomputer OS, maybe it'll be a separate -tan...


*leans in*
Hmmm...is it possible that CIH is too an evil virus to be -tan'd? Just wondering, seeing how famous it is and still nothing done.


Bella-san, please don't kill me.  ^__________^;

*having run out of IOUs, C-chan files for Chapter 11 Response Bankruptcy*

Oh, and Nejin-san what in the world are you talking about?  @__@
CIH-tan just showed up in the latest Zerosanity Xmas special comic.  -v-;

Added after 13 hours 6 minutes:

QuoteOh, fine way to get a sap enthusiast as I to cease and desist! I wouldn't have even thought of 2.0-chan till you brought her up, but now you've got me curious. But I shan't ask!


Oh fine, way to get a guilt trip a gullible pig into divulging my sad, trauma-inducing story.  TvT
Nah, I might do it anyway,... just kinda not publish it openly, you know.

But first, I gotta finish all my outstanding projects,... and as you know, that means a helluva lot of stuff.  T___T;

QuoteIsn't RISC uncrackable or uncorruptable or something? I dunno if Minix-sensei would be quite as powerful, but she certainly wouldn't suffer from any diseases or whatever...

Aa sou.... so we'll just call her ultimately-immune then.  ^.^

QuoteNo, I may just go with Oric-tan (or wait and see if AtariDOS would fit). I mean, I have little to no idea about the history of Oric and all, but isn't that what the Vintage-tans are all about: totally unknown and forgotten OS-tans?

Yeah I saw you stuck with ORIC-tan, and probably a good call given my Block.  But you know I do at least have a rough sketch of AtariDOS-tan in my gallery.  If you have trouble envisioning her character, think of her physically akin to Al from the Last Exile series, but dressed as a late-19th century magician.  Unlike her close friends PETchan and ][-chan, she rarely acts like she's 30 years old, and aside from some very antiquated mannerisms could easily pass for a cute, innocent, playful little girl.

As for current affiliations...it could be a bit funny if she was the "odd woman out" in the CIOST...The Guild is a good idea, too...

In other words, she's fated to live out the rest of her years as "Old Hag" or "Tortured Soul".  I take it we'll have to flip a coin on this one.  ^^;

QuoteAgain, I'm stunned by your knowledge of OS history!

I think the Unix/Multics battle doesn't really have a RL equivalent, as Unix slowly conquered the market. I guess how I tied GCOS into it, however, is simply though GCOS being used to develop Unix and it's programs before it was self-supporting...just a bit of creative license

We take a lot of creative license 'round here.

Yeah, I was just about to concur that we only mirror real-life scenarios superficially.  Windows ME sucked and few people used it relative to XP, but one could easily make the case that the OS-tan artwork says otherwise (and in some instances has... "prodded" people to reinstalling it somewhere).  Plus a lot of the scenarios in the Mac Manga and Zerosanity simply make mincemeat of history in favor of bucketloads of humor.  ^^'

Creative license is used whenever maximum story impact can be achieved.  ^.^

QuoteHmmm...so Multics nearly did away with GCOS...?

*I sees great OS-tan story potential*

Well that would certainly give GCOS-san the motive to do what she did.  ^___^

I read about that on Wikipedia. Damn those people in charge of OS naming at Honeywell/Bull XD

I'm going to guess GECOS II/III/8 will be the same -tan, at different ages (which is the usual protocol)

As for GECOS 4, 6, and 7...Hmmm...I dunno. I read GCOS 6 was a minicomputer OS, maybe it'll be a separate -tan...

Well you know how I feel about creating too many OS-tans for systems that have hitherto remained unknown to the general readership.  But if I can't be helped... well,... I'm all for making GECOS-tan one OS-tan and GCOS-tan the other, and simply have the naming confusion be a reoccuring [potentially humorous] theme in their story.  Not unlike what we have planned for Mac OS9-tan and OS-9-tan.  ^.^;

QuoteI just haven't been able to keep up with all of these newly-made-but-represent-OSes-considered-ancient-by-todays-standards OS-tans. I don't know much about them but they are interesting and beautifully-drawn!

Point of fact, the Wiki's List of OS-tans is starting to look more and more like an Operating System history book.  ^^;

QuoteI am also curious about this 2.0-chan sap story! Especially the cruel parts! I want to know! 0__0 (I thought that life would have improved for her in the 90's because MS was doing so well)

QuoteSee what you've started, C-Chan? :P
2.0-chan was rather coldly thrown out of the family by the 90's, I believe:

(scroll down a ways)

I'm also going to randomly conjecture that the cruel part of her story has something to do with her being essentially the weakest, most singled-out member of the Windows family during the OS wars, and therefor having a proverbial target on her back for every M$ enemy in the land : |

Thank you, Bella-san, for referring to that thread.  ^^

*activates dark and brooding mode*

Regarding your conjecture, I'd have to say "yes" and "no".  Yes, that figures into the story, but no that only represents 1/5 of her hardship, as the majority of the OSes and programs she meets are too busy keeping themselves alive, or ignorant of all things Microsoft up until war broke, to consider punishing her for their plight.  There is one emotional scene slated where she offers herself to be beaten with impunity as long as they don't touch her mother.  Contrary to peacetime civility, the refugees take her up on her offer, but stop soon after realizing that thrashing a young, defenseless girl doesn't make them feel any better.

The remainder of the story's cruelty centers around three very harrowing experiences.  At first when she meets Xenix-sama for the last time only to taste the last vestiges of the UNIX wars, and second where she unintentionally finds herself at the dawn of the commercial OS war in a population center trapped in the crossfire.  More horrible than bodily harm to her are the things she actually sees and witnesses that would generally go unrecorded thereafter.

And yet the worst part is reserved for last, after she takes her mother to the relative "safety" of an isolated wasteland (this aspect of the story would borrow heavily from "Grave of the Fireflies").  With her emotions numb, food and clean water scarce, and the non-stop preoccupation with the "baggage" she has to drag around, 2.0-chan starts exhibiting uncharacteristic cruelty and even signs of dementia, culminating ultimately to what she considers the most unforgivable act of her life.

Presumably she's in a very sorry state when Amiga-tan finds her years later, after which a fledgling Binteji Renmei (basically just Amiga-tan and ][-chan) do their best to rehabilitate her and reunite mother and daughter.  With the group now 4-member strong, and the war reduced to sporadic proxy skirmishes among superpowers, the story improves from that point onward as they take in more refugees, and begin to rebuild lives and restore dignity as best they can.


QuoteOh, and Nejin-san what in the world are you talking about? @__@
CIH-tan just showed up in the latest Zerosanity Xmas special comic. -v-;
I did not see'd!