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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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I wish it where real, too...

Anyway, here's another dream I recorded in my logbook circa '07; when the youth group at church still had a PS2 with Rock Band setup. The dream started out normally...until, after we beat the Iron Maiden song, Run to the Hills, we unlocked a secret, true final song to the game; the full 8-minute version of Dream Theater's Pull Me Under. Regardless of the fact that church was starting and our real band was going up to preform before the sermon, the 4 of us decided it was now or never; we where going to do this song regardless of wither we get in trouble, because we may never get a second chance at it.

Thus, with my band and my trusted red guitar controller by my side, epic rocking ensued; as the 4 of us, with our plastic instruments, blew the real band off the stage. Once we finished the song, we went crowd surfing...which I woke up shortly after. That, my friends, is what you call a metal dream \m/


most of my stories come from dreams. i have pretty crazy dreams.


i think i've gotten inspiration from one of my dreams.....maybe....but i forget most of them.
thus, most inspiration comes from DAYdreams. :\ (plus, it's a great way to pass the time. :3)

@pentium: sounds pretty cool, but church never struck me as metal....
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Well, that was back in the early years of that youth group, when they still had a bit of a wild side. Unfortunately, things went downhill after the name change, as they went from being like a real-life version of the SOS Brigade to being a dull, generic church group.

As for dreams inspiring my stories, here's one I had that ended up serving as the base for a chapter in one of my stories; one that felt like it might have been two dreams, but they flowed together like one.

It started when we went to this grocery store that was also a thrift store, and I found the one thing I had been looking for to add to my Sonic the Hedgehog swag collection: a Tails plush. After my mom and sister went to load the stuff into the car, I looked around for a while, seeing many odd things (A tin of mints with Mega Man on it, among other things), and I eventually found a backdoor.

I went through, and found myself in front of an old house surrounded by lots of greenery. It looked abandoned on the outside, but when I went inside, it still looked like someone lived there, and gave me a feeling of deja vu as I wondered around. Eventually, I ran into a hooded figure asking me to help him look for his wife; who was apparently hiding somewhere in the house. We searched around, and eventually ran into her, discovering that she has passed away but was still hanging around as a ghost waiting for him; which, after he reasoned with her, and she agreed to finally move on and join him on the other side. Once we went back outside, as I walked back along the stone path towards the backdoor of the store, he proceeded to thank me before pulling back his hood and throwing an ancient bouquet of flowers into the wind. As the roses turned to dust, blinding me, he and the house disappeared; as I made my way back into the store and rejoined my group. I don't know whom either of them where, but it was interesting...


that sounds like a short story in itself. :3
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It does, which is why I consider it one of the cooler dreams I've had


i can't really remember any cool dreams....the only ones i remember are scary, weird, or sad :\
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I had a dream this morning involving hiking in the snow, curling, sneaking into a hotel's indoor pool to go swimming, meeting Bill Gates (for the second time - in-dream I was sure we'd met before), and my friend and I being bought cheap windbreakers and swimsuits by aforementioned Billy Boy. It was.... weird.


dammit, i had a dream the other day, and i wrote it down, and i lost it. ><;
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Billy Boy is a cool guy.

Ballmers is just balls-out braindead.


as i said before, most of my weird dreams become stories; Kaleidoscope was based on a dream i had a few months ago.


I had one that was a bit weird last night:

In it, I was helping my sister move once more (This isn't too out of the ordinary; she and her husband rarely stay in the same place for long), when a tire blew out on the van. I pulled over to change it, only to find the spare tire was busted too; as I began wondering what the hell was going on. I couldn't get my dad on the phone, so I figured that I was going to have to call a tow truck to get the van home...when who should pull up to assist me but somebody who looks suspiciously like Nejin; who had a tire with him the exact size and everything for the van, allowing me to get back on the road.

So yeah, our friendly neighborhood demon overlord came to my aid. I always knew he was a pretty cool guy; eh likes lab coats and doesn't afraid of anything


yeah. why do you think i serve under him? :3
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Well, good omens, I guess. Since you weren't fervently assaulted by the friendly neighbourhood demon overlord or anything. -w-;


Good to see I'm not the only one whose had dreams of OSCers. ^^;;;

Hm... I had a dream involving Nej once.... I was in Sweden (which, inexplicably, was the country my aunt, uncle and a couple of cousins had moved to), and when I grew tired of their shenanigans I crept out of the house to wander the coastal town I was in... of course, first on my order of business was hunting down Demon-kun and asking him to show me around. I found him. He was sleeping so I left him alone. =w=