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Weird dreams?

Started by Icelilly, July 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM

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@Duko: Niiice :3
(I've always had a soft spot for OS/2...even if it's highly unstable in my Virtualbox -w-; )


It has a lovely GUI. It looked badass with Aero.

OS/2 Warp 4 works wonderfully under VPC2007. The main issue is that it's a pain in the ass to install.


I have it setup on Virtualbox, but the video driver has a tendency to go ape whenever I try to do most anything :\

Back on subject, I had a dream last night where I was wondering around what seemed to be Tyler; as I was attempting to locate a burger place I like, only to find it was closed down and the building completely missing. I then found myself in a very strange Sears that only had clothes and felt like it was someone's house turned into a store; as I found a bikini set made out of whatever that super-soft, kinda fuzzy fabric that bathrobes are made out of is -w-;


Terrycloth or Chenille, most likely. could also be Ultra Cuddle, but idk what that's called in generic terms (just Joann's terms).

weirdly enough i remember that the dream of the other night had some brand-name items in it that looked totally different than their real-world counterparts. like, i remember there being bigelow tea (i think?), but the packaging looked like nothing i've ever seen from them.

i didn't get enough continuous sleep to dream last night. =___=;
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I was thinking terrycloth, but I wasn't sure if that was the right word -w-;

Had another last night. In it, mom was telling me about some random problem with her computer, all while I'm sitting awkwardly to try and hide the fact that I have breasts; as I actually had real ones instead of the fake pair I have :\


I had a dream that "That 70s Show" came back on the air with the original cast. It was set in the 80s or 90s and all the characters were older. Oddly it was still called "That 70s Show" even though it was off by a decade or two.

I also had a dream this morning that my Mac came, except it was only the internal parts in a cardboard box with no case in sight, and I had to figure out a way to put it together. I ended up stuffing it all in the body of a DEC Professional that I had lying around for some reason. I woke up feeling anxious over that. x__x


DecaMac. interesting.

also i'd totes watch that show. :0
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I keep having this dream where I am stuck in a sort of cloning cycle, not like I'm being cloned, no, more like I am the source material for the cloning, I am in intense pain the entire time but I don't really feel it, a bunch of pink haired girls who all look the same staring angrily at me. but none trying to get me out of the machine. I wake up before I can resolve it.
Simon was here :P


Quote from: Simonorged on January 28, 2015, 08:25:40 PM
I am in intense pain the entire time but I don't really feel it, a bunch of pink haired girls who all look the same staring angrily at me.

Did you watch ME!ME!ME! before bed, perchance?


No, but I did watch that a little while ago, no they didn't look like her, I have dreampt that on and off for three months now
Simon was here :P


Had one I can remember from last night, when I could finally fall asleep.

First one had me exploring a really strange building; felt half like a laboratory, and half like some sort of daycare center or Google HQ. There was some lady I didn't recognize, whom had an office there, that was accompanying me as we explored the place; going down a dark hallway and stumbling onto some very creepy mannequins .___.;

EDIT: Had two I can recall from last night. In the first one, I was at Walmart...and for whatever reason, a bunch of shelves were removed on the grocery side, to make room for having several employees breakdance. Apparently this was some sort of really bizarre promotional stunt? ^^;

The other one had me at some sort of club with Kari, with me wearing my favorite dress (The red and black one), with the addition of a single red bracelet on my left arm. I remember talking with someone there about it; as I remarked the reason for the bracelet was because of a character from Phantasy Star Online, which then lead into a conversation on the game.


that's not a dream, that's a future premonition. the "over 21" bracelets they give out at Rez are the exact shade of Red that Rico wears (they gave out purple ones ONCE).

not weird, but most of my dreams have featured Steve recently. :>
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Today i dreamed that it got so warm in the span of a day that my Dad opened a window. (MY DAD.) i looked outside and it was a carpet of lush, green grass everywhere, with a warm, gentle breeze as the sun set. it was so beautiful and i was so happy to see the snow gone i cried. then i spent the rest of the dream pinching myself because i KNEW it couldn't be real. then i woke up and i was like, "I Fucking Knew It!"
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why do you know your dream certainly?when i woke up,i just know "damn,i should have dreamed sth."
I cant define that im strong life ,but my lifeblood is certainly hard.