Bella's OS-tan Artwork Thread

Started by Bella, March 18, 2007, 02:04:00 PM

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Part of my "Let's Dredge Up the Past with Old Notepad Doodles Series" and the companion piece to whatever the hell this is. (NSFW if you work in a convent/monastery)

Yes, people, that is some Multics and SAGE hurt/comfort. (I'm a hurt/comfort fetishist, can you tell?) Drawn last winter, after reading one of Stewart-san's particularly tear-jerky fanfics.

And that's Happy!Whirlwind-hime on the left and Deathbed!Whirlwind-hime on the right. (RIP).


Wow, that page is an emotional roller coaster of a sketch page.  You did an especially good job with deathbed!Whirlwind-hime.


Good, I aim to push people onto emotional rollercoasters.;v;

I'm also way too fond of death scenes. D:

Dr. Kraus

Its ok Bella! Your art is still great!



Who doesn't enjoy a good death scene!  *peeks at notes for SAGE's*


Quote from: "stewartsage"Who doesn't enjoy a good death scene!  *peeks at notes for SAGE's*


I've a feeling that's going to be the most trauma-inducing Fictional Massachusettsan Death Scene since poor Danny Faraday bit the dust. ;.;

As promised, those old Honeywell 6000-kun concept doodles.... mixed in with a ton more SAGE-related stuff. Um.... I hope IBM 728 and FASTRAND-kun like vaguely like your mental images of them Colonel-san. D:

Honeywell 6000-kun. One of Multics-sama's assistants, he represents the 6000 series mainframes (including the 6180). Handsome, vain, temperamental and loveless, somehow he sorta reminds me of the eponymous character from Howl's Moving Castle... maybe less magically-inclined though (he leaves most of that up to his mistress).

Lookit that, SAGE and 728-kun. >:3
728-kun looks wicked Russian in my imagination. Weird, but is it weirder than CTSS and RSX-tan looking wicked Asian in my imagination...?

Lookit THAT, SAGE and FASTRAND-kun. >:D
Drawn after coming across some info on the FASTRAND memory units that sparked my imagination regarding the character; for instance, I didn't realise how physically large the storage system actually was nor how... theatrical... is was in action.  Anyway. This is what passes for tall and heavyset in Bellaland, where most of the men are of the skinny bishonen variety.

Speaking of 728 and FASTRAND-kun, out of personal curiosity what are their colour schemes supposed to be? I always envisioned grey hair/blue eyes for the former, no ideas for the latter though.

eCOS-tan, OpenVMS-sama's bodyguard and martial-arts asskicker. I forget about her a lot. A shame, since she's a lot of fun to draw. (Skintight leotard + bladed boots + short shorts = fun to draw).

EXEC-tan... um... have I ever drawn her before? I forget. ^^;;

Multics Regional Data Store... or something or other, MRDS-tan. The keeper of Multics-sama's texts, MRDS-tan has just a *hint* of a hot librarian thing going on.

Dr. Kraus

As always Bella, Great work here!


Quote from: "Bells"I've a feeling that's going to be the most trauma-inducing Fictional Massachusettsan Death Scene since poor Danny Faraday bit the dust. ;.;

As promised, those old Honeywell 6000-kun concept doodles.... mixed in with a ton more SAGE-related stuff. Um.... I hope IBM 728 and FASTRAND-kun like vaguely like your mental images of them Colonel-san. D:

I promise there will be no time travel, therefore Whirlwind-hime can't kill her.  Wait.

Sure :D  Though the Cheery Ivan ratio is a bit high; his usual expression is baleful acceptance.  FASTRAND-kun has appeared before, though not in uniform.  However, I remain pleased.

Quote from: "Still Bells"he leaves most of that up to his mistress

Lookit that, SAGE and 728-kun. >:3
728-kun looks wicked Russian in my imagination. Weird, but is it weirder than CTSS and RSX-tan looking wicked Asian in my imagination...?

Speaking of 728 and FASTRAND-kun, out of personal curiosity what are their colour schemes supposed to be? I always envisioned grey hair/blue eyes for the former, no ideas for the latter though.

I didn't realize how physically large the storage system actually was nor how... theatrical... is was in action.

eCOS-tan, OpenVMS-sama's bodyguard and martial-arts asskicker. I forget about her a lot. A shame, since she's a lot of fun to draw. (Skintight leotard + bladed boots + short shorts = fun to draw).

EXEC-tan... um... have I ever drawn her before? I forget. ^^;;

Multics Regional Data Store... or something or other, MRDS-tan. The keeper of Multics-sama's texts, MRDS-tan has just a *hint* of a hot librarian thing going on.

So to speak.  Hm, he does give off a Howl sort of vibe.

Gotta hit that ship with an Exocet.  No.

Sure.  Um, never really occurred to me before *shrug*

I know right!


Damnit, I missed her the first two times I went through this picture.  EXEC-sama needz moar love.  No idea.

Thanks for explaining what MRDS was, I spent too much time reading about mineral records and file formats :|  Just a little.
What, no SABRE/BUIC comments?


Lookit THAT, SAGE and FASTRAND-kun. >:D
I am assuming the age of the latter is roughly...28?


Danke Doc-san! :D

Quote from: "Stew"I promise there will be no time travel, therefore Whirlwind-hime can't kill her.  Wait.

Sure :D  Though the Cheery Ivan ratio is a bit high; his usual expression is baleful acceptance.  FASTRAND-kun has appeared before, though not in uniform.  However, I remain pleased.

So to speak.  Hm, he does give off a Howl sort of vibe.

Gotta hit that ship with an Exocet.  No.

Sure.  Um, never really occurred to me before *shrug*

I know right!


Damnit, I missed her the first two times I went through this picture.  EXEC-sama needz moar love.  No idea.

Thanks for explaining what MRDS was, I spent too much time reading about mineral records and file formats :|  Just a little.
What, no SABRE/BUIC comments?

Not unless SAGE makes Leopard-tan take her back to early 50s MIT and she runs afoul of Whirlwind, that is. D:

The Cheery Ivan, is that anything like the Crazy Ivan? (This reference will only make sense to people with knowledge of submarine maneuvers or viewers of Whale Wars). So he's the baleful type? More evidence of his Russian-ness! :V

Yeah, I drew FASTRAND-kun before... but that was when I still thought the unit was called "FASTRAN" and still hadn't found any information on the actual system because of it. >XD


Ah... come to think of it though, not a lot of my hardware-kuns have schemes picked out either...

Two and a half tons, needed specially reinforced floors, lighted interior and very loud during operation, certainly one of the more exotic-sounding storage units I've read about.

EXEC and eCOS are two of the forgotten OS-tans.

Yeah, but MRDS-tan is one of Multics' followers so she better look sharp!

Not much to say about SABRE and BUIC, unfortunately. D:

Quote from: "Nejin 'Mr. Punny-Pun-Pun' Oniwa"I am assuming the age of the latter is roughly...28?

You slay me. Sounds about right though, I guess?


The Cheery Ivan, is that anything like the Crazy Ivan?
Well, at least we can be pretty sure it's nothing like Big Ivan. _W_


Mac OSX Leopard-tan~

This is a work-in-progress btw.

Aurora Borealis

Cuuuuuuute~! I like your take on her outfit, and the pose and expression are so playful!



Snow Leopard, <3 <3 <3

Aurora's Leopard-tan design~

A bit of semi-realism with one of my OCs...
A REALLY confusing parody/homage/this-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time of Stewart-san's SAGE diaries......... only using THOR-chan. Link'd cause it can only really be properly viewed in full-size. ._____.