Why is the forum so quiet?

Started by zwakbs3, July 12, 2021, 06:54:16 AM

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Windows XP-tan Best Girl

Quote from: Boose56 on June 02, 2023, 02:17:40 AMI am not sure if big companies are to blame

Then People are boring nowadays
Windows XP-tan Pro is the best girl to date, followed by ME-tan I like her Green Hair. Anyone can be anything they want to be I want to be a Windows XP-tan Pro.


Quote from: Windows XP-tan Best Girl on June 02, 2023, 09:49:56 AMThen People are boring nowadays
People move on to other interests or become adults like myself


So I just got here and registered after I remembered OS-tans.
I guess I'm half surprised that it's dead though.  :'(

Windows XP-tan Best Girl

Quote from: neurofumo on June 03, 2023, 09:17:20 AMSo I just got here and registered after I remembered OS-tans.
I guess I'm half surprised that it's dead though.  :'(

We need a way for it to gain some more popluar again...
Windows XP-tan Pro is the best girl to date, followed by ME-tan I like her Green Hair. Anyone can be anything they want to be I want to be a Windows XP-tan Pro.


Quote from: Windows XP-tan Best Girl on June 06, 2023, 09:55:14 AMWe need a way for it to gain some more popluar again...

Well I can't help, unfortunately.
I'm gonna explore the forum now.

Windows XP-tan Best Girl

Quote from: neurofumo on June 08, 2023, 04:04:55 AMWell I can't help, unfortunately.
I'm gonna explore the forum now.

Alright then I guess I have to do it later... I guess Goujer help I have to get out there on alot of Websit
Windows XP-tan Pro is the best girl to date, followed by ME-tan I like her Green Hair. Anyone can be anything they want to be I want to be a Windows XP-tan Pro.


Quote from: Windows XP-tan Best Girl on May 17, 2023, 09:52:52 AMWell You most of you may be... Millennials but I'm not I'm Gen Z and some Gen Z are interested OS-Tans... but well I be damn I'm too late well this sucks it goes to show you that the world can be really borning in someways.

Nice to meet a fellow gen Zer exploring the internet!

But yeah, I understand LeaflameSD's point. In many ways, this forum feels like a relic of the past (which is why I'm here; surfing old sites is my thing). Most people who have participated here have likely grown up and moved on. I also feel like most younger people nowadays are exposed to centralized social media platforms (including Reddit and Discord's communities), so I feel like old-school forums are unfortunately fading away from the mainstream. Also, smartphones, apps, and big search engines prioritizing commercial sites may be playing a part.

I'd love to help with this small community too, but I wouldn't be sure what to talk about.

Goujer (she/her)

Quote from: Twintail on June 08, 2023, 03:31:56 PMNice to meet a fellow gen Zer exploring the internet!

But yeah, I understand LeaflameSD's point. In many ways, this forum feels like a relic of the past (which is why I'm here; surfing old sites is my thing). Most people who have participated here have likely grown up and moved on. I also feel like most younger people nowadays are exposed to centralized social media platforms (including Reddit and Discord's communities), so I feel like old-school forums are unfortunately fading away from the mainstream. Also, smartphones, apps, and big search engines prioritizing commercial sites may be playing a part.

I'd love to help with this small community too, but I wouldn't be sure what to talk about.

You can always go into the forum games and start playing them. They can be a lot of fun, just remember to check every so often.

You can also introduce yourselves in the introduction thread if you would like to get to know each other more.

Windows XP-tan Best Girl

Quote from: Twintail on June 08, 2023, 03:31:56 PMNice to meet a fellow gen Zer exploring the internet!

But yeah, I understand LeaflameSD's point. In many ways, this forum feels like a relic of the past (which is why I'm here; surfing old sites is my thing). Most people who have participated here have likely grown up and moved on. I also feel like most younger people nowadays are exposed to centralized social media platforms (including Reddit and Discord's communities), so I feel like old-school forums are unfortunately fading away from the mainstream. Also, smartphones, apps, and big search engines prioritizing commercial sites may be playing a part.

I'd love to help with this small community too, but I wouldn't be sure what to talk about.
Thanks for Replying My Fellow Gen Z, As another Gen Z Why do people do the same old boring things all the time why can't people ever have fun like why does it have to always be a hellstorm of political controversies or dumb stupid challenges or dancing I'm Autistic and I'm a Gen Z and I really don't see what all the fun and why Smart Phones or Big Corporate Social Media are even popular in the first place now adyas I just feel people are striped away of any unquietness, fun, and personality to ever be of any taste to me now adays people are just plain and boring and flat out sad.

Thanks for cheering me up let's hope the world and the internet can get better soon.

Quote from: Goujer on June 09, 2023, 09:24:40 AMYou can always go into the forum games and start playing them. They can be a lot of fun, just remember to check every so often.

You can also introduce yourselves in the introduction thread if you would like to get to know each other more.
Thanks, Goujer will you try to be more active on the site? I'm so sick and tried of boring stuff cause that is what I feel the internet has become now adays and as a Gen Z that stinks I can't do anything cool now adays oh millennials had it so much better then us Gen Z(s) that sucks and I'm personally jealous cause I cannot use the Internet when I was a child back in the 2000's unlike now adays which is really sad and boring which I can be on the internet for as long as I want so I wish that there could be a way to have fun in a era like this but I do hope that the world and internet could become peaceful, fun and full of life again but we'll have to see on that... 
Windows XP-tan Pro is the best girl to date, followed by ME-tan I like her Green Hair. Anyone can be anything they want to be I want to be a Windows XP-tan Pro.

Windows XP-tan Best Girl

You know what I Think... I may have some ideas on how OS-Tans some sort of Community again I want your ideas that could help Vtuber OS-Tans would really help alot... I just want at least  some sort of Community again is that really F***ing hard to ask for...?
Windows XP-tan Pro is the best girl to date, followed by ME-tan I like her Green Hair. Anyone can be anything they want to be I want to be a Windows XP-tan Pro.


I get what you mean but making Vtubers in the first place is really hard.
Not to mention getting the vtubers popular + the controversy surrounding it if you're not careful.
It's a really hard industry.  :(


Quote from: Windows XP-tan Best Girl on June 14, 2023, 12:17:55 PMYou know what I Think... I may have some ideas on how OS-Tans some sort of Community again I want your ideas that could help Vtuber OS-Tans would really help alot... I just want at least  some sort of Community again is that really F***ing hard to ask for...?

I meant to quote this but yeah. Hope you see what I mean.

The Computer Otakou

Here let me spices things up around here to make it less boring. I don't know how to upload an image here from my device, but FINE I guess I'll have to jump though hops

Goujer (she/her)

Quote from: The Computer Otakou on July 01, 2023, 08:06:36 PMHere let me spices things up around here to make it less boring. I don't know how to upload an image here from my device, but FINE I guess I'll have to jump though hops

We actually have a thread for this already.


welcome new folks! i love seeing people join us, this site means a lot to me. i'm pretty spacey (thanks, mental illness and hectic life!), so i tend to post here for a few weeks, then get totally distracted and forget this site exists, but i'll try to converse with y'all! (been on here since about 2008, at one point had the most posts out of any user, still friends--including a bestie--with a lot of OG folks from here! ^^)

i'm gonna go backwards and reply to some points posted about here since i was last on. pardon any spelling or grammar errors, i'm posting from my mum's laptop since mine's waiting on new cooling fans. (they're in Shenzhen right now!) i'm noticing it's bigger than mine (so everything's not in the place i'm used to) and i kinda need to HULK SMASH on the keys to make sure everything actually gets typed...

RE: VTubers - i saw a video on YT the other day about how a mid-tier model, properly rendered and rigged, costs roughly $1k USD. i have an idea for a VTuber channel, but that's DEFINITELY backburnered now (even if i did the textures myself)! not to mention, when you have something public and interpretive like the OS-tan, it gets to be tricky figuring out who to cast as them, like how people debate over which Batman was best. they're all the same character, but someone performing that role, when the character's been such a public one for SO long (and the creator is long gone, or in the case of OS-tans, hotly debated), leads to a lot of debate over who's "right" or "accurate". considering the near war that happened early in OS-tan history (iirc there's a wiki page about it, i might have wrote it back in the day), it's usually better to not ascribe super-permanent traits to a character without the greater consensus of the community (and remember, we're NOT the main community for OS-tan, Nijiura is). besides, like neurofumo said, it's kinda cutthroat and pretty saturated already. and who would we get to play them??

RE: Gen Z vs Millenial Lament - funny thing, i actually envy your generation a bit because of the increased access to the internet. that wasn't a guarantee when i was growing up (i was actually the only kid in the 5th grade to not have it at home), it was more expensive, slower, and harder to use. there's totally things i miss about that time period (GeoCities, AIM, chatrooms, dollmakers, flash, etc), but a lot of these things either still exist or can be accessed via the Wayback Machine (or similar entities). personally, i don't think it's a matter of good vs bad, it's just different. my parents raised a curious and creative kid (maybe accidentally), and i can tell you that Encarta, much as i loved it, would NOT cut it for me now. (in addition, access to information has made a shitload of things in life better, like resolving cold cases, medicine, science, etc.)

also, while i understand you're quite passionate about things, i respectfully request that you take a moment to breathe, and then go back over and edit your posts for spelling and grammar. your points will come across much easier if your writing's easier to read. ;^;

RE: boring vs fun - this post is confusing, are you saying that posting is inherently fun? that this is more fun than other activities? (which, i'll admit, this is more enjoyable than a tooth extraction, highway traffic, heated arguments, the stomach flu....) or maybe that there's a right and a wrong way to have fun?

cause i can assure you, there's plenty of ways to have fun. if you're of the mind that not posting is inherently boring, perhaps consider posting in other topics like has been previously mentioned by myself and others ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)

it's also rather rude to call people boring for having other things going on in their lives. i wish things were as "boring" as when i was most active on here. things were so much nicer and simpler then.

RE: Big Companies - this brings to mind the song "Video Killed The Radio Star", since that's akin to why this site's so quiet nowadays. people communicate in different ways, dude, and it evolves over time. with some exceptions (Reddit, mostly), forums/BBS aren't really how people with a shared interest interact anymore. weirdly enough, i'd say we're closer to how Chat Rooms used to be, since that's kind of what Discord servers and group messages are. so while big companies might own the specific platforms, they're not the driving force behind why forums themselves aren't the main means of communication anymore. instant gratification is. ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭

RE: Old Members - of those i'm still in touch with, we're okayish? some better than others, ofc. no one's in absolute peril afaik. one of us actually got married earlier this year! others of us are dealing with increasing health issues (both themselves and family), and someone had to delete all their accounts due to internet stalkers. we're living our lives, like everyone here. would love for more OGs to get back in touch, though, i miss everyone. ;v;

RE: Bots - unfortunately, where when i joined we had a pair who owned the site, around 4-6 admins, and a solid community of about 20, we're now down to 1 owner, 3 mods, and a community of less than 10. add to that the increased sophistication of BotWare in the past 10 years (and bots looking to infiltrate pretty much anything in an effort to steal passwords, whether or not it's even worth it), people having lives outside of this site, and community infighting/drama, and you can see why it's harder to wrangle things like registration and moderation. please try to understand.
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