
Started by NejinOniwa, September 02, 2014, 04:51:54 AM

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No, not GamersGate, the gaming platform. GamerGate, also known as the Gaming community v mainstream game journalists and media.
Recaps courtesy of /v/.

This is one of the bigger shitstorms I've seen erupt ever, and sadly I'm not very surprised by the background. I am, however, delighted to watch the fire burn them all to ashes.

What are your thoughts, people?


This whole thing is an embarrassment.

Zoe Quinn is, by every (non-SJ) account I've read a terrible person. She makes me embarrassed to be a(n honorary) Bostonian. She would make me embarrassed to be a woman in the computer industry if not for the fact that her behavior is atypical for women in software development, the majority of whom I know are hard-working, intelligent and wish to be judged on their skills, not what anatomy they happen to have in their pants.  Her record of nepotism, arrogance and emotional manipulation of men is astonishing, and you better damn well believe if the genders were reversed — if it'd been a male dev who manipulated women and slept his way through the game industry — every social justice warrior and a fair amount of the mainstream media would be calling for his head on a silver platter. Yet somehow this is all okay because she's a woman and if we criticize her we might bruise her delicate lady-ego? That, the attitude that women can do no wrong and must be protected at all costs, in and of itself is misogynistic.

Sexism exists in gaming, in the game industry, in the software development community and wider computer industry. As a woman tangentially involved in the latter two, I would really like seeing honest, non-hyperbolic discussions about the troubles that women face. For instance the fact that many big companies (tech companies included) avoid hiring or promoting younger women for fear that they'll become pregnant and have their career side-tracked. THAT is a big fucking problem and it makes me jitter with rage just thinking about it. THAT is a problem deserving of every bit of (feminist, humanist, equal-rights enthusiast) criticism we can collectively muster. When so-called feminists instead choose to complain about god-damned dongle jokes or other ridiculous "microagressions" it makes me want to break a keyboard over somebody's thick skull.

I don't fucking care if men, women or anyone else for that matter want to engaging in bawdy wordplay among themselves. I'm annoyed that "big boobs, little armor" is still a common design element for female characters in games, but I'm more offended by the lack of imagination and regurgitation of cliches than I am the sight of scantly-clad female bodies. I would like more awesome female characters in games, but it's insulting to ignore all the ones that exist already, or suggest it's a massive patriarchal conspiracy instead of it mostly being laziness and stupidity on the part of devs/companies (the "Men don't like playing female characters!" concept, thoroughly smashed by any popular game that's had a female lead, ever).

There are so many productive conversations we could be having and the fact that SJWs are clinging to minutiae while they simultaneously tarnish the image of women in the industry and set back any attempts at real and positive change is astonishing and frustrating.


Vad i jävla helvete är det som händer


Jag vet egentligen inte vad som händer här.....

could someone please explain?
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Basically the rabbit hole is infinitely deep
I recommend reading the links in the op, especially the FAQ


finally got through it (took a few hours). what the ever-loving fuck is even going on here....!?

@quinn: i'm tempted to say that, should i ever see her in person, i might light her hair on fire, but i'm not even sure she's worth any form of aggressive slandering/attack. the energy is better expended elsewhere.

@lack of coverage: i get the feeling this is a backroom problem....that the owners of the sites (all of them) know each other, know the gaming devs/bigwigs and are actively trying to keep ANYTHING that doesn't net them headlines or paint them in a good (or at least attention-grabbing) spotlight under wraps for fear of ruining a good thing they've got going. pretty sure this was actively said in one of the recaps/articles i browsed.

@TFYC: much as i hate the term, kudos to them for pushing on with their feminist charity, despite the rain of arrows upon them. i'm glad that they're slowly shaking off the assaults to show that they are, despite what the SJWs would have us believe, good people actively trying to help women and the industry. i hope that, when this all comes out, they get triple the support Quinn's stupid flash game does.
on the flipside, i hope the unnamed male co-creator of Quinn's game gets all the credit he deserves.

@industry: this was exhausting and frankly i think they're all fucktards for even propagating this madness *goes back to playing PS2 games*
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Dr. Kraus


........I'm just gonna leave this here.


*dunks head into toilet*
*attempts to drown self*
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...and people wonder why I give 0 fucks about gaming journalism :\

Even long before this happened, it got tiresome on how it felt like anything that isn't uber-mainstream like Call of Duty or Dragon Age was trashed by the critics regardless of actual quality, with only a few that break through the cracks (Minecraft and Persona 4 come to mind). I remember the controversy some 10 years ago, over Game Informer giving a bad review to Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Considered by fanboys to be the Final Fantasy VII of Mario RPGs), and their response to the criticism was "we felt none of our readers were interested in this game, so we gave it a bad review" (I still have the issue with the review and the response floating around somewhere).

As for how I feel about this, the reaction of the SJWs doesn't really surprise me when you spend enough time around the busier parts of GameFAQs or lurk the comments section on gaming news sites; seeing the sort of misogynistic homophobic douchebags that populate those areas :\


that's.....pretty douchy. like, i wouldn't expect any less from gaming journalists, but ignoring their readers' comments and writing "we felt it didn't appeal to our readers" sorta shows the bad side of the "wwhateva, wwhateva, i do what i want" mentality. i'm really surprised they didn't go under after stunts like that, since were i reading a magazine about games and read enough reviews like that, i'd stop buying it. >>;

as for the SJWs, they're pretty misogynistic homophobic douchebags themselves, sooo....
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 06, 2014, 10:01:44 AM
as for the SJWs, they're pretty misogynistic homophobic douchebags themselves, sooo....

Agreed. Many claim to want equality for women but they also seem to simultaneously assume that women are too fragile to handle criticism and should be totally immune from reproach. It's sexist in a Victorian Era "women are the weaker sex" sorta way.


the way i see it, feminists (no matter whether they're rads or not) should use Wonder Woman as a mascot
Diana can deal with your criticism
Diana gives no shits
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Quote from: Bella on September 06, 2014, 10:58:21 AM
Agreed. Many claim to want equality for women but they also seem to simultaneously assume that women are too fragile to handle criticism and should be totally immune from reproach. It's sexist in a Victorian Era "women are the weaker sex" sorta way.
I think the most obviously hilarious part about the whole thing is their kneejerk reaction to #Notyourshield, which is minorities/women posting in support of #Gamergate in order to break the moral high ground of the SJW's
It's like, they're viciously defending their position as the only ones who speak up for the "oppressed", because gods forbid the "oppressed" say anything themselves, they clearly know nothing of what they speak of


the whole "OBVIOUSLY I HAVE TO SPEAK UP FOR THAT BLACK GIRL, BLACK PEOPLE DON'T HAVE MOUTHS" may be a catalyst to help break down the myth of SJWs as "helpers" or "soldiers in service of the greater good" or some shit like that. the flimsy, transparent arguments they have in "support" of "women in the industry" are sort of dwarfed when the actual women in the industry speak up. it's like, we don't need your help, you've done enough.
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