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Started by Simonorged, January 23, 2013, 10:38:01 AM

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that really warms my heart pent, that you'd think that about people who take that route. calling them "selfish" or "cowardly" is only a way to make things worse in that case, since they're dealing with enough shit without people saying they're being selfish fucking idiots by even THINKING that. of COURSE they're thinking about what'll happen to others. but they need to think of themselves, too.

@bella: yeesh......that's even sadder. i hope his family is okay. i also can't help but wonder why he chose the park.

EDIT: dammit leaf, you fricken' sniped me.

it's just one of the many reasons people decide to end their existence. stress from life is a massive factor, as is mental issues, terminal illness and physical pain.

as for it happening, it's a travesty and i sincerely hope the people that pushed the victims into it live with that guilt the rest of their lives.
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On the cyberbulling issue, on Tumblr I read that a user was getting anon hate telling them to kill themselves. So the user left for like a week or so, and the anon was like "I'm sorry I can't live knowing that I bullied someone to death" and stuff like that.

So yeah, they'll be sure as fuck living with that guilt.


i never really saw the point of cyberbullying....but then, i never saw the point of bullying in general. if your life is that sad that you feel the need to interfere in others, that's just pathetic.

however, the guilt is nice. let them learn their lesson the hard way.
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Indeed. Bullying is pointless no matter what the reasoning may be, and it's sad how little is done to prevent it; rather than actually getting the bully to stop, instead they tell the victim to ignore it, which rarely works. Also made worse when the victim is punished for taking a stand for themselves, while the bully doesn't even get so much as a slap on the wrist.



Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 10, 2014, 11:45:54 AM
no note, no reason? i doubt you knew him. have they figured out the cause of death?

One of the LE guys was going through some of his personal belongings the other day, he left notes.  And a lot of personal belongings.  I don't think I can really elaborate a whole lot on it since it is an open investigation and fucking ghoulish.  Suffice to say the gentleman was very much dead by his own hand.  And no, he was from another state, I didn't know him.  He came to the park to kill himself.  The parkway has the highest amount of suicides annually of any national park.

Let me be clearer then in my first post; let's not talk about this.


I want to know how he died. But I'm creepy and I don't want you to answer because I don't want to stress you out.

Sorry you had to find/deal with that today, man. :[
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>Browsing le tumblr
>On feminist-oriented blog
>Woman posts selfie in a (rather cute, but that's beside the point) "I <3 vaginas" teeshirt
>Read comments

Excuse-fucking-me but how the bloody hell is a statement of LIKING a certain body part transmisogynistic?

Was she wearing a "I HATE PENISES" shirt? No????

Maybe she likes vaginas AND penises???? ?

Maybe she's raising awareness for gynecological cancer or other female reproductive issues or something along those lines????? ????

Did it not cross anyone's mind that assuming all transwomen have penises is — well — transmisogynistic???? Did nobody consider the transwomen who have transitioned and have vaginas?

TL;DR: Internet assholes make sweeping and slanderous claims about a person based on a single photograph.
TL;DR II: Transmisogyny is terrible but so is calling somebody a transphobe just because they're wearing a shirt reading "I <3 vaginas"


That's why I hate SJWs. They tend to be hypocrites like that.

Also, considering the I<3 boobies craze of three+ years ago, I'm willing to bet that it's an awareness thing.

Quote from: Bella on May 13, 2014, 12:07:42 AM
Did it not cross anyone's mind that assuming all transwomen have penises is — well — transmisogynistic???? Did nobody consider the transwomen who have transitioned and have vaginas?

Tumblr thinks that they're myths from the looks of it.

People there rarely consider post-op transpeople in general. :/


I too like vagina, and am strongly opposed to penis, does that mean I hate guys?
No, I am one.
But that isn't the point, it's when you see people who have the need to read something and believe a lie that they told themselves because they likely failed their literacy classes. It's hilarious too how they would not even twist but add words because they don't like someone. It's not gender biased, it's a display of personal opinion that keep in mind harms only those who are dumb enough to take offence to it.
Simon was here :P


Indeed. There's a reason I stay far away from the social justice side of Tumblr; while some are reasonable, they seem like mere drops in a sea full of idiots who openly wish death upon anyone who is [cisgendered \ heterosexual \ white \ male], somehow failing to realize that they're no better than the people who are oppressing them, which in turn makes it harder for people to look at a certain cause and see it as worthwhile when you have the vocal minority making it look far worse.


 I actually had followed an SJW once. I didn't care, in spite of the fact that she was constantly saying her hatred of one of the only priviledges I have, white priviledge, and that I got hurt because I was really stupid at the time.

I took all of that, as we more or less ran in the same circles. I ultimately unfollowed because she declared all fandoms to be trash and discriminatory. >_>


I feel like the tumblr SJ community has good ideas but — IN GENERAL — can't figure out how to properly implement any sort of advocacy?

I mean, being angry toward your oppressors is normal. There's nothing wrong with using your blog as a space to vent about your troubles. Demanding recognition and acceptance of various minority groups is good. Speaking as somebody who is a sexual minority, Tumblr helped me sort out my feelings about my orientation and learn a lot about it, and that I wasn't alone, and these are all amazing things.

At the same time though, it's such an echo-chamber and a breeding ground for all kinds of extremism? Being angry toward systems of oppression is one thing, but going out of your way to harass people because they're [white/European/cis/men/whatever] is gross and petty. It feels like there's either a huge US VS. THEM mentality or all sorts of bizarre self-destructive infighting. One day it's the queer/LGBTQA+ community vs. those terrible cishets, the next it's bisexuals vs. gays, pansexuals vs. bisexuals, everyone vs. asexuals, etc., etc. And don't even get me started on the hate I've seen toward binary transpeople, especially transmen.

I don't like the way that bloggers get pounced on for the mildest of mistakes/insensitivities. I don't like the way that rational, intelligent debate is discouraged because THAT'S TONE POLICING!!!!!!!. I don't like the way that people who are a part of minority groups are bashed by other members of the same group for having dissenting opinions. They'll tell you that not all [asexuals / nonbinary people / women / Latinos / etc.] are the same but THE MOMENT anyone states an opinion that goes against whatever the popular teaching of the day is, you're suddenly a traitor, you have internalized [transphobia / misogyny / racism / etc.] for believing what you do. I could go on.

None of these things are healthy or productive. And they sure as hell don't legitimize the movements their "proponents" are claiming to want to advance.


Indeed. Also, on this bit:

Quote from: Bella on May 13, 2014, 08:47:02 PM
They'll tell you that not all [asexuals / nonbinary people / women / Latinos / etc.] are the same but THE MOMENT anyone states an opinion that goes against whatever the popular teaching of the day is, you're suddenly a traitor, you have internalized [transphobia / misogyny / racism / etc.] for believing what you do.

Reminds me of a trend I often see with them: one makes the statement "all men are scumbags", and counter-arguments of "not all men are the same" are completely ignored; like, everybody is different unless they're male, in which case they are all GOP-supporting rapists and anyone who says otherwise is playing devil's advocate.


one of the many things that puts me off tumblr and occasionally facebook: the rabid social justice brigade.

honestly, i avoid it on principle. if i happen to trip over something outrageous that i want to see the light of day (such as the Grell Cosplayer being beaten or the DAer having their art not only stolen but printed on a tshirt and sold by Hot Topic), i'll reblog them. but i don't follow any of their blogs, i don't go seeking their posts, and i don't pay attention to their rants.

honestly, if the world is going to change, it'll change just fine without me. and if it doesn't (which seems the more likely option), then none of this matters anyway.
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