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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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those sound fucking hilarious. xD

hilarious like this.

which i needed after i learned i likely won't be able to get mein kraft. >>;;
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I meant to watch that video when I got off last night, but was sidetracked -w-;;

So, I recently found that Yoshi vs. Windows had a sequel, in the form of Wario vs. Windows...that took forever to come out (The creator of it began working on it in 2002, and after years of development hell, they finally released a finished version last year). But, honestly it's a pretty good game; one I had to run in Windows 2000 to make sure it worked properly, though; as the original Yoshi vs. Windows have some odd quirks when running on Windows 7 :\


you'd think they'd have updated the version to run it over the years, but i guess not -w-;
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 02, 2015, 01:00:18 AM
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Good luck :3

You know, talking with a friend earlier, I found myself reflecting on fangames I've played over the years. Not ROM hacks, mind you, but completely original fan-made games. To be honest...most of them were shitty -w-;;

Some were definitely better than others, of course, and honestly it felt like the average Mario fangame I played was of higher quality than the average Sonic fangame I played (Although, it could entirely be that the Mario site I downloaded games from had better quality control than the Sonic site I downloaded games from). What seemed commonplace in a lot of Sonic games was getting stuck in the floors or ceiling; this seemed to happen in nearly every game I tried, and usually made it impossible to get past the very first level. These are often so unplayable that they make the infamous Sonic '06 look like Sonic the Hedgehog 2 by comparison.

Mario fangames were often more competent, except when they decide to throw in a vehicle-based stage; the example I tend to cite the most came from Mario Quest, where the rest of the game was quite good, but then you hit the vehicle stage, which was barely playable (You could make it to the end if you drove very slowly, as you have to navigate the world's biggest Ferrari through the most narrow track possible; going any faster than 5mph is guaranteed to send you into a wall)...and immediately after beating it, you're expected to do it again except you're racing against an opponent that moves at warp speed and turns on a dime. Thankfully, vehicle stages aren't that common; it's just that when they do crop up, it's usually a sign this is going to suck.

As far as competent Sonic games, easily the most noteworthy one is Sonic Robo Blast 2; a full 3D adventure built off of the Doom engine. Honestly, some quirks with the camera aside (Which comes from the fact they're using an engine designed for a first-person shooter to power a third-person platform game), this game's quite fun to play and is well worth checking out.

With the Mario games, one that will forever stick out in my mind is Yoshi vs. Windows: Platinum Edition; a simple 2D platform game, clearly inspired by Yoshi's Story, where you play as a Yoshi who goes on a quest to defeat Bill Gates for some reason. It has some issues, most notably with the moving platforms being broken, but otherwise it's a charming game that I had a lot of fun with. There are plenty of other good ones out there, but it's been a while. Maybe sometime, I'll download some random ones and share my thoughts on them -w-

>be 9/10
>get brand new Dell netbook
>download SRB2
>go to CTF games just to troll people and be an annoying twat

memories :^)


*brofists the swag king*
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@Leaf: I LOL'd

@Kari: I know a fan released a patch to fix the Windows 7 compatibility issue for the very first version of Yoshi vs. Windows, but sadly they didn't do the same for Platinum Edition (Which IMO is the superior version; featuring several new stages as well as enhanced graphics)


compatibility mode won't work?
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I've tried that, with no effect; the only way to get the game to actually run, short of figuring out how to patch it like that one guy did, is via emulating an older version of Windows :\



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figured you'd like that. -w-
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MapleStory. 138-hit combo. New personal record. Excuse me; nap time


niiiiiiice. -w-

contemplating installing a lot of old games from the old computer downstairs. oregon trail III? backyard baseball? roller coaster tycoon (if i still have it)? you bet your ass. -w-
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Go for it :3

So, finished that quest in MapleStory; all that's left is the bonus Party Quest Dungeon available at the conclusion of the story mode, which boils down to trying to round up some people around my level to join me in doing it -w-;;