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Started by NejinOniwa, September 27, 2011, 04:02:22 PM

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La Tale is taking up sooooo much of my time recently :0

but Chaldene is now level 45 and her pet (Steward Stewart) is his adult form at level 10. i'm also close to moving on to the 4th city in the game, so all that training really paid off. :0

i hope i have some money left after this weekend, i'd like to purchase some more Astros ;^;
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Lately, my time has been eaten up by Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden. It's a sequel to Space Jam, a parody of classic Super NES RPGs, and best of all, it's free -w-

I'm enjoying it so far


come to think of it, i need to track down that chrono trigger sequel. :0
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Whole lotta Megaman Battle Network 5.




I plan to check out SteamOS when it comes out, although the #1 deciding factor on me switching in full to it is on how many developers jump on-board for it, plus how well it'll handle non-gaming tasks. If I have to dual-boot with Linux Mint for word processing, or with some non-8 version of Windows for MapleStory, than it's less likely I'll consider switching


Indifference to it as a total replacement for a regular computer operating system.  I've already got one, I need something affordable to game on with good hardware specs so I'm more eager to hear more about the Steam Machine.  Don't want anything to do with that controller bullshit though so it'd probably end up hooked up to a computer monitor on my desk.


i don't game enough for this to be useful. like pent said, i think popularity will depend on how many games are released for it. after all, the virtual boy was pegged to be the hot ticket item back in the day, and yet only a handful of games were released for it. (that's because it was a terrible concept, but still.) if the basis isn't there, then SteamOS will likely end up the same as VB: a novelty.
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The difference here is that SteamOS is Linux, there are already plenty of Steam games that run on Linux, and as so there's gonna be a good load of titles already viable before it even was announced. Besides, Linux porting isn't exactly hard. Even with just one year to prepare things, it's gonna be quite loaded when it ships. That's my guess, anyway.


a very good point, but all the same, there are so many specific linuxes out there that end up becoming novelties. a bigger team and big names hopping on board will DEFINITELY help this, but OpenArtist had a lot of features and a good network going for it, and it seems to be pretty niche.

getting back into la tale, though i'm at a bit of an impass considering i'd like to purchase more for my game, but am a bit stuck for funds until after the wedding. :\
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I agree that the niche-y-ness of many Linux distros is a major drawback (since why the hell would anyone use ObsucreAsHellOS when there's Ubuntu, Slackware, SuSE and all sorts of other well-established distros that are better-documented and thoroughly-tested available for the taking), but considering that SteamOS is being developed and funded by a big corporation I can't imagine it'll become Yet Another Novelty Distro.


Indeed. Although, Mint is very nice; IMO better than vanilla Ubuntu

As far as games, I've started to play around in Link's Awakening just to see how much I can do things out of order. So far, I have the Fire Rod and the level 2 Power Bracelet, as well as having explored many areas on the map and I've only finished the first dungeon -w-;


Mint is the Linux equivalent to a modded Skyrim vs an unmodded one.

Sort of.

Speaking of Skyrim (and also not to derail this thread further into OS territory) I just hit 100 Sneak on my ballsdeep assassin character. Aaaand I also just nagged Mehrunes' Razor (best dagger EU) and I'm in the middle of That One Dark Brotherhood Questline.

Fuck yeah, timing.

I might also mention that I haven't even bothered doing the Main questline on this playthrough, either; I literally only have the FUS part of Fusrodah, and some other stuff I've found while roaming the wilds. I'm not much of a dragonborn...yet.

Though the dragons are starting to get REALLY fucking terrifying. >_> Dat leveling...


i would imagine considering they seem to come at random. "oh, i think i'll just got for a nice walk in the mountains todayOHSHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DRAGON DOING THERE"

ughhh,to do art or to play la tale?
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But dayum, get a load of them
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